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Everything posted by Leferd

  1. The "PLUS" stuff is tied to your Obsidian backer portal account and is separate from the individual Hero Edition keys that you can generate.
  2. Brandon, don't think that all your and the team's long and hard hours don't go unnoticed or unappreciated trying to get everything done by the deadline. Thank you.
  3. That's certainly one way to interpret it, I guess. And while I agree with the complaints that there could have been better communication by times, I certainly don't agree with your interpretation of Obsidian's actions. So I guess you'll be moving on and not bothering with Obsidian or their forums anymore, then? Depends on the game I bought it may as well play it - the forums are a good place to provide feedback. That said Obsidian are on my be cautious list. EA and Ubisoft are on my don't buy list until they remove mandatory 3rd party programs (Uplay and Origin) If I buy it on Steam that should be the only step I should need for playing the game no secondary sign in needed. Obsidian are great guys and ok Devs but they really need to step up to the plate and start showing fans they appreciate them more. Because they really aren't - yes their games are often outstanding but you only get free passes for so long before people stop caring about you. Happened to Peter Molyneux really easily and American Mcgee and countless other devs - the truth is if people like me and the others expressing dismay at treatment didn't care we'd just slink away and stop buying their products. The fact we're here telling Obsidian they're doing it wrong (treatment of backers) shows they still matter to us, and if we matter to them they'll listen. Dude, speak for yourself. I don't know you. But you are not coming across very well here and If you notice --none of the longtime regulars from this forum have complained. And don't think that the crowd here white knights or give Obsidian free passes. We are as tough or as merciless as anyone when it comes to criticizing Obsidian...when warranted. Of all the various developer forums I've been part of or have been posting in, Obsidian is by far the best when it comes to rigorous debate and back and forth developer feedback. In no way have I or many of the regulars have complained about feeling being snubbed by Obsidian.
  4. For posterity, because these questions will keep coming up:
  5. The key will be made available at the backer site with your choice of GOG or Steam. All physical backers will receive a digital download key. https://eternity.obsidian.net
  6. any idea on the size of that one? Nope. But from what I understand, it's not insignificant.
  7. Anthony's streams are really good. Plus he's got the insider knowledge.
  8. There is no .gif strong enough to exemplify how friggin' hilarious I think this comment is. Also, Star Citizen got $75m because it was crowdsourcing for four years.
  9. There's also going to be a Day 1 patch.
  10. Scored some reading material for the commuter train ride home!
  11. The forums will really break when 70k+ backers attempt to retrieve their keys.
  12. The forums and the backer site are linked.
  13. https://eternity.obsidian.net/ Scheduled Downtime We are busy gathering our party before venturing forth. You know how in-depth this process can be...
  14. I'll have to rewatch the mythology episodes before then to recap. Plus, I never watched the last movie or most of the last season.
  15. You'll have the option to choose from the backer portal when the keys are released.
  16. Keys. The game won't unlock until Thursday.
  17. Thanks Kozzy. Good read. I'm wondering if they were provided with a manual though.
  18. Um, bruh, it's very clearly "Keyghazi", not "Keygate". You silly goose! I stand corrected fine sir.
  19. Can't wait to watch the Keygate forum drama being chronicled in the Behind the Scenes documentary.
  20. Anthony Davis stated that Adam B. and Tim Cain came in early today and were already engrossed in working on the Day One patch when he came in this morning.
  21. Pretty much is a question as to when Obsidian wants to crash their servers when they have 80,000+ backers logging in to claim their keys.
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