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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. No. And I made a error, its Haunting Ground. You play as a girl that is inside a mansion and you get a dog that can be used to slow down the monster(s?) and get items, it have a "training" system so the dog acts independent and might obey the commands or not depening on how its trained. I think you already know about that game since there is a Darque in GameFAQs area of that with a signature with a reference to Bio Hazard.
  2. You know I find the original topic hilarious. First Atari owns NwN rights, they are the publishers and so they are not "scewing BioWare over" with releasing another NwN package deal since BioWare gets what is in their contract with Atari. Second if anything people were screwed over the Gold edition that had the original NwN + SoU but not HotU that was not released. This "package" editions are somply a way to make some more money out of a aged product, sure you could find the original HotU edition being sold in stores but right now its not something is going to be selling at all, people will pick up the package deal because its cheap. If Atari was trying to sell the package at the original NwN price plus the expansion original prices nobody would pick it up since it would end up being around 90 euros.
  3. "Fallout endings" dont really work in Star Wars. I find it hilarious when OE says that LucasArts told then to leave the story open and what did they do? They created a ending for their characters (except Bar-Dur) and the planets in the games. I think what the story needed was someone counter balance what Kreia was saying as "true", such as the Exile being a wound in the Force and all that nonsense about ripples in the Force, instead we have the "Jedi Council" (if we can call then as that, I dont) reinforcing Kreia theories. Its no wonder people assume Kreia is right since at no point does the game tries to show a counter point to her ideas.
  4. I dont remenber GO-TO saying anything about the HK factory, I think the whole HK-47/GO-TO confrontation that was cut would put GO-TO in control of the HK droids in the story but it would come a bit out of the blue since there would be no direct references to that besides you having to guess that was GO-TO that started the Telos factory when he was the Telos AI. Then again the storyline is simply in pieces that you have to guess or simply have to reply and go down other options to get the full picture and in my good that simply not good storytelling.
  5. Well it would have to exist a english version of the expansion in the first place since there is none.
  6. Mercenaries was console only, it never had a PC version, also it been released at some time now.
  7. I liked the demo but the whole "deck of targets" just rub me off out of getting the game.
  8. You might want to check "Haunted Mansion" Darque, I read some people saying its how Clock Tower 3 sould been.
  9. Well I have to say at least the Basilisk War Droid "molosbster" is original ... unlike the Ravenger that looks just another Star Destroyer copy down to the bridge towers.
  10. We would not having this convertation if Chris called something else, like a Mandalorian orbital attack shuttle. Makes me wonder how much was put in the game because "the fans wanted it" ... In the end what is on the game is not a Basilisk War droid, it does not matter if the original looks stupid or not.
  11. That would be a dumb question to be asking herself. Why NOT having a console, they are dirty cheap and can be used for other things besides playing games, I got a PS2 over a Xbox because the PS2 did not forced me to get a accesory to play DVDs as the Xbox does. What next? PSP that play movies as well MP3 being "nerdy" or something? Any women that is stupid enough to judge someone because it owns some applience as "not good enough" is simply not worth my time.
  12. But how we would get the ball from the gopher? Beat him senseless with a +3 driver?
  13. Err ... no. Its time investment, in Tekken you pretty can finish a storyline in a hour as in The Sims you spend hours just building up a house and decorate it, it takes days to complete a Sim generation. Also there is the attachment to the Sims they create, its not a something people just just create a character and go around playing for a time and then leave it alone. I am a Sim player and once taken about 4 hours just to build a house.
  14. I dont think all girls like The Sims ... besides looking at the sheer amount of time it takes to just build a Sim family (let alone play it) its something its cannot be just played for half a hour. Its not like Tekken you can pretty much finish with a character in about a hour or so.
  15. To a point. If you are going to be doing another generic story why would someone give a flying **** about it?
  16. I dont think you will if you are european. Besides looking at some reviews it looks its 180 hours because you spend more time being killed that moving on the story.
  17. Bastile shows up in Korriban in the form of a holocrom recording if you set the Revan as DS.
  18. I remenber that, its Shira (or whatever) that makes the connection but I think the one that made that connection (he did work in FF7) is no longer a Square employer and the whole conection could be made outside the game by reading that person comments.
  19. They are not better, they were simply written first and did not (at the time) clashed with other previous written material. Its not a question of what is better, its a question of being done first and not clashing with previous written material. No because Darth Bane was create for the sole purpose to explain the diferences of the Dark Horse comics that deal with the Sith and the prequels. Darth only became a title because Lucas decided to make it a title in EP I with Darth Maul and Darth Sidious, same reason with the "rule-of-two" that simply did not existed in the comics. EU continuity have to adapt to Lucas alterations because only Lucas says what is canon and EU continuity have to not clash with canon.
  20. In Star Wars everyone uses weapons, thing like that cannot be removed, it would the same as a RPG set in a modern age were people cannot use guns. But there are ways to deal with it, in armors give damage resistence then only way to take down armored enemies is with high powered weapons and "lower BAB" classes are not likely to automatic grant such feats, they end up using a simple blaster and hope they survive long enough to kill the enemies. I dont, the issue with KotOR is that it simply throws too many enemies, allows for a too fast leveling and simply overpoweres lightsabers. Jedi Knight does the same things except you play with someone that simply does not progress in terms of skill during the game, sure they throw some new force powers here are there but the "health" and "mana" pool remain the same as well as the character stats. Then again Jedi Knight is a FPS as KotOR is a RPG.
  21. Still I have to point out this is Star Wars and so there are a lot of things that simply sould not be done. I think part of why classes are "the same" is because the game throws the same BAB progression and the AC eventually caps, armor really sould give DR and there would been a more variaty of weapons.
  22. Well being canon means it officialy becames part of the universe and we can use it as reference when going over the facts of Star Wars. I woul hardly call it "fantastic" in the first place. The fact is of being or not canon means little, it simply matters for future official products down the line. But saying "oh it canon" just anoys the heck out of some people that know damn well the story behind the Darth title. Also its not a reason for something more "popular" simply overide the previous "less popular" material and is what the people that say "KotOR is part of Star Wars continuity" end up saying, I might not like a lot of the EU continuity but I am not going to throw it away because I like something else better.
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