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Everything posted by Lysen

  1. You could bypass some (but not all) combat encounters in Icewind Dale 2, probably it will be possible in PE as well. However, I am much more interested in applications of stealth outside combat, like stealing, looting houses, eavesdropping etc. One of my fondest memories of Baldur's Gate is looting every house in ... well, in Baldur's Gate))) It was so satisfying.
  2. So this is probably another cancelled game. A shame, because these images look beautiful.
  3. You can avoid this bug if you finish her minions first (all of them).
  4. The bestest idea I have heard in a while. This is what I always hated in party RPGs. If you are a rogue, there is no room for another rogue in the party, however cool he/she/it may be. Of course, you can have two rogues, but it will mean that your party will probably weaker because you have no space for another fighter or wizard.
  5. DS3 was a beautiful game, I loved the creatures, the outfits, character models, almost everything.
  6. I think KOTOR2 system wasn't really different from FNV system.
  7. Honestly, I am totally fine with the current system (which was described in the last update). Durability might be of some concern, because but I don't think this is such a big issue. I usually hoard money so I could buy some cool items in stores. And I am also okay with finding them in dungeons. Hmm, people don't