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Everything posted by Ostkant

  1. When you find Revan's corpse you absorb his Force powers and get Force Crush. I'm kidding, you never find Revan in KOTOR 2.
  2. I like Bastila, Kreia, HK-47, Canderous, and Jolee. They're the ones I found the most fun and interesting.
  3. As was said, Revan went to fight the "True Sith". If they are the actual specie Sith is beyond anyone's knowledge, but if you ask me I think it's remnants of some other empire.
  4. The war axes do not miss for me, I used them instead of vibroswords/blades for a while, dual wielded that is. They worked fine.
  5. RA-Jeff is not immature. Maybe he isn't used to posting in forums, he does not need to hand out apologies for being new. Also, do expect a 3rd KOTOR, though the wait will be long. If LucasArts are gonna develop the game, I'm not even buying the game, LucasArts are worse then EA Games.
  6. Too bad to hear that the books aren't so good, I normally hate reading books, but if it's this (Star Wars) or Harry Potter it interests me, but we'll see what I think. I'd like to see some EU books on KOTOR, similar to the fanfics about KOTOR found on the Internet.
  7. My advice is to not hype yourself up too much about it. Just be excited to play it, don't be excited for an illusion that you have already formed for yourself.
  8. Even so, I appreciate the recommendation.
  9. I see, thanks to those that actually showed me what books are good.
  10. From my eyes, Revan recovered his full memories after KOTOR 1 (a month or two after) and then he remembered Malachor, and what threat could come out of that, I suppose. He went there again (before KOTOR 2, but after KOTOR 1) and then went somewhere else after that. This is what I have gathered from beating the game three times, it's not speculation.
  11. I'm looking to buy Star Wars books, and I want to know which ones would be the best choices to purchase. I'm low on cash, so I can only buy a book or two. I'm interested in the thing with Luke facing Exar Kun's spirit, I must say.
  12. I take it you need an upgrade. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, I was being sarcastic regarding the fact that this is in fact information from the official site when it was claimed that it was from some other site, but without using these sarcastic-looking smilies no one could see the sarcasm. I can the first one just perfectly on my PC so the second one will run the same, but I've already got it on Xbox so I probably will not get it for PC as well (what's the point of that?)
  13. I used to play Star Wars Galaxies, but I was always an explorer and I wanted to do whatever I wanted to. Yet in the end I ended up grinding tons of professions and all that junk. Don't get SWG, it sucks more than Paris Hilton ever has. I also became a Jedi but that sucked even worse, I stopped trying after a few weeks. Whoever succeeds with this game has no life at all.
  14. If you can run KOTOR 1, you can run KOTOR 2. Simple as that, they're the same damn thing.
  15. Well this game is not exactly a game for children... it's kind of complicated, I bet a kid would just think "it sux" and never play it again, or never at all understand the story. I have a friend that gave the first KOTOR away just because it didn't make sense to him, he was 12 at the time. It takes time, patience, and understanding, atleast that's what it seems to me.
  16. Not always do you have to judge someone by the way they type.. I have friends on MSN Messenger that type like they were all royal but in real life they're not like that at all.
  17. I'd quibble about that, on Xbox it might be less likely that the game crashes or doesn't install for whatever Windows or hardware related reason, but it's also less likely to keep up a smooth framerate with high quality graphics... " *nitpick* *pedant* *irritate* Sorry, bad day at work... I'll hide now. :ph34r: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, 'high quality graphics' only goes for those who have good PCs. But the Xbox version is a better choice if your PC can't handle it or anything like that. I'm sure my PC can handle it, it can even handle KOTOR 1 and Half-Life 2, and it's atleast 3-4 years old.
  18. To JediMaster0012, I don't have a Compaq, it's Fujitsu Siemens. Why did you think I had a Compaq? My even older PC is a Compaq, but not this one...
  19. One persons junk is another persons treasure. Just because you're willing to settle for less, doesn't mean the people that expected more are simply crying for ****s and giggles. If you liked the game, FINE. But to sit there and say you can settle for less, and those of us that don't want to settle for less are crying like children, is an utterly moronic statement. Next time I work with a new client, I'll have to see if they're willing to settle for less. I mean hell, it would be amazing if I could charge my normal rates and produce lower quality design. I could make BANK if every company was willing to settle for less! (w00t) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, fine. I liked the game and I didn't feel the ending was as disappointing as you or anyone else did, not to mention I barely encountered any bugs through 3 playthroughs while you apparently encountered them all the time, not to mention you were disappointed by the end. I wasn't saying that if you can't settle for less you are a crying child, I was saying that even if I felt the great disappointment you do (I've had my fair share of disappointing games) I wouldn't make such a big deal out of it, that's just me. And that's what I was saying.
  20. But I've repaired T3 to the point where he lets me meditate on him, or something similar. Yet I see no new movie... My Intelligence is always low for my character, maybe it explains why I can't get T3 to show me the movie. Looking at jaguars4ever's post, I'm still of the belief that Intelligence has something to do with this, because through THREE playthroughs I have never seen a dialogue called "How did you get here, T3?" when talking to him, and I've always Influenced him a lot and repaired him to the maximum.
  21. I myself used names I use in online games. Tarak Rexus was my name for Star Wars Galaxies, but I removed the Rexus part in KOTOR 2. And Nexus is my usual name for online gaming, even though I've recently changed it to DeliciousNexus.
  22. Both Obsidian and Bioware can do it, but they both need as much time as they require. Let them work on KOTOR 3 until they feel they are completely done, no deadline or anything. Look at Half-Life 2, those developers kept on going for like 7 years, and the game is just excellent.
  23. Boba Fett was in Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy which is after Return of the Jedi, and it also says on the Official Star Wars site that Boba Fett never actually died in that Sarlacc pit, if you click on Expanded Universe. EU or movies, it's still official if it's from the official Star Wars site.
  24. My Revan is a Dark side Male, and I'll call Revan 'him' just because Revan is a male in my eyes. We actually get to see Revan in one way, but that's for other people to find out - those who haven't beaten the game.
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