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Everything posted by AGX-17

  1. Where did you get your doctorate in philosophy?
  2. Success is measured in square mileage, not personality quirks.
  3. Well, you should probably die before you submit an in memoriam epitaph for yourself.
  4. Tortilla chips and enough whiskey that I can't remember how much. Viva juventud!
  5. As long as obyknven's influence is nonexistent, I have no concern.
  6. Yeah, it was garbage. 100% regret purchase.
  7. Sorry, I think your rock could use some more pubes.
  8. Show a little respect, huh? Tone it down a little, this is a funeral, not a bar mitzvah.
  9. Super Robot Wars OG2nd: Dark Prison; the only game to date I've played where the protagonist was the final boss of the previous game in the series and for whom destroyed galaxies are collateral damage (as the protagonist.) Waiting for Walking Dead S2 to drop on Steam. You probably unconsciously blocked the hive out of your memory because of the Hive's seemingly endless supply of needlessly violent unsavory types.
  10. I'm only really bothered by the Google+ garbage and the way they've mangled commenting. I can't even reply to comments people make on my own videos anymore, so **** it, comment deleted.
  11. But the only way you're getting new stuff for a much lower price is by shopping on Black Friday and only buying products which are new as of Black Friday, and which are sale items. Explain how this is different from and better than Steam's summer and holiday sales.
  12. Cowboy Bebop? Super not-cyberpunk. Maybe you're thinking of Ghost in the Shell. I smell Mess Effect.
  13. That's a 100% successful method to make sure a game is remembered for its monumentally ****ty voicework.
  14. Which part is the clothing?
  15. InXile should add a bonus hemorrhoid pillow and one free tube of ointment for RTwP fanatics as a consolation prize.
  16. Are you sure about this? I thought gromires are unique to wizards, fighters would be able to buy a active talents, that is like magic. But this would be a single "spell". Grimoires have already been confirmed as the ultimate* crushing damage type weapon in P:E. PoE. Whatever. *Subjective opinion, if you can't appreciate the sublimity of bludgeoning the mightiest enemies to death with a really fat book, then you're missing something in your life.
  17. It was ASL (Afrikaans Sign Language,) not ASL (American Sign Language.)
  18. That is a bad idea and will always be a bad idea. The Doctor is a distinct character with a distinct, well-established personality. It varies somewhat with regenerations, but the fundamental fact is that the Doctor is not an everyman, a blank slate or a character that allows for player agency. The only way to make a faithful, respectful video game adaptation of Doctor Who is to have a series of non-interactive cutscenes with gameplay that consists of running down the same corridor several dozen times to pad out episode runtimes.
  19. Aren't you just indicting yourself? You should have plead the fifth. All jokes aside, RTwP can be tedious, a drive can be tedious, reading can be tedious, etc. Tediousness isn't an inherent quality of TB combat systems. This newly emergent anti-turn-based combat movement should focus on the real offenders: tabletop/P&P RPGs/boardgames. You can't rest until Chess becomes RTS. A well-designed TB game is good. A poorly designed TB game is not good. A well-designed RTwP game is good. A poorly designed RTwP game is not good.
  20. Well, GOG.com is giving away Fallout, F2 and Tactics for free for, let's see... another 20 hours, 49 minutes. Assuming there are some cavemen out there who don't already have them all. http://www.gog.com/promo/fallout_series_giveaway_winter_promo_2013
  21. "ctrl+f 'obyknven' 0 of 0" Well, this thread was a wash. Oh yeah, primitive third worlders (what you gonna do 'bout it, Hindustan? Well? Yeah, that's what I thought.) are primitive and morally/ethically bankrupt and all that jazz.
  22. I need to install and run every game I own on Steam for 12 hours or however long it takes to get all the card "drops" allowed, since I haven't even played half of them for more than a few minutes before regretting buying them. I could probably make half my money back that way. Well, none of it since it's steam credit and that's not legal currency. But I digress.
  23. Biology final, pizza, pondered the origin of "unwise.exe" as the name for uninstall programs. Was someone just dicking around for fun back in the day? Was it some kind of malicious attempt to keep ignorant people from uninstalling their software? Etc. Bonus fun fact: "dicking," not censored by the naughty word filter. "****y," (i.e. arrogant, "roostery,") censored by the naughty word filter. "****y" is decidedly less offensive than "dicking." I was going to act with an inflated sense of self-worth as a result, but then I saw I'm a brown medalist in this competition.
  24. Those people don't matter, the game is being made for the backers. Technically speaking, it's being made for the shareholders. InXile isn't a charity, after all. Also, I'd like to be able to do a ****y song-and-dance routine to taunt people, in turn-based form. That's ****y as in "arrogant," not ****y as in "possessing the qualities of feces." STAY CLASSY, NAUGHTY WORD FILTER.
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