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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. In reply to Bruce I reiterate: Lawlessness is the fault of the lawbreakers, not the peaceful artists or organisers of their work whom are acting within the law.
  2. Then either do not attend the gallery or if feeling offended as they are wont to do, peacefully demonstrate within the law. A christian for instance may not like your avatar, it is not their right to change it, only perhaps ask you or a mod to to change it. Or they could just be secure in their faith, vast amounts of any faiths teachings are now dispensed with or ignored while others are given importance when it suits an agenda. Read Leviticus for instance. None of this should interfere with free speech, especially if you believe that they are irrational.
  3. Art has no purpose, and meaning only in the eye of the beholder, it is the mark of a civilisations culture and freedom of expression. It should never be fettered by those whom wish to be offended, in fact it should actually promote offense, as it always has. In my personal opinion of course.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEkWH8DB7b0
  5. There were two good points in the Stallone film for me, an inclusion of Hammerstein from the ABC warrior, and the cinematography which was stunning at times. Apart from those it was utter dreck. The Karl Urban film however I would say was not just good for a comic book movie, like the recent Marvel films, but a very good piece of art in its own right. I'd compare it with the first Christopher Reeve Superman in this respect, though obviously stylistically they're worlds apart, even with Supermans varied styles for Krypton/Smallville/Metropolis.
  6. For me personally i'd rather see a sequel to Dredd than a dozen more Marvel films.
  7. Just leaving Murky Waters for Vizima, and am seen away by a dog on the Vodyanoi priests island shrine to the Lady, this leaves me wondering whether this dog is the same nosey dog that followed me in the Swamp. I know that hound can die but as a herald of the Lady death may not be an end, and I wonder if she was watching me since that time. The nosey dog always seemed to be something of a Chekhov's gun that never had a resolution.
  8. Could you please tell the jury where on this chart exactly Mr Sensuki touched you?
  9. I personally hold that they are free to write what they wish, and would support that, however when they insult, lie and spout untrue hate speech then I will simply inform their advertisers that I am not content with their support of the site. They are still free to write as they wish, and I would not think of censoring them in any way, and they are free to seek other advertisers or even, maybe report truthfully from an unbiased, ethical and objective viewpoint as journalists are supposed to. Edit: For instance they could report on the GG party bomb threat in the same manner as they did the alleged Sarkeesian bomb threat, giving it the same amount of attention and equal coverage, rather than laughing it off and insulting the potential bombing victims. Of course that will not happen and thus they are biased and unfit for purpose, and that is why I and many others would question their current suitability to serve the public as any journalist should do first and foremost. It's also a matter of accountability for me as well, at the moment the false narrative spun by the press from their position of power is being used against consumers with flagrant abandon, due to there being no oversight or accountability. In the absence of such their lies, hatred and corruption must be combated by consumers in the traditional manner that has been used in the market for years. There is simply hardly any representation of consumers, because of the endemic corruption of game journalism, thus we represent ourselves and our reasonable and ethical goals in the best way we can.
  10. Every time I see Mr Milliband i'm slightly more repulsed, he doesn't seem quite human, and i've got to admit I almost lost my dinner when watching the Brand interview. Then again I usually do when Mr Brand appears, I think it's something to do with his weird skull. May 7th Mr Meshugger.
  11. I assume that given the chance Feargus being a smart businessman would snatch off EA's hand if they offered the chance to work on a Dragon Age game, they might even manage to wring some originality and depth out of the setting, as they did with Star Wars in TSL.
  12. Volo you know what always amuses me about this thread, the constant contradictions I see you guys making. In the beginning you at least use to try to defend it or explain it ...now its just blatant and seems to lack any compunction Two of my favorite ones are " We at GG are opposed to censorship and believe in free speech....but we want companies to pull advertising from the likes of Kotaku and Gamasutra in the hope these websites close down because we don't like what they say about GG" "We don't like generalizations about GG, generalizations are wrong. Yet all SJW are Nazis and because there was a bomb hoax at the GG conference this just confirms that anti-GG is like ISIS ( so now because of a bomb hoax the whole of anti-GG which consists of tens of thousands of people is like a brutal and outdated extremist group that chops off peoples heads and crucifies its opponents.....hyperbole anyone ? ) But you guys are very entertaining...so keep up the laughs 1. I know we've explained this before repeatedly and you do not know what censorship or free speech is, but i'll explain again: This is not censorship, nor is it trying to stifle their free speech, it is a consumer protest aimed at making the target fit for purpose, end their false narrative and report fairly, ethically and without bias as any journalists should. This is not trying to stifle their free speech at all, they may write what they will, however there are consequences when they lie and misrespresent in their role to report for the benefit of the public. 2. We do not favour generalisations, if people lie, act in a fascist manner, are unethical, corrupt, and demonise millions whom play games recreationally then we call them out on this, these are dozens of supposed journalists and bloggers. No one reasonable has done anything except condemn the bomb threat, as we did the Sarkeesian one, and no one has pointed the finger as we have no evidence and it is now a police matter. The Isis thing is a satirical joke making fun of how SJF's accused Gamergate of being like Isis for unrelated trolls making threats on the internet, I would think this wouldn't need explaining to anyone.
