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Everything posted by Zed

  1. fantastic update! btw if kaz sees this: a less rugged surface for the text box in the UI would give a more carved look while being a little easier on the eyes. on the other hand, the rough surface gives a pirate chest sorta look and maybe that's what you're going for. aggravating fan-who-thinks-he-knows-**** PS edit below :D
  2. I foresee tuesday-hype and brennecke breaking hearts at last the second :D
  3. any permanent debuff makes me reload my game after the fight. that said I am usually pretty good at avoiding level drain.
  4. I would do horrendous things to get class quests into the game. So, needless to say, I would also just give money for it. Other than that, it feels like a rather feature-complete adventure already... Would love to fund additional DLC and expansions... and sequels.
  5. yeah what Giger is to Aliens, Bauer is to Trolls
  6. unless they were bull****ting their reasons why they didn't get it up before thanksgiving, I don't see why the odds are minimal for an update tonight...
  7. I'd say wishful thinking tips it to 40/60, at least
  8. A music update would be s-s-s-s-sick-ick-ick A few questions: With you as an in-house composer, do you think we'll see a higher total number of songs for the game? Compared to if it would have been out-sourced, that is. Will the be encounter-specific music? What's your musical take on the different cultures of Eternity? (i.e. "dyrwood = bombastic, lots of strings and choir vocals")
  9. I just loaded up IWD2 and you must use enter to skip dialogue. I looked in the keybindings and there is no re-bind either.
  10. not in bg2 or iwd2, but perhaps there are options for it. spacebar would work pretty well. or tilde (on EU keyboards §½-key).
  11. I request that [continue] choices in dialogues (i.e. when there are no 1, 2, 3 choices) be hotkeyed by pressing 1 rather than enter, or some other key closer to the horizontal numericals. Using 1-2-3-4 etc in dialogue feels like smooth sailing. But then all of a sudden there's that [continue]-dialogue and you must either move your mouse and click the button, or move your hand all the way across the keyboard to press enter.
  12. Twin Elms look good. It will be very interesting to see how the society rolls there. I mean, it doesn't look very metropolitan, but will it function like one?
  13. Obsidian uses Transform Disappointment From Having No Update This Week Into Increased Hype For Next Update! It's super effective!
  14. I am an angry old conservative when it comes to UI design. I think presentation and 'feel' takes precedence of everything else, even 'usability' (at least to the point where it's not bad). I probably won't be a huge fan of any UI design. That aside, I think the art in this update is fantastic. I love the look of Defiance Bay, and I also like the CYOA art. I'm also looking forward to seeing what approach you guys take with the portraits. I think IE games have always had great portraits (even if BG used a more airbrushed/digital style and IWD a more painterly style). An exception would be IWD2. The portraits themselves were fine but the UI mangled the portraits into small square boxes. I think portraits should be portraits in the true sense: very visible and really show character.
  15. Great job! Sounds like you've been very busy! As always, I have an "entitled gamer god what's wrong with him" edit of the UI bit :D WARNING: extreme nitpicking. Ignore the suggestion in yellow text if the scrollbar has an exact click-somewhere-on-the-scrolline-scroll in which case it wouldn't really serve a purpose.
  16. Looking great! The shadows are better than ToEE, at least (http://static1.fore.4pcdn.de/premium/Screenshots/d9/ef/63355-vollbild.jpg) :D The stone debris in the corner near the door clips in the wall, that's the only nitpicking I'll give.
  17. weapon profiencies, class restrictions, magic buffs = okaydokay on-item buffs/crafting = boooo
  18. Here's what I'd like to spend money on: Crafting fee. Like in BG2. Worked perfectly. But having player crafting ruins this. Stronghold stuff, maybe. I don't know what you're planning with this. Personally I think a stronghold serves no purpose. Buying services in the world. Transportration, mercenaries. Smart investments. Maybe Carl the Adventurer is putting together an expedition to an undiscolsed location. For 20k he'll give you the location on your map and will abandon his own expedition (or will he?! du-du-duuuu). Whatever, it's not hard to come up with gold and payments as part of a questline. But I would like to ask why hoarding money is an issue? Why can't the player run around with a million gold coins after 40 hours of gameplay? Who does it hurt? I've never heard anyone complain about having too much gold in BG for instance.
  19. I'm against it. Never have a game had durability without it being bothersome. Systems should support central aspects of the game, not add annoying micromanagement and nonsensical penalties. I'm also against the proposed crafting system. None of the things in the latest update feels "Infinity Engine game"-like.
  20. I don't really like the sound of the crafting system. It does sound like the crafting in an mmo. I thought BG2 did it perfectly. I also don't like durability penalties. It's just bothersome. Oh well.
  21. never trust a russian with a secret. nice screens though. I hope Obsidian knows we want to see early unpolished stuff regardless of negative nancys etc. true enthusiasts can discern qualities and see the potential. these screenshots are all fantastic in that regard. I just wished they were presented through a KS update with proper commentary. for instance, I see the "character color #1/#2" of the IE games in action in those zoomed-in screenshots
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