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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. Maybe he'll go back to sea, get chased by Ahab again? Must be exhilirating. Edit: That's where the falsetto squealing comes from! Edit 2: Or he's a Castrati.
  2. You'll get off your arse and, just like that, make a game which realistically would take millions of dollars and many months to make even for an existing developer/publisher who already has all the necessary human capital and infrastructure? And you'll do this by yourself, in your spare time on a weekend? Come on now, I know there is lots to be criticised about Sarkeesian's videos (from the pre-determined conclusions, cherry-picking, and general intellectual dishonesty, to the offensiveness of her - and other feminists culture warrior's - underlying presumption that society can and should be made a better place by policing & censoring media content that men like to consume). But lamenting that game developers/publishers don't make games sufficiently to one's liking, isn't in and of itself objectionable. Gamers do that too, like, all the time. In fact it's probably the main raison d'ĂȘtre of many gaming related online communities. Making your dream game yourself, simply isn't realistic unless you've chosen that career path. No asking for features and more representation for your personal likes and dislikes isn't bad, after all as you say we provide feedback all the time, however to condemn the entire industry and state that it needs to change. That's going a little too far in my opinion, and painting developers in a very poor light, when they are by and large trying to please their customers and many differing demographics and tastes. Thus I would say that the only way to please oneself, is to produce what one considers the perfect example of a game. Of course as I stated in my previous post there's an easier method, find a developer whose tastes match yours and buy their products. The market already provides an answer to her problem, and thus there is no problem. To ask for or suggest features and content is reasonable, and probably quite useful, to expect your personal vision to be implemented and developers to follow your guidelines is very unreasonable in my opinion. I backed Poe, and made suggestions the same as everybody else, but I expect a game made by the professionals at Obsidian, not Nonek's vision of what is right and true. Edit: I think by their very nature mass market products, even those made to sate seventy thousand or so, cannot please everybody. Thus compromises must be made and the needs of the many take precedence over the needs of the few, and thus though perfection cannot be achieved, satisfaction of the majority can. That's just my opinion however.
  3. "I want developer's use less tropes, especially those I see to be degrading towards women." And hearin lies the problem, she sees them as problematic, I don't and neither do many other players, I don't see any storytelling technique as problematic if it is implemented well. If it is not then the game will not sell, the problem is therefore non existent and one of personal choice. If she doesn't like the game, don't buy it. "I want developer's to use more active female protagonists." They already do, or allow a choice in gender between male and female. If they choose a set gendered protagonist that is their choice, if you don't like that choice, then abstain from purchasing. "I want more games that don't focus so much on violence." There are already many games that don't focus on violence, others however want games that do, once again the solution is obvious, buy the non violent game. "I think using tropes that I think to be sexist and not giving women as many active roles as men shows that our society still leans towards patriarchy." Once again a personal opinion, not relevant to anybody but herself. If you dislike the non active role of a woman in a game, choose a game where a woman is active, there are many on offer. Virtual reality does not affect the real world, this has been proven time and again. "I want/hope that game developers start to make more games for my tastes." From the tastes she has shown on her videos I most certainly hope that they do not! Game developers cannot make games to every individuals taste, it is an impossible and illogical request, choose a genre you like and a gameplay you like and support it, hope it is successful. Kickstarter offers more options, but cannot cater to everyone. Still there is more choice, more breadth and more representation than there has ever been before. And of course as always video games are inclusive, anyone can and does play them since their inception. The problem for me with these high minded goals that Ms Sarkeesian and others set, is that the games they want and champion aren't games, they're feature stripped, walking and storytelling simulators. They're clearly degenerate, they strip features, content, ambiguity, subtlety, nuance and most importantly interaction, choice and consequence in favour of preaching at the player. In an insultingly obvious manner, befitting children being told a story, which speaks to the creators mindset I believe. Personally if I want a game that I personally find to be perfect for me so passionately, i'll get off my arse and make it, rather than whining at developers to alter their vision to accomodate me, special snowflake that I am. Women now have a large market share, use the power of their spending potential, developers and publishers will happily step forward to accomodate their spending.
  4. Today Steam decided that I can't play any of the games I own, again.
  5. Has anybody else noticed that Ms Bayonetta has a pinhead? Her cranium is absolutely tiny.
  6. Re-watched Dredd the other day, probably the only comic based movie I think has any real chops. If that were made into a tv series, i'd be more than happy. Though one could say that Dredd is set mid apocalypse rather than post, with the Apocalypse War story arc, the omni-present Cursed Earth and the gradual slide into inhumanity in the Mega-Cities. Always liked Richard Matheson's I Am Legend as well, and a few of its spin offs. Oh and Logan's Run, but that was mainly because of young Ms Agutter. Zardoz, enough said.
  7. I believe that was a Mul, sterile half dwarf of Athas. Edit: Wish I could go back a few decades and be really old like you gents.
  8. Mr Pot? Hello i'm Mr Kettle. A touch singed aren't you Mr Kettle?
  9. This has to be one of my main gripes with the SJF's, they may not be, but they certainly act and speak in an utterly cretinous manner. They despise interactivity and control in games, yet we all know that is the mediums strength. They dismiss any facts as not important. They dismiss any harassment they undertake as inconsequential. They censor any dissenting opinion without pause. They have no regrets or empathy for others. They champion games that are hardly worth the title, as they contain almost no gameplay just blatant preaching. They come across as self righteous, pampered, dim witted students who've never known the real world or how it works. In short they act like nasty little spoiled oiks, who have never been denied anything.
