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Everything posted by Oerwinde

  1. The dead librarian I think is the guy who runs a russian Fallout fan-site called Fallout Archive or something.
  2. If it's still around, seeing the aftermath of Avengers 3(probably something involving Thanos) will be cool. Tried Gotham. Hated it. Bullock and Montoya pissed me off, I really like the Burton/Nolan combo style of the city though.
  3. Last physical PC game was a two pack of The Settlers 7 and Prince of Persia. Was $3 at Dollarama. Last console game was Stick of Truth.
  4. The game booted me out of the recruit screen before I could add Chisel (I had a full party), and he counted that as me dismissing him, so he wasn't recruited. Anyone know if I can edit my save to change his status to recruited, so he shows up in the citadel?
  5. A while back Kotaku I think had an article on a board game you play with a whiteboard and all players play as rival gods and can terraform and perform miracles and such. I can't seem to find the article and I'm trying to figure out what it was called. Anyone know?
  6. It is difficult not to be involved in politics, because many see not taking political stance as silent support for status quo. And video games have been part of several political issues and it rises such time and time again. So one could argue that games media that don't cover political issues don't do their job as good as they should. But I would also say that games media should look political issues from every point of view even when issues is banning/censuring/etc. things that are generally seen as bad thing by industry, consumers and gaming media themselves, because it is media's job to educate people about issues as comprehensively as they can. So media should not support single political view or be silent about political views, but instead cover all political views that they can cover. Addition to other things that they cover. But sadly main thing that gaming media does these days is to work as additional advertisement venue for gaming companies and even more sad is that seems to be what majority of readers of gaming media want (by looking most read articles in big gaming media pages). So one could say that biggest enemy for consumers are actually consumers themselves I think a good compromise would be to set up the sites like newspaper websites, with the news the most prominent part of the page, with an editorial section off to the side with the author displayed above the title. This way they don't shove their editorial content in peoples faces, and if you know you don't like a particular person's writig, you can avoid it before clicking the link.
  7. So why aren't the four available character choices in Unity a female option ?There aren't four character choices. There's Arno. You can have up to 3 others play co-op in certain missions, but to you they are brotherhood Assassins, to each of them they are Arno. I see your point, so you are saying you cannot make any of them female because of the story line being about Arno specificallyYes. You play as Arno, the co-op missions are available within the main game from taverns, but you don't switch characters when you play them. Everyone looks different in the demos because they added a bunch of clothing customization to Unity, so whatever other people you play with will have customized Arno's apearance and equipment to their preference. So within each player's narrative they are Arno and the other players Arnos are random Brotherhood Assassins.
  8. I wish you could customize the new layout to put the list of specials and such at the top instead of promoting new releases and recommendations.
  9. So why aren't the four available character choices in Unity a female option ? There aren't four character choices. There's Arno. You can have up to 3 others play co-op in certain missions, but to you they are brotherhood Assassins, to each of them they are Arno.
  10. So we obviously have a disagreement of what inclusivity means, appealing to the fanbase is about inclusivity where you can play as a male or female. So we may be debating the same point? Also female characters in a game mustn't be objectified. This does not mean now the games will become "watered down gray tasteless mass" But if a large AAA gaming studio like Ubisoft doesn't offer fans the chance to play as a female then this is a problem that they need to address. This objective is relevant in most cases and of course there are exceptions If a game has a set protagonist, with a plot based on that protagonist, with a lot of thought put into that protagonist, why should there be an arbritrary version of that protagonist with or without boobs to make people who are strongly attached to their gender happy at the cost of any gameplay related to gender? Let's look at Pplanescape Torment, if it had added an arbitrary Nameless One w boobs Ravel, Falls From Grace, and Annah need to be stripped off all flavor, something else will have to replace Ravels main motivation for helping you out and later not being happy about you leaving, something else with have to replace Annahs reason for following you as well. Now, our new Planescape Torment could keep the content for males and make a barebone senseless Ravel for females, not give Annah any reason for hanging around you, but it'd mean extra work that a decent portion of the playerbase (men play chicks too) will never see, and anyone playing a female char would complain that the game massively lacks flavor. You gotta either remove all gender references from the game, build new just as good gender references for females, or just scrap the idea of a nameless one with boobs. Some games are built with multiple potential genders in mind, some with multiple possible protagonists in mind, some aren't, and it is good that some aren't, because those games are capable of adding much more gender specific flavor. I'm naturally biased here as I'm a guy, like most protagonists, and as I have extremely little internal gender association, if I woke up a woman, besides being very freaked out I wouldn't really care one way or another, but despite such bias I still feel it is a very valid argument that the more you try to push for everyone being able to fullfill their deepest desires in one game, the more bland that game becomes, or the more work has to go into that game for the same content per gameplay. You make some good points As I mentioned there are exceptions, for example I don't expect Lara Croft to have a male protagonist. Planescape is another example where you can't really change the main character and I don't expect that change My point about inclusivity is more for a new RPG like the latest Dragon Age, in this case there is no issue around inclusivity as Bioware has addressed this. But Ubisoft and there new Unity sequel in the AC saga. This needs to change because its not like its not technically possible to have a female character Have you played any Assassin's Creed games? The nature of the Animus prevents a choice in character options because you're replaying a figure's memories within a single bloodline. The only way they could have a male and female playable character would be if they were in different time periods. Unity you're reliving Arno's memories, offering another character option means writing an entirely separate game.
