I hated FF8 because of the draw system, junction system, and the story after the end of disc 2. That whole "Oh, every character in the game grew up in the same orphanage but we didn't know it!" thing was stupid, and Ultimecia is the worst villain ever. The Seifer/Squall rivalry has no closure and was much more interesting than "Sorceress from the future wants to destroy reality just because she can!"
None of the characters were at all interesting except for Squall, because he's the only one who even gets any development.
I hated the junction system because it made levelling pointless. Without junctioning you had a level 80 character with 160 hit points. In a game where the max is 9999 thats sad.
The first disc was excellent, 2nd disc was pretty good, but they don't make up for the bad 2nd disc and horrible 4th.
My FF scale of cooliosity goes:
FF6, FF10, FF7, FF9, FF4, FF5, FF8. Haven't played the rest.