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Everything posted by Ostkant

  1. Wait, what is a splashscreen?
  2. My friend's brother got HK-47 to tell him where exactly Revan went. There's a navicomputer where T3 sometimes goes to "repair" stuff, the room with all the blue screens, it's the closest to the ****pit. HK got too curious and T3 shot him down... now what? I'm supposed to get a voice recording. How do you do this? HK seems to be having problems with the memory thing, how do you repair him? (I am on my second character, I am investing in Repair) Or do I just need to influence him a lot? Please, help me out. I heard something about voice stuff.... maybe we'll actually hear Revan...
  3. It took me more than 50% of the game to find all those parts, by the time I got HK-47 working again I had already found all the Jedi Masters. But still, thanks. Are you guys sure it's not randomly looted?
  4. Darth Traya - Betrayer (she said it herself) hence the title Trayus Academy Sion I do not know, but I suspect it has to do with Pain...
  5. How does Kreia hold so much knowledge?
  6. Every character with the Force can get Battle Meditation in the game. Bastila's is greater because she can influence massive battles in space, and probably even wars (like she did in KOTOR 1) while everybody else influence normal combat and nothing more.
  7. I just beat it with Dark side Male, and it was very fascinating. They improved greatly upon KOTOR 2, but many questions are left unanswered, which sucks. Dunno why people were disappointed about the end... can anyone write why? Anyhow, it is most certain that KOTOR 3 will be about What is it really with Kreia and her huge knowledge? She's like a Female Palpatine.
  8. When did you all manage to do this? I've inserted parts into him twice, but I can't find any more stuff. I'm level 15 Guardian and level 2 Sith Lord, did any of you do it earlier?
  9. Sorry to interrupt the off-topic fun, but must all threads be spammed with this Pink side stuff?
  10. Thanks, I got my Lightsaber shortly after posting anyway. Lock this...
  11. I found my Ebon Hawk on Telos again, in that Jedi Academy. Now I went to Dantooine, and I still haven't got my Lightsaber. Shouldn't I have gotten it by now? This is taking a horrible amount of time... I have two parts for it I think, can't I just take Visas' broken Lightsaber or something? I also Influenced Atton and the Handmaiden... they are both falling to the Dark with me
  12. * I approach that developer. "Hello, Tarak. What can I help you with?" 1. Shut up and get KOTOR 2 Live Content or I'll carve you into little bits! 2. I'm fine. Who are you? 3. I have some questions. "Sorry! I'll get right to it... just don't kill me!" DARK SIDE POINTS GAINED
  13. All this rushing. Everything is rushed, what the heck is happening to LucasArts? Battlefront, KOTOR 2, probably something else too...
  14. I just don't freaking get why KOTOR 1 had Live content, and KOTOR 2 NOT. It is really... annoying.
  15. ...And agreeing with the person gives you LS points most of the time, right? That sucks.
  16. The Pink side? I see nothing to be worried about...
  17. Oh, it'll be a while... hopefully no more admin mods and "anti-laming".
  18. Interesting... they chose to write it in the neutral way. No one reading that can tell if Revan actually took his Empire back or just saved the galaxy. Hopefully the first, hehe...
  19. I was kidding, DSLuke. Consider it a... [Joke]
  20. Kill everybody...
  21. Yes I recently made a KOTOR 1 file, a new one. It is my third, I am a Dark side Male. It's really great. I hate how the Exile guy makes Revan seem so weak. That just sucks.
  22. She looks really cool. I wonder why people are complaining.
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