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Everything posted by Ostkant

  1. I prefer Male. Bastila is always my lover and apprentice... even as a Female
  2. Yes DarthRevan I told Atton that Revan was a Light side Male. Also I liked killing Master Vrook and Master Zez-Kai Eli using ONLY the Force, it is wonderful. Wait how did you get Atton to say that? I have beaten the game on LS as a Male, DS as a Male, and soon DS as a Female, but still on my third time I notice no such statement from Atton.
  3. Yeah your example is definitely Light Sider. Grey would be do nothing at all, and go about your business. Dark Side would be to either kill the thugs, then kill the woman and take her money, or have the thugs give you her money, then leave. Your example, the end result is that a woman was saved from thugs. - dr cloak <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't think it is Light side at all. A person of the Light would have negotiated peacefully with Mind Tricks or Persuasion, but in my example you chose to unleash your anger and kill thugs, and then you give the woman her money back. Sure she ended up with the money, but I gave her a bad attitude and chose to negotiate like a HK protocol droid - which is not the way of the Light. EDIT: Myself I'm naturally drawn to the Dark side, but I do not like the Sith teachings, much less the Jedi ones. I would still join the Jedi to build up my strength and then leave them and do what I want. If I were to train within the Sith, I would get killed for "failures".
  4. I like Orange and Cyan the most, but I voted Cyan
  5. If you're a Light sider your Force doesn't regenerate there. Too much Dark side energy, I think.
  6. It is odd to say the least... Apparently I am
  7. Yes, Jolee seemed more Light. I still think there can be Grey, but as you look at it it's either Dark side with a tendency to help people or Light side with an anger managment problem...
  8. Example of Grey as I see it: "Help me, I am being robbed" You say to the thugs that are robbing the woman: "I guess it's time to die, Bantha herders" After that you give the woman her money back and say "Yeah yeah... just get out of here" This to me also seems like a mix of Light and Dark, which is Grey. Would be cool with some sort of Gray meter as well, but myself I am inclined to stick to the Dark side, it is my nature. In fact I think I just pulled a Bindo. (The woman being robbed scenario)
  9. Don't think so. Most of what I've seen are thong mods for Bastila. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh my... Never heard of it
  10. Indeed, and that was all I needed, but it is obvious you are not with me on that opinion. As I see it, they meant that the Exile draws people to his/her cause. And once they are drawn, they really worship you, in one way or another. Doesn't matter how much they disagree with you, they still feel that they cannot leave you. Still, when they comment on an action of yours that they didn't like, you get LS or DS points, but they are themselves changing, but only in the opposite direction of which you are changing. It's very much the contrary for me; the positives are so glaring to me. But don't think I do not notice the negative parts, some of them are indeed annoying, but they just don't appear as "in my face" as you say the negatives do to you. I didn't actually realize the fact that by a party member complaining about me killing somebody that party member is gaining LS points while I gain DS points, vice versa. I just thought "Damn, I just lost some influence with Kreia". But I understand what you mean, it seems clear now that I am thinking about it - party members seem to influence us by disagreeing. Or was that not what you meant?
  11. I also have KOTOR soundtracks on my MP3 player, including the Bastila one, though I don't let it lull me to sleep...
  12. As Light side I like the Cyan one (like Anakin's) and I also like the Red and Orange, I do not like the Silver one.
  13. What do those random people have to do with the topic of this thread? In the Main menu there's the game soundtrack in Music, some games will play the game soundtrack if you put them into a stereo/CD-player, I'm gonna go try it.
  14. Gray can be nice, but you miss out on some pretty good stuff in both games.
  15. Once I actually managed to hide behind some sort of square thing that is next to the Receptionist at the entrance, and he would just ignore me (Vrook) so I healed up and zapped him to death.
  16. Just great. Was submitting my post and my Internet shut off and now it's gone. Jaden you get a bit too personal. Me for an example; I'm only here to discuss KOTOR 2, yet you come here asking if someone is a girl or not, digging deeper in their personal life. Maybe it's funny sometimes, it's not like I have no humour, but it's a bit annoying when odd comments pop up in the middle of a real discussion.
  17. Damn I was just editing my post and when I'm done editing it you people have already posted.
  18. I disagree about Affect/Dominate Mind, Epiphany. I used it all the time throughout the game. I found many conversations to use it in. Not all Force powers are unimportant or useless. Force Body uses your Health instead of your Force to fuel Force powers - good for players and/or partymembers that suck at Force regeneration. Atton in my party just became a Jedi and his Force bar is pretty bad, so I gave him Force Body, and I healed him with Heal/Improved Heal/Master Heal if his health would run out, no trouble there. I agree some powers are not necessary, I never noticed much NPCs using Force Powers on me, so I don't even need to protect myself against it. However powers such as Battle Meditation on Force Barrier are good to give to a partymember so you can get all buffed up in a big battle. Sometimes I kept losing against a specific sets of NPCs, so I had Kreia buff me and then all went well. What do you mean with "shoddy" writing? And how is a Influence system supposed to work then, if it isn't you yourself making NPCs turn to you side? Sure they changed little in dialogue, but not much. Handmaiden still preaches on how the Dark side is wrong when she has reached full Darkness. Seeing as you paid for the game the negative weighs more than the positive in your case, but someone gave this game to me (Christmas gift) so I didn't really lose money. The only thing I would try in your case is to ignore the negative stuff and focus on the positive in the game. By doing that myself I almost came to like this game much more than KOTOR 1, but the first one still beats it.
  19. If your PC can handle KOTOR - go for it. If not, Xbox is there. It's what I like about consoles, I don't have to worry if the game will work or not. I got KOTOR 1 for PC, and I recommend it. You can patch the game when you click on the SW: KOTOR icon that starts the game, it says "Game, Configure, Update, Exit" so you click Update and it's all a piece of cake.
  20. Try looking at things when you switch to her. She can still see objects.
  21. But you get to choose in the beginning if Revan was Dark or Light, Male or Female.
  22. So use Spoiler tags in this section. Example: [spoiler] Revan is a Hutt [/spoiler]
  23. I cannot really imagine the Exile, the Exile just relies on others for his power... what would happen if Revan came close to him? Would Revan just turn into some sort of ultra-loyal ally, or would Revan lead the whole thing?
  24. Shut up you two, stupid manwhores. People like you should be executed. It's not a funny joke, if it is one. Revan could very well be a female, but I see Revan as a man because that's what I always play Revan as. I see how Revan could be a female for sure, he's kinda short and you can't really see if it's a male or female under that special Revan-robe.
  25. Reviewers don't necessarily mean to get you to buy the game, but I guess they can be bribed. I actually prefer renting a game or some sort of playable demo of it. I will never trust people's words. You have all this people so crazy about Halo 1 and 2, and once I bought them I still couldn't see what the heck was so good about them, I still prefer Goldeneye or Perfect Dark. But games cannot be rented here in Sweden. Atleast I've not heard of it... EDIT: And also games here are really much more expensive than in USA. Here a game costs almost as much the cost of two copies of the same game in USA.
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