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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. I just assumed Fionavar liked the tapestry books.
  2. Well if one wishes to know the real story about Mr Roxor's review it's quite simple, the gentleman is a leading proctologist and seller of anal soothing products. Since releasing his review, sales of his creams and ointments have gone up by almost 75%, one can't help but appreciate such cunning.
  3. Little worried about the recent limited publicity junket that was staged in Poland, with Youtubers and bloggers flown over to experience the game. Apparently the game could only be played with a controller. With the keyboard and mouse options being so poorly implemented in the second game in favour of controllers, I can't help but be somewhat nervous once more. I hope that the optimal control method will not be downgraded in favour of ease of use for controllers once again.
  4. I have two questions: One, who is Bruce Jenner? Two, why should I care about which gender he is identifying himself with, it's his own business surely?
  5. Spent the weekend hiking around the Peak District with my brother in law, beautiful views of the Ladybower reservoir and the finest weather that I have ever seen in Yorkshire. Extremely refreshing for both mind and body, though I have to say my knees are crying blue murder. Spent the night camping in Fearfall woods, what a fantastic name, and am seriously thinking about investing in some property for retirement in this area though Mrs Nonek has yet to grant her blessing. Edit: Phones on the wrist, what Sci-Fi show did I see that on? Quite old if memory serves.
  6. Doesn't really bare any resemblance to Hairy Trousers, for one Vikings were extremely vain and proud of their hair, this is commented on in many Sagas, and would never think to shave the sides of their head. Two his armour, well biker leathers, is just wrong as a prominent Danish Jarl/Konungr like Ragnar would wear mail and gambeson, with of course a helm of varying ornamentation, maybe something similar to Raedwald's. He also seems a little dirty, the Vikings were as stated above very vain and conscious of their appearnace, trading for the finest cloth and such from across their travels, and adorning themselves with jewellery.
  7. This clip really is the new Downfall Hitler thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDyXIXyAZq0
  8. I've fought with my mother in law, afterwards Skyrim Dragons seemed quite unimpressive. On the suject of armoured combat one sees a few methods of resolving it, one using various massive damage weapons such as the Pollax, two various accurate weapons that can be used against weak areas in the harness (such as halfswording a Longsword,) three various wrestling maneuvers followed by finishers with a poinard or what have you, four simply overpower. However in such a system i'd also like to see expert duelling, based on reactivity, positioning and a variety of well simulated weapons, with or without armour. From the old English traditions we know that duelling under the law allowed various weaponry, including a smiths heaviest hammers, for smashing through armour as well as more traditional armaments. I think this is a nice appropriate video for the strength and vulnerability of armour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hlIUrd7d1Q
  9. A shame to lose you Mr Sensuki, and your effortless ability to manipulate various folks into a frothing rage by delivering your opinion, thanks for all of the hard work and bugfixing you volunteered for, it is appreciated.
  10. Good Lord, so Bethesda will take a substantial cut of profits from the modders who have made their games a success in the first place, that's...well I have no words. Here finish and improve my game then pay me for the pleasure of doing so!
  11. So the pricing of mods, how exactly do we calculate this? Say the average RPG game costs £40 and gives a sixty hour experience, how much will a single sword or suit of armour cost in comparison? Tuppence ha'penny, a full shilling, even that seems relatively expensive for something which will not really affect ones game in any discernible way, but is merely affectation.
  12. After long reflection 7/10, the game has many flaws and silly developments that did not need to be made and were pointed out repeatedly in development, but were never addressed. Still I would say it is a good game, equal to say Dungeon Siege 3 which it reminds me of, and the original campaign of NWN2. Bear in mind I regard a five as average, a nine as near perfect and a ten as pure perfection that has never yet been reached.
  13. Muntjac tusks are certainly a reality, vicious little buggers know how to use them as well.
  14. I would gladly donate (and have) for a few mods i've used, sometimes they totally eclipse and better the original game, but I can also see a legion of problems inherent in this, not to mention I hardly ever use Steam. For instance will modders be forced to change content that Steam or the publishers don't find agreeable? Or will their mods simply be booted? Well whatever I hope the modmakers don't end up being the fall guys in this. Edit: Would the BG:EE's now be judged as a mod, from what i've read it offers less than my last few runthroughs of a modded BG 1 & 2? Edit 2: Will this incentivise developers to not finish their games? We have all probably downloaded unofficial bugfixes and such for near unfinished games, will we see a rise in this behaviour from developers and publishers knowing that modders will fix it? Some would say Bethesda already do this.
