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Everything posted by Vaeliorin

  1. Ah, but that's the key to being a good alt, isn't it? The more unlikely someone is to think it's you, the better. Edit: 'Twas in reply to Bruce two posts up. All these ninjas are quite a fright.
  2. Am I allowed to be miffed that no one's ever accused me of being an alt? I feel like I've missed out on a forum rite of passage.
  3. So yeah, Warframe got old really fast. Still using the exact same starter stuff after 10 hours playing (I'd like to try a sniper rifle with a better secondary weapon) and not even getting to try anything new for quite a while more (unless I want to drop a lot of cash) all while still fighting basically the same enemies is a bit dull. So I broke down and bought The Witcher 3, which is currently installing. Things speed up tremendously once you have some experience and gear (mods, especially) under your belt, but the early game is pretty dire I'll agree (I created a new account a while back just to see how the early game was and it was, pardon my French, ****). After the tutorial you're just tossed in without a word of explanation and there's *a lot* the tutorial didn't cover last I played it. One thing I only found out after a while and that I wish I'd known is that playing in group earns you *massively* more XP (and loot), playing solo is cool for challenges or when you don't want others around (eg. when you want to try stealth) but for levelling up stuff or getting resources to build things with you're much better off with a group. On top of that "endless" missions (defense, survival, interception, excavation) tend to earn much better rewards (XP, resources AND credits) than non-endless ones and this increases the longer you keep going, so if you can tag along with a high rank player in a survival mission you can earn some insane XP (and cash, and loot), just stick close so they can revive you when you go down (and just tell them when you can't chip the enemies anymore, generally people in WF are rather nice as long as you communicate, eg. instead of just running to extraction, ask the team to extract, if they disagree they will generally give you a reason, eg. Void Key at 15min in survival). Enemies also get more interesting later on (some that negate Warframe powers, for example), though you're generally fighting just the three main factions (Grineer, Corpus and Infested) in some form (the Corrupted are just reskins basically, but there's the Sentient, some hostile wildlife and the Stalker, of course). The game also starts off fairly difficult but then falls off rather quickly (or rather, you get more control over the difficulty by being able to adjust your loadouts to whatever you're facing rather than having to make do with whatever you find). I'd also like to point out that "starter gear" is rather deceptive. The *weapons* are MK1 (aka starter) variants of "real" weapons (but the MK1 Braton is, or at least, used to be, a fine gun in its own right with rather different stats from the regular version), but the "starter" frames are all but, all of them are seriously powerful (to such a degree that two of them, Mag and Volt, are due for a rework, or a "nerf" as is likely to be the case for Mag). Personally I'd avoid bows and sniper rifles until you get a better grasp on game mechanics, given that you're generally trying to kill lots of enemies slow firing weapons with low ammo pools might not be an ideal choice for the novice... (that said, some people do make use of them to great effect though I'm personally not a big fan of the sniper rifles and use bows situationally) But Warframe, at its core, is about the mods, the mods modify your gear (you'd never have guessed, I'm sure ), finding (and upgrading) the ones that make your chosen gear shine is what much of the game is about. I'll bet that I could finish some rather hard missions with "starter gear" (as in, the Lato and MK1 Braton and Excalibro). That said, being stuck with the same weapons in the beginning was rather annoying, I think my first new weapon was the Cronus (the blueprint for which drops from Captain Vor, who also drops the rather nice "Seer" pistol parts), the regular Braton is also a pretty good all round gun for the early game as is the Boltor (though its innate damage type makes it better fit for fighting Grineer as long as you lack the mods to pull of elemental combinations). This becomes less of an issue later as you have more toys to play with, so waiting for a new gun is not that big of a deal anymore (and the truly impatient can always open their wallets... ) In the F2P arena Warframe takes the stance that you pay for time (and/or cosmetics). Generally crafting new weapons takes 12hours (real time), Waframes take three days (with each component taking 12hours, so realistically they take 3 days and 12 hours since you can craft the components concurrently). You can shorten these times by spending real moulah though. The only thing that I'd consider mandatory and is only available through Platinum (premium currency, also obtainable through player trading) are extra inventory slots (but I'm a packrat, so take that for what it is). Anyway, and assuming you haven't entirely discounted the game yet, if you want a hand in the game or just some info feel free to add me* (assuming you're playing on PC) or drop me a message. *don't forget to mention your forum nick if your ingame one is different While I haven't fully shelved the game (I didn't uninstall it) it's unlikely to ever be anything more than my "I'm bored and feel like shooting things" game. Being almost wholly a solo player (in my experience the fastest way to get me to stop playing a multi-player game is for me to join a guild) I'll most likely just progress slowly. Heck, I don't even own a mic, so I imagine groups would hate me anyway. That said, I started with Mag, and I can't imagine why it would be considered overpowered. The AoE crush ability is pretty darn good, but the shield restore is weak at best, and the bullet magnet ability seems largely pointless. Granted, I'm always short on energy, so maybe in a group with Trinity they'd seem better. I did try the Apollodorus survival, made it to 20 minutes my first time (though the last 4-5 was just running away from stuff) but only made it to 15 my second try. I did try it with a group, and I did fairly well until after the 15 minute mark (I only went down once the entire time) when I could empty a full clip into a guy's face and not take him down (I only have a damaged serration mod, that I obviously haven't fused at all.) Anyway, like I said, I bought Witcher 3, and it's currently taken over my gaming life, so thanks for the offer, but I doubt I'll be playing Warframe again any time relatively soon.
  4. So yeah, Warframe got old really fast. Still using the exact same starter stuff after 10 hours playing (I'd like to try a sniper rifle with a better secondary weapon) and not even getting to try anything new for quite a while more (unless I want to drop a lot of cash) all while still fighting basically the same enemies is a bit dull. So I broke down and bought The Witcher 3, which is currently installing.
  5. No sorry, I was about to never ever comment on the USA again but now I realize my views are misunderstood....so I have to start all over again I like you Vaeliorin, you seem to be sincere so I'll be honest Why would you think the word " disrespectful " would be appropriate around me stopping....disrespectful has never been a word I even considered. I have said it must be annoying at times But do you think just because you live in the USA you are an authority on the political reality or that must mean I surly cant have a valid point? Come on dude thats such a strange thing to say .....its like you think the USA operates in a vacuum But for me I will never stop commenting on the USA because the USA is part of much more important view I have around Western ideology and how important that is to overall global prosperity. I'm sorry you got pulled into a broader reality but its best you just get use to my comments or dispute them? Surly I cant be that bad? Okay I tell you what....if 5 other Americans say the same to me now I'll seriously consider your view...is that fair? I mean the last thing I want to be seen as is inconsiderate How can voicing your opinion be disrespectful just because you don't live in America. That makes no sense, sorry Vaeliorin. Would my comments be considered disrespectful as well, because I was not born here? I have double citizenship at the moment, does that make my comments disrespectful? Did you miss the post right below the one you quoted where I explained it was a joke?
  6. I just couldn't find anything I wanted to play, so given some of the good feedback, I decided to try Warframe. It's pretty fun, though I don't imagine I'll get too far in it (I don't think I'll be good enough, or want to spend the time.)
  7. I now want to go down to CBS and punch everyone.
  8. **** me man, how am I supposed to top that when I die? I intend to be reanimated as a zombie kept in a cage around my burial site. Either that or have a giant fire-breathing dragon as a marker.
  9. Wow...Polygon is even worse than I am, and I quit playing FPS games years ago because I'm so terrible at them. I can at least headshot enemies that are standing still or running straight at me. Can't hit anything moving laterally, though. ETA: The weird thing is, I do fine with 3rd person shooters. There's just something about first person that messes with my hand-eye coordination.
  10. Can I just be mad about it as a Tigers fan? He should be striking out 20 people for the Tigers, not striking out 20 Tigers!
  11. What I mean by unknowable is that you can often assume someone's reason for doing something, but it's very rare (I'd say it's nearly impossible) to know someone's reason for doing something (especially given how often people can't truly identify their own motivations for their actions.) Basically, I think it's impossible to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt someone's motivation for doing something, and therefore don't think that there should be an elevated criminal status such as hate crimes.
  12. The thing is, motive, in and of itself, is not enough to convict. And yet, it is enough to take a crime from regular crime to hate crime. So you're punishing someone further for something that is, generally, unknowable.
  13. The next difficulty. Half of the shrines I believe are on the harder difficulty settings. There are 28 shrines in Normal/Veteran, 17 in Elite, and 14 in Ultimate. One of the shrines is only doable once you're at Honored reputation with the Rovers. And yes, Loghorrean is the final boss. If you want to know where the shrines are...http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26777
  14. You forgot the A. It's an action RPG, so of course it's going to be all about killing things.
  15. It will increase any poison damage you do by 18%. So if you have no poison damage, it's worthless.
  16. Ender's Game was on the other day so I thought I'd watch it. That lasted less than 5 minutes before I had to change the channel. I don't think I've ever seen a movie get more wrong in such a short time.
  17. So I've watched some more of The Magicians and it's gotten a lot better. The characters have gotten a lot more likable, but it seems like they've overly compressed some of the story. That whole foxes thing with Alice and Quentin was just terribly handled if it really was an important moment from the books.
  18. Yep. The first 20 hours or so was fun, but once I had everything unlocked, the last 10 hours got a bit repetitive. Definitely was worth the price I paid ($9,00) Anyway, finished the season journey in Diablo 3 (well, not the Slayer bit, but I'm not going to grind enough to be able to do that.) The set dungeons are just terrible. They force you to use specific skills (and often you need specific items that modify the skills to reasonably accomplish the assigned task) and I don't know what difficulty they're intended for, but I was cruising through Torment IV, and got my butt kicked repeatedly trying to do the set dungeon. Time to go back to Spellforce (or maybe Spellforce 2...I'm moderately frustrated with the bugs in Spellforce 1.)
  19. I don't know whether it really counts as fantasy or science fiction (or maybe science fantasy, as Wikipedia describes it, but that doesn't really seem to fit) but you might be interested in Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun tetralogy. It isn't light reading by any stretch of the imagination, but it is a good series. I wouldn't say it's exactly what you're asking for, but it also really isn't typical hero's journey.
  20. Bleh...Respawn doesn't exactly have a good track record (or much of a track record at all, honestly). I wonder if it's the revived 1313?
  21. From a gameplay perspective, I hate the Imperial Guard. They're too squishy, their only non-squishy unit was restricted to one at a time in DOW1, and the units are all very one dimensional. I'm also not a fan of Orks gamplay-wise. I'd like to see the Tau return. I liked the Tau. Sisters of Battle were pretty good, Chaos Space Marines were okay, Eldar and Dark Eldar were pretty decent. Necrons units weren't terrible, but I found their mechanics a bit strange (admittedly, I didn't play them a lot.) As long as we don't get campaigns that are like Dark Crusade or Soul Storm (an endless string of essentially random skirmishes doesn't do much for me) I'll be pretty happy.
  22. As is becoming normal for me, I logged into D3 just to do the season journey. Playing a crusader and got a belt that makes a Blessed Hammer spawn every time my Justice hits anyone. So now I've got splitting Justice that spawns splitting Blessed Hamers, which means my entire screen is filled with hammers all the time. It's pretty awesome what it does to large groups. Not so great on single targets, but that's why I've got sky lasers and archer buddies.
  23. Defense Grid 2 is okay, but it's nowhere near as good as the first one. I spent many, many hours playing Defense Grid, but I played through Defense Grid 2 once, and haven't really touched it since (it was so easy I gold-starred every level the first time.)
  24. You know, I've had A Memory Of Light since it came out and I've never read it. I have no idea how the series ends, other than what's in my head. Kind of afraid the ending is terrible.
  25. That seems in keeping with what I've read of the books. It's also why I've only read about the first half of the first book. Changing characters every 5 pages does not a good reading experience make, as far as I'm concerned.
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