  11. It was basically everything people wanted last season to be. Lots of spy action, lots of Marvel references, and characters that are interesting and you care about. I hope it keeps it up. Putting the team in the shadows and showing that Hydra are still a major force, but that no one else takes them seriously means that Coulson's SHIELD has a real nemesis.
  12. Agents of SHIELD was good. They even gave Absorbing Man his ball and chain. Lots of repercussions from last season. Poor Fitz.
  13. With the graphical update they're doing to WoW, I'd like to see them jist take the wotld they already built for WoW, and do a single-player RPG. Half the work is already done. Should be a slam dunk.
  14. I actually quite liked it. Guy who played Keltus was AWFUL though.
  15. http://www.timeslive.co.za/opinion/2014/09/22/gamergate-ethics-and-hate It ****s all over games journalism as much as it ****s on gamers, definitely more balanced.
  16. I see this repeated a lot, but its not true. I never touched the multiplayer and had way more than the required EMS score for the "good" ending. The only DLC I had was From Ashes, which as far as I know didn't have any extra War Assets.
  17. I don't know the numbers on how many muslims are in Canada, but the only group of them I ever see on TV is the Muslim Canadian Congress, which is a liberal secular group. They are often denouncing extremists and such.
  18. I pre-ordered it based on really enjoying the first one, and we barely touched Toy Box mode (to the point we didn't bother buying Toy Box only figures) are the playseta that bad in this one? They had widely varying gameplay in the first. Loved the Piratws and Monsters University ones
  19. I got them all a while back, well, Knights and Merchants last week. DLH I think is just a german gaming site. I get emails with some gaming news every couplevweeks since I signed up.
  20. Wow, let's completely ignore the horrific trivialisation of rape from this supposed feminist for a minute and realize that this doesn't actually cover anything that TotalBiscuit actually said. He said that if it is true that she used a DMCA Takedown to remove a video she didn't agree then he condemned her for that action and that is literally the only thing he said that can be construed as being negative towards Zoe Quinn. This is another example of anti-GamerGate people dragging Zoe into it when she isn't even relevant - painting a target on her forehead and throwing her under the bus to further their own agenda. It's all fine and dandy to throw complete lies around if you're willing to use someone who has already been victimized as a lightning rod to keep the heat off yourself. What a terrible, terrible person. The world is literally a worse place for everybody on both sides because this article and its writer exist. I very dearly hope TotalBiscuit doesn't dignify it with a response. After reading everything she linked to I couldn't link anything she was bitching about to anything he said. Its like she was referring to something completely different. If broadly saying anyone who uses DMCA takedowns to avoid criticism is a scumbag is mysoginy, no wonder gamers are being broadly described as such. Here we thought it meant hating women, when it really means including women in any sort of criticism ever. Its like saying only white people are racist, its incredibly racist, but accepted because its ok to hate white people. I'm getting the urge to read Soul of the Fire.
  21. I guess when the internet exploded over how cool the test footage was they noticed.
  22. Watched Avengers Confidential: Punisher & Black Widow last night. Now I really want Mad House to do a Punisher animated series.
  23. They're trolls in the way Stephen Colbert is a troll. They are characters who satirize. Except Bruce, I think he's just very passionate and tries to be polite to a fault.
  24. I marathoned the first two Expendables movies. My Manhood is assured.
  25. Doesn't mean that they will be able to turn it for a profit but we'll see.If minecraft 2 sells half as well as Minecraft did, it will probably have been worth it. And that's not counting merchandise.
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