  15. I'm wondering if the combat of Sui Generis/Examina might be offering something similar to this, some of the demo videos certainly seem to show a realistic level of danger from any weapon, but the control scheme seems very...floaty and imprecise. I've yet to see a lunge executed in that game, or good use of the shield and armour. Age of Decadence might also be a good candidate, i've heard very good things about the lethality of its combat for those whom are not purely focused upon it. In such a theoretical game where skin and flesh requires but a few pounds of pressure to cleave, and wounds are sometimes mortal, armour would seem to be a pre-requisite especially the helm and shield. Also grappling would need to be implemented I think for when you are faced by multiple opponents whom simply overpower you. Ranged weapons would become invaluable and game changing in all probability. Stealth would be the ideal murderous opportunity though as pointed out, a knife in the spine, a billy club to the skull, a slit throat in ones sleep etc. I have to say however that the rewards of violence would have to be commensurate to those of the pacifistic route, in Deus Ex: Human Revolution one sees that only one gameplay style is optimal, it's made stunningly obvious and so largely one simply follows that path logically. I objected to this, but strangely enough I did not object to the expert mode of Thief where no killings were allowed at all, as they were the sign of a sloppy amateur. I suppose that was a case of differing expectations, I enjoyed a few of the gunfights in the original Deus Ex and missed the sting of combat. I've got to say however that it would be daring and refreshing to see such a system brought to fruition, in a game where combat is risky and a last resort, but profitable and effective. Instead of fighting through a dungeon, slaughtering guards on the way and following a linear path to the big bad, simply wait for him to venture home and put a crossbow bolt through his head from a nearby rooftop. Or use poison, instigate a rival into attacking, render your enemy powerless through political maneuvering etc. The New Vegas dlc Dead Money was actually quite effective at this in retrospect, I felt vulnerable there, it certainly helped that I was stripped and unprepared but almost every gameplay mechanic was tied neatly into making one feel if not weak, fragile, paranoid and wary. Unlike the base game I spent my time creeping around, peeking around corners, listening for the terrifying sussurations of the ghost people and scavenging everything I could find like it was mana from heaven. The mist and alarms also helped with the feeling of fragility as they rendered one vulnerable no matter the endurance, health or stims carried. I can't help but think that Mr Avellone was feeling the same frustrations as Mr Eschaton with the base game and experimenting to change it, through the addition of survival and horror game elements. It's certainly something to think upon and heaven knows I spent enough time punishing myself in Volgarr the Viking.
  16. Agreed with most strongly sir, one supposes that the harder levels of difficulty in the Witcher 2, Severance: Blade of Darkness and the Souls games sometimes qualify, but sadly I just don't think any less action oriented RPG maker will ever do this. The endless grind of slaughter is a cheap method of creating content and padding out ones game, it has become traditional now, and like many traditions there would be a great amount of resistance against changing it. Personally I would like this, to have combat be a dangerous, ugly and rare form of conflict management.
  17. If I remember correctly when the Kickstarter was first announced a lot of us on the forums argued for a brand new system to be pioneered, and even if the results were not particularly attractive, there were equal problems and even more financials downsides to licensed systems.
  18. Fighter. Challenge - The warrior bellows out a challenge that may be (saving throw) answered by the strongest member of an opposong mob, if successful in the ensuing duel the enemy disperse, if unsuccessful the party suffer a penalty in their dismay, if the duel is interrupted the normal melee ensues. Knockback - Tranforms successful disengagement crits against one foe into a knockback, that knocks them prone and hurls them a short distance back for a brief duration. Enemy - The war wise warrior may choose one enemy from a full Lore entry to gain a damage bonus against, may gain roleplaying penalties when trying to parley with these characters.
  19. Poor Josh Sawyer, you just know that some wag will have that printed out and posted in the Obsidian offices before long. The artist (Mr Jaceface?) really does an excellent job of capturing the games portraits style, i'd definitely include such things in ones portfolio, impressive. I wonder if he takes donations for portraits or has an account one may pay to for use?
  20. Trifle harsh review, Poe has its faults but is all in all is a good game.
  21. A small bench lathe is quite space saving and can handle most small jobs with the correct cutting tools, the soluble oil and chippings do however tend to go everywhere. I'm not sure whether you would even need 3 phase power. Happy Saint George's Day everybody, cry God for cumpets, warm beer and world weary cynicism.
  22. Nonek do you actually believe your grandstanding and these sententious soapbox sermons or do you cringe when make posts like this but think to yourself...." I have to be consistent, people expect me to be anachronistic and intransigent " Also can you please stop saying " this is of course just my opinion " after certain posts, it obvious its your opinion. You are making the post. Its certainly not the truth or based on the reality of a situation most of the time. Sorry to criticize but I fail to see the point of why you keep saying that? I hate to see this whole GG event in terms of winning and losing, the GG objective seems so nebulous and aspects of it have such a bad name I fail to see how it will ever progress? It seems more about constant invective and undermining of certain people who support SJ movements and thats fine I'm not attacking that reality ..but lets not see it as " winning " ...that would be like the British saying they " won " after the first day of the Somme Yes. No. Grow up you child, just because you're losing don't equate our winning to a massacre, that's idiotic even for you. This is of course just my own opinion.
  23. You guys are whinning for nothing, it's basically Battle Chess remade using the W40k license, and Battle chess was awesome. I do like an occasional foray on to the chessboard and I agree Battle Chess was a solid game, I just feel personally that one could do so much more with W40k, to limit that potential to a chess game is...disappointing is the only word I suppose. Sorry.
  24. There's something magnificent in the sunset, especially on warm spring nights like tonight, i'm off to do the same after a few lengths of the pool and a large G&T.
  25. Backpedalling should be an Olympic sport, the game journalists might find a use in this world at last, ha. It's perfectly clear that the coordinated attack on the millions whom play games recreationally was a massive mistake though, so I can understand why the pro corruption side want to deny the hatred and mudslinging that the gamers are dead articles flung at all gamers, but if you're denying it after reading those articles...well your imagination is pretty powerful. Still I can understand why they're trying to weasel out of it and sweep it under the carpet, their idiocy has never been so perfectly demonstrated, but it does seem spineless and cowardly. Mind you as i've said before it doesn't really matter, as always the consumer is winning, and game journalism as we know it is slowly becoming obsolete as the hatemongers are sacked and the stink of their corruption is swept away.
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