  13. Once i've heard a voice, and grown accustomed to its use by certain characters then my mind automatically begins to read things in that characters voice, so minimal voice acting is sufficient for me personally. For instance I was always sure that Fall From Grace's dialogue with the Transcendant One in the Fortress of Regrets was voiced, as I clearly remembered hearing Jennifer Hale's clear, lovely and measured tones challenging Nameless' nemesis. Upon replaying however I found out that it is all text, I was astounded. That said there are some monologues that I would not wish to miss, such as Torian Kel's speech on the battle between the Molochean Hand and the Derian Ka in Arcanum, which was spine tinglingly good.
  14. I did and I recall a few others doing so, indeed as I remember many stated that she should not have cancelled one of her speeches for bogus reasons as well. She has a perfect right to speak whatever Mr McIntosh had prepared for her. Oh yeah Nonek, you are a huge supporter of Anita....we all know that No I am not, she misrepresents, cherry picks content and presents flawed arguments. However I support free speech beyond personal likes and dislikes.
  15. I did and I recall a few others doing so, indeed as I remember many stated that she should not have cancelled one of her speeches for bogus reasons as well. She has a perfect right to speak whatever Mr McIntosh had prepared for her.
  16. Yes quite a different reaction to the alleged bomb threat against Ms Sarkeesian, touch of hypocrisy there, as every reasonable person condemned that. Edit: Nice to see all of the diversity at that Gamergate gathering.
  17. No the politician claims that women are the primary victims of war, this is simply a lie and a denegration of the true primary victims. Edit: Ninja'd. Edit #2: What further disgusts me is how Clinton is not only lying about and denigrating the soldiery but also relegating women to the role of victimhood. The Russian ladies whom served in the Red Army, the Land Girls whom fed England, the women who took up tools and machinery when their men left, the men, women and children who were accidental casualties of war, the prisoners of war whom died. To boil this all down into a simplistic and childish false statement making women into passive victims is both insulting and moronic.
  18. No Nonek, your interpretation of what she is saying is lacking...very lacking You can't compare the dead soldier to the grief of surviving family members..the dead soldier is now dead and no longer has feelings, you accept that right? So all that is now left is the residual emotional impact from his death..and only the living will experience that. And everything they are going through is because they loved him. So I'm not sure how you can see this as something "lucky" ..its not a question of luck. There are no lucky people here Nonek...people are grieving There are just different degrees of loss..surly you can empathize with that? No yours is simplistic and childish reasoning Bruce, one has one life and for that to be snatched away is the greatest tragedy there is, this should be known to anyone with a basic education. The living can move on, deal with their grief, and have hope and a tomorrow, the dead have been robbed of everything, the living have life and infinite possibility at their disposal, the dead do not. There are different degrees of loss, and the dead have lost everything, while the living can rebuild. A ten year old should be able to work this out. Sheer idiocy.
  19. So the Tommy loses everything and any chance of ever having a life to lead, and he's the lucky one? Whereas the ones who have life, hope and a chance to rebuild are much worse off than the rotting corpse? This is utterly idiotic.
  20. I am fairly much in the same place, wandering around, listening to the music and watching the days and nights pass in and around Murky Waters, ocassionally completing a quest when I feel the urge, or gathering various components. If the Wild Hunt can evoke the dreamy fairy tale ambience of chapter IV somewhere in its gameworld, then I for one will be more than content.
  21. It's a depressing and worrisome fact that ones voting decision is still so torn at this late hour.
  22. No. Men are more than 3 times more likely to be victims of murder. It's a warped logic. The masive rates of suicide amongst young males are also often glossed over, along with the disproportianately higher rates of violence against and amongst men, but then again this does not fit the narrative that only women are victims and so is safely ignored. The Hilary Clinton quote is disgusting, one thinks of the approximately eight hundred and eighty thouand men whom served and died in the first world war, sitting in flooded trenches watching the bodies of their friends drift by in the water, and knowing that when the whistle blows they will be mowed down in a similar fashion and lose everything they ever had or might have. Tolkien a stoic and reserved Englishman if there ever was one shows how deeply this affected him in his writing on the Dead Marshes, and perhaps why he along with many others chose to pursue escapism after their service. This shouldn't be devalued by a politician trying to play a victim card and slander the real victims who fought and died for the world. Still it is her right to state these lies.
  23. It might be prudent to make a brief and to the point update on rewards, personally I backed digitally so i'm not affected as much as Mr Yaggaz, however an ETA on the documentary and novella would be nice, the novella especially as I very much enjoyed the comic for New Vegas. No rush however as these are secondary concerns to patching and getting physical backers their games.
  24. So is Patroclus the body in Achille's cold cellar (?) in the Iliad, or does that not fit? It still sounds like a very desperate attempt to leverage a trope here out of a classical revenge motivation, though I admit that I didn't read many American comics as a child, well almost none at all. Edit: In roleplaying games it usually seems to be a mentor or father/mother figure that serves as this revenge motivating figure.
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