  10. Ah Icewind Dale, fantastic evocative locales, a stirring soundtrack, for me the prefect level of combat difficulty and an atmosphere that really stuck with the player long after play. Immensely enjoyable. As a GM i'd have happily set an entire campaign in and around Kuldahar. I must admit upon first playing the Heart of Winter I was fairly sure that Wylfdene had been possessed by Kresselack, quite surprised to learn the real culprit, and to find yet another branching of Ravel.
  11. Though I think the creation of an Ombudsmans office for game journalism is a very good idea, one that primarily represents the consumer and has the power to impose draconian fines on anybody not serving the public interest or being found to be complicit in corruption or unethical behaviour, I do not see how game journalism can recover from the deathblow it has struck itself. They have openly derided, insulted and censored millions of their audience and their opinions, they may have the backing of like minded journalistic bodies, but the customer has the real power that everybody seems to forget, and may well simply deny them their livelihood. And with increasingly viable alternate options (thus why Mr Bain is hated) this is more than feasible. I agree that #Gamergate as a loose fellowship is tainted by hate speech, but it also benefits in not denying free speech to anybody, and most members deriding and being disgusted by the antics of a few whom they publically repudiate, but do not try to stifle. There is honesty and clarity there, as well as all of their discussions being open to the public, in stark contrast to the opposition. Edit: In truth the situation reminds me of Gerald Ratner's idiocy and his downfall.
  12. Come now, that's not being truly for social justice where you shut up and accept it just for the sake of convenience. As for me, pretty much the same online as offline in terms of approach to things and demeanor. Its not a question of convenience, its a question of protocol and how we conduct ourselves at customers We are not suppose to argue with customers or discuss politics or other contentious issues. I'm sure its the same at all other companies ? Indeed the customer is always right and their consumption should be the primary factor in any business, those whom alienate and dismiss their customers are forgetting the basic rules of commerce. A pity game journalists cannot grasp this very basic concept, I suggest they try reading Adam Smith's the Wealth of Nations. Personally i'm a little more easy going in reality, apart from that i'm fairly much unchanged.
  13. I thought we were all Trolls?
  14. I remember a Dragon magazine dealing with this rather thorny issue, it introduced three kits: Dragonslayers for the Fighter, with arbalests, pollax's and two handed weapons for dealing with Dragons, but the advice that the cunning Slayer set and baited traps for the Dragons or took advantage of the environment, a la Sigurd Fafnirsbane. The George for the Paladin, whom challenged the Wyrm to single combat, and his divine powers fuelled this challenge to make it effective. The Ranger kit was the Black Arrow if I remember correctly, named after Bard the Bowman from Laketown, whom fletched and used special arrows to bring down his prey and was an expert at finding weaknesses in their coats of scales. Traditionally the chest as Saskia's character points at in a not so subtle manner.
  15. I've been thinking about this for quite a while, and lately i'm of the opinion that balance in combat for characters in crpg's is more important, simply because there is not much else to do. Thieves did not need to be skilled warriors, because they were massively useful in an urban environment, with their cant, contacts, assassination missions, climbing ability (amongst other skills) and later access to their own fledgling guild. Rangers were likewise kings of the wilderness, and Fighters lords of their own demenses and recognised as rulers, with retinues. Mages were arguably more powerful, perhaps a little less than Clerics, with their access to other planes, divinations and enchanting of items as well as all the charming little useful spells such as Magic Mouth. But these overpowered classes also if wise usually needed the others, a Thief for the city, a Ranger for the Wild and a Fighter as muscle and protection (or a meatshield if honest.) With these uses no longer apparent, or somewhat changed or diminished, maybe balance in combat is more needed to make up for these other roles. I'm hardly an expert or a designer however.
  16. Action rpg, fine narrative, poor controls. Good choice and consequence, too many cutscenes. Graphically very nice, not as detailed or interactive an experience as Monster Hunter. Some of the finest art design in the industry, limited to a single protagonist whom is not everyones cup of tea.
  17. Press X to block doctors slap and counterpunch. Press A to grapple with umbilical cord. Press Y to pee on your father.
  18. Hmmm there seems to be a lot of people with an axe to grind against CDPR for whatever reason, but an open world game is a vast departure from their previous works, so a little caution might be warranted. I'm not sure personally, I may well wait and see, though having been more than satisfied with their previous two releases a pre-order seems a fairly safe bet. And this might just be the work of one of the SJF's whom are repeating the inane mantra that the game is "made of rape."
  19. If they need villains just use the English, we positively enjoy twirling our mustaches and chewing the scenery, and we're far too polite to complain. In our cold, logical and unfeeling hearts the hatred of the rest of the world is the only warmth we'll ever know.
  20. Dear Lord I would love to see a character like Cohan in an rpg.
  21. I must admit, though i'd like a gaming press that is fit for purpose, I have not perused any major sites since since being called dead. Non professional sites, Youtube plays and fellow forumites are just as viable in terms of information i've found.
  22. Probably a good idea, bit of a sticky wicket at the moment what.
  23. Indeed it seems very much out of fashion to stand up for those whom pay ones wages, and respect them, even though really it is just a sensible measure for anybody wishing to maintain financial viability. Game journalists might wish to remember this, before they are replaced utterly by Youtube or new sites.
  24. Championing the consumer, how villainous.
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