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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. Nostalgia doesn't really apply when you still play twenty year old plus games regularly now, though that's obvious.
  2. RPGs have improved in a couple of ways, those being combat and graphics of course. I'd say their main problem was simply not building on what has come before, great rpgs with great features have come and gone, and made not an ounce of difference on the genre. While poor mechanics from RPGs and MMOs have been aped and copied, leading to yet more degeneration. Even combat systems have degraded now, leaving nothing but graphics and lately a re-emergence of filler content, whether that is the endless grinding of combat or dull fetch quests. Is that the developers fault? Or is it the customers for buying clearly inferior products, and never demanding what was present decades ago? Or is it game journalists who have enthusiastically championed the streamlining and "innovation" (read dumbed down) nature of every new BEST GAME EVAH? The argument always seems to run in a similar manner, that developers should only focus on the "core" experience of their game, and totally abandon anything not conducive to that. Such a shame that ambition, content and features are so easily cast aside, when they add so much to the experience. It was the host of little things, side stories and interesting characters that made Sigil in Planescape: Torment such an interesting and vibrant locale. The atmosphere and bustling nature of Vizima, and the rural idyll of Murky Waters with its pleasant folksy charm in the first Witcher. The horrifying soundscapes and stygian gloom of the first Diablo, an atmosphere dripping with sorrow and danger. The vast, diverse, beautiful, colourful and interactive environments of the Ultima games, jam packed with life, character and culture. A pity to replace this with just a core experience. Edit: Of course just my opinion, whatever that is worth.
  3. Better to serve in Suffolk than reign in Russia?
  4. WTF kind of way is that of talking about another nation. I believe it's called racism to any reasonable person.
  5. For a self admitted fan of the last two games, though not blind to their flaws, I find myself oddly apathetic about this news. Strange.
  6. "That's why I never kiss 'em on the mouth."
  7. It's strange, I was somewhat enamoured of Jaskier in the novels and short stories, yet I have to agree that in the games i've not been particularly fond of the gentleman. Not hateful, but certainly not as fondly thought of as Zoltan.
  8. You're not going to change any of the social justice fascists simple little minds Longknife, they're too enamoured of their own self righteousness and dehumanisation of the diverse opposition, as we see from their affinity with Nazi-ism, their censorship and their attempts to stop female developers entering the industry. Thus i'd say troll them, and troll them hard, see exactly how far they'll go.
  9. Dusted off one of my old PC's and booted up Eye of the Beholder, somewhat inspired by Endrosz' PoR playthrough. I have to admit that i'm mostly looking forward to the Legend of Darkmoon however, and importing my characters.
  10. Oddly enough i'm coming to believe that i'd have preferred to play an Orc in SoM, though I expect the dynamic between the protagonist and Celebrimbor would be rather more...interesting.
  11. Great publicity for the PC release, hope marketing take advantage of this: SO RAW IT WAS BANNED BY CROCODILE DUNDEE!!!!!
  12. I'm not sure of its veracity, but I heard a rumour at some point that Mr Hauer ad libbed Mr Batty's final monologue. Personally this is why i'm foolishly clinging to a little hope that Cyberpunk 2077 may be a little something more than its contemporaries, they cite Blade Runner as a prominent influence, and Mr Pondsmith certainly seems to embrace that genre.
  13. I can see Jedi and Sith being trained to deflect force powers, I just don't see it as being a hard counter, more of a gradation based on a users skill and power...i'm thinking too much like a GM, sorry. Of course the real tragedy is that we will now have seven Star Wars movies and yet still only one Spaceballs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-sBROXalU4
  14. I always found the notion of resorting to lightsabres when one has control of vast telekinetic and telepathic powers to be somewhat redundant. An enemy assails you, snap their neck with a glance, crush their heart, slit their throat etcetera, without even raising a hand. To resort to melee seems a to me a risky and dubious method of resolving conflict, when a much more effective use of their powers exists. Manipulation and dominance such as Kreia practised seems even more efficient than partaking in fencing with lasers. "I have the higher ground Anny!" "Yes but i've just torn your heart out old chap." "Oh bugger!"
  15. Watched all six films around last Christmas with my little lad, I have to fairly much agree with his summation, two good films in Star Wars (or whatever they're calling it now) and Empire Strikes Back, and the rest were dreadful to mediocre. Edit: Noticed that in the latest cut of Star Wars that Han shot last and Leia didn't kiss Luke when swinging over the bridge in the Death Star, very amusing.
  16. If you wanted a superior narrative experience at that time you simply purchased one of the Ultima's, PoR and the Gold Box games offered a different experience. Regarding sexual relations, was Ultima 7 back in '92, the first to offer homosexual liaisons I wonder, or was there an even older example? It would be interesting to know from a purely informative viewpoint, we so often think that it is modern games that are breaking ground, when in fact the old classics trod them decades before.
  17. I believe I did watch those videos at a certain point, some points I agreed with, others I did not. However of the issues I have with the game, I am quite confident that narrative and such will not be one of them, simply from an experience of Obsidians products. Integrating gameplay into the narrative more organically, and having the experience be more unified is perhaps an area I shall ask for upon completion of the finished product, until then I am not sure. I asked for and backed an Obsidian made product, not my own definition of the perfect game, and am content to wait for the finished product and review then. At which point I am sure Obsidian will want feedback, and make changes which please the majority of their fanbase and backers. After all no product survives unscathed upon first meeting the consumer. Edit: Personally i'd have added the Realism vid as well.
  18. It's Obsidian, thus the reason why there is not much discussion of these issues is simply that we think of these as a given. In my opinion at least. Edit: One of the deciding factors in many backers inclination to support I expect.
  19. Fourth along on the top row, is...can it be a broach of purest Green? No in all seriousness these are splendid and remind one of the fantastic illustrations for Betrayal at Krondor, but obviously more detailed, intriguing and pleasant. Personally I somewhat loathe nondescript loot and items, it is nice to see such a small detail handled with such care. The portraits are fine, but could we possibly have a few ugly ones by any chance, lived in and weathered etcetera?
  20. (From the pretty ladies thread) ...But if we have fake people on the forum, how are the arguments real? For me personally a good argument is like a good sexual relationship, one must ocassionally be surprised and dumbfounded by what a partner brings to the table (or bed,) as the most boring opponent is one whose arguments you can foresee and whose modus operandi has become tiresome and predictable. A good partner must of course also be open to persuasion and well thought out logical positions, and yield to the force of your penetrating insights, rather than just lying there repeating the same rote phrases again and again.
  21. Awesome avatar Woldan, Hammerstein's cameo was the high point of that film for me.
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