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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. On a slightly related note, I personally thought that the mod maker Totalbiscuit interviewed whom made SMIM was a little too invested in Bethesda, and gave them the benefit of the doubt rather than exercising due criticism. The fact that he was okay with giving Bethesda a 45% cut for himself improving their game is a personal thing, and one I can't comment on, though I would certainly not give anyone that much of my wage for no return or participation. However his faith in Bethesda to not make unfinished games seems a little naive, after all the PC port of almost every recent Elder Scrolls game has been laughable, and modders doing their work for them is something they seem very comfortable doing so far. Add in a financial reward for Bethesda doing so again and it is natural (and wise) that anyone will be sceptical. Besides the best Bethesda content was that made by Obsidian in my opinion, large, good value for money and of superior quality.
  2. I'm curious about this "Woman in a refrigerator" trope, and I couldn't think of a better place to ask a few questions: Why is it just not called revenge as it used to be? Is affection for a loved one now a negative thing? Is apathy desirable? Is it only women whom can be in this metaphorical refrigerator, if it is a man, a ghost or anything else is that alright? Does this strike anyone as a slightly desperate try to justify a trope? Why is this demeaning, are the victims supposed to be invulnerable and uncared for for some reason?
  3. Well at least Ciri doesn't roll, the blinking reminds me of Kain's evasive move in LoK: Defiance. Personally I was never particularly fond of Ciri though, too much of a Mary Sue for my liking.
  4. Personally this whole situation has persuaded me to donate more to mods, but then again I usually only download large mods for old games, and frankly they are often worth the price of the game on GOG in my opinion.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aavBAplp5A
  6. Yes that's one of my problems with the game, I also saw no shield use which would seem to be obligatory for a game modelling a fairly realistic combat system. And like Hurlshot points out I can't help but feel that combat with the mouse may feel a little floaty and imprecise, like the controls of QWOP to a lesser extent. I also saw no missile weapons, which should be viable. All of that being said however, it does look quite ambitious and innovative. Edit: Though maybe the physics are modelled a touch too delicate.
  7. The "interview" with Ms Sommers is a little farcical, the host barely lets the woman speak, or grills her in any way as the piece is far too short and biased. Though I do agree with the general sentiment of the piece, that the real world of business and life is going to be a cruel awakening for these people whom are used to their hugboxes and everybody taking account of their feelings. They will be eaten up and spat out by those whom are used to competition, merit and struggle and not particularly interested in others feelings.
  8. Speaking of combat that doesn't suck, i'm still in two minds over the Sui Generis game "Exanima." It's just released on Steam early access and is also downloadable from Baremettle's website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuwSKCahTWU
  9. One thing i've always wondered about trans people whom are identifying themselves as women is how they handle the fact that they have no female reproductive organs? Through bitter personal experience I know how a woman can feel that she is "not a real woman" when her fertility is brought into doubt, though modern medicine has made leaps and bounds to cure this in recent years, so I wonder how a person whom has no chance at all of conceiving or delivering a child deals with that? I suppose eventually artifical wombs and surgery will advance to the point where a man can become a woman and vice versa, and then there will be no transgender people, as in the latin meaning of travelling to another gender, as they will be just gender reassigned individuals.
  10. Arcanum remake in the ToEE engine, now that's a mod i'd pay for gladly.
  11. Thi is why you keep a goodly supply of Wive's Tears upon you at all times, the recipe can be obtained from a Woodcutter in the Swamp in Chapter 2 if I remember correctly. I just wobbled my way to Kalktein's residence and rested there however, much closer. Yeah, I read about Wive's Tears online, but I never figured out where to get them. Two ways that I know of: The first is to talk to all the lumberjacks in the swamp, one of them will give you Wive's Tears and some other quite good equipment for around three hundred Orens I think, as he wants to go home early but not miss out on his pay. The second is to talk repeatedly to the barmaid in the New Narakort in chapter 3, eventually she'll give you the recipe, though you may have to give her a set of gloves first so keep some handy.
  12. To spice up the swamp i'd recommend not taking Gramps immediately to the Melitele shrine, as the old chap has much to say on various other places, and ideally not attaining either of the Swamp Tower books before talking to him and Vaska. Both of these characters give subtle hints on their previous vocations that add a little depth to the otherwise grindy experience, and with Vaska hint at what is to come in the fourth chapter.
  13. Thi is why you keep a goodly supply of Wive's Tears upon you at all times, the recipe can be obtained from a Woodcutter in the Swamp in Chapter 2 if I remember correctly. I just wobbled my way to Kalktein's residence and rested there however, much closer.
  14. Or you could just use every languages influence to name a simple place such as Torpenhow Hill, which translated means Hill, Hill, Hill, Hill. Or Cartagena, meaning New Carthage, while Carthage translated as New City, so we have New New City, it makes me wonder of there's a New Cartagena anywhere? I like the oddities of language.
  15. I was quite pleasantly surprised by the amount of detail that Mr Sawyer invested into making use of "Celtic" and Old English/Norse names and places, with the divide between the two and the various other languages seeping into the Dyrwood. Usually in games one sees a few popular words of Gaelic or Old Norse, but no coherent explanation or reasoning for their inclusion other than flavour, take the recent Kingdoms of Amalur game as a prime example. As a student of history at one time this serves to frustrate me to no end, I enjoyed twisting my tongue around the Glanfathan place names as I do their real counterparts, and recognising the Old English that I came across.
  16. If I remember correctly one posts on the following thread: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/64752-the-obsidian-order-of-eternity-part-7/page-27 with your choice of name, and the mods will add you to the lists. Edit: As well as changing your forum title.
  17. Reminds one of Ivanhoe, more than half the novel our young hero spends in his sickbed, recovering from his wounds. Or Betrayal at Krondor, though with herbal kits and restoratives one could increase ones healing rate.
  18. Unfortunately I ran out of steam after the end of act II, I was a little disappointed to have the same situation that ruined the trial in NWN2 happen again. I will probably return to the game after the first or second expansion hits. I never had a problem navigating the factions in Defiance Bay as it was written in simple black and white, and let's face it, a familiar enough situation in games.
  19. Reminds me of this bit of silliness, spoilered for profanity:
  20. I'd just like to re-iterate on the part about Kickstarter, Obsidian delivered what they promised and gave hope to those of us whom have seen Kickstarter abused by developers whom should know better and frankly spat on the hard earned money that the consumers donated. As a model Kickstarter has allowed another way of approaching reasonable development goals, and this was almost spoiled before it began by other developers misusing the funds they were entrusted with, Obsidian managed that money better, made realistic goals and actually produced on a slightly extended timeframe. They should be proud of themselves for what they have achieved here, I may have problems with some parts of the game, but I cannot deny that I got what I paid for and would back again as they have more than repaid the faith that I invested in them unlike some other industry veterans. I really think this deserves congratulations, not just from the public but from other developers whom choose to go the Kickstarter route, as such well planned success stories are a positive influence on crowd funding and its viability.
  21. Decisions, decisions, reached the third chapter of the Witcher and am currently waiting to storm the bank, have crept in through the Fleder infested attic as my Geralt works alone by instinct. Am in two minds on the choice I am approaching between the Order and Scoiatael as I always am. On one hand my Geralt has suspicions about the Order staging a coup and using Adda as a catspaw, on the other the Squirrels are terrorists whom commited horrible atrocities against men, women and children in the war and I obviously wish to stop a repeat of that. Do I go with the individuals themselves? Siegfried is brave and honourable, he does the right thing and has been reasonable throughout, I sided with him in the swamp because he was trying to stop Haev Carren delivering weapons and escalating the conflict. He is however working for what may be an enemy, my Geralt suspects, whom may be behind Salamandra, so can I trust him. Then again using ones enemies strength against them is a good strategy. For all of the Knights virtues however he does not strike me as effective, whereas Yaevinn does appear clever, self motivated and ruthless enough to be a fine asset. That ruthlessness may go too far however, in the bank I remember from my last playthrough his ode to Aelerinn and martyrdom, a stupid and shortsighted view for a people dwindling away into extinction. Plus as an outcast freak I have some empathy with the terrorists, but I know that to them I am just another dhoinne when my usefulness ends, Yaevinn makes this very clear. I'm really of two minds.
  22. Thank you Keyrock, i've got nothing against playing with a controller, indeed I can understand the appeal of relaxing on a sofa and immersing oneself into the game in comfort. I simply do not think it should come at the cost of support for the m&k.
  23. Sorry to respond so belatedly, busy with whatnots. I would say I am a moderate, I neither support the trolls whom allegedly harass or anyone with a similar hateful agenda whether they are sending death threats, accussing innocent devleopers of rape when they know it is a lie, or whatever. Neither do I support the corrupt games media declaring gamers are dead, then trying to weasel out of it, and pouring scorn on the consumer, even though they are in fact the racist, misogynistic, people hating, and regressive element that is trying to deliver the false narrative that all gamers are degenerate harrassers from their position of power in the media. If they ceased their fascist actions, censoring, quoting Goebbel's Listen and Believe, and demonising the innocent to hide their own morally repugnant behaviour then I would not call them fascists either, but they do not, they continue preaching as their deeds blacken and spewing hatred for all of humanity, until in their bitter loathing and mentally deranged states they come to believe that #killallmen is a reasonable thing. As a moderate i'm obviously against that, I just want a games media that is fit for purpose not these sick and twisted individuals.
  24. I'd always assumed that a fairly moderate place, such as this is, would be fairly ignored by both sides. The SJF's being too busy telling people off, acting superior, pursuing their hate agenda and making up new scientific and statistical explanations for justifying their stupidity. The over rabid Gamergate activists not being too outraged when we do not conform to their groupthink, as we do generally want ethical reform, a fit for purpose media, an end to the endemic corruption and an end to the gamers are dead accusations. I'd certainly not target the moderation here, which has been more than fair I think. Just my personal opinion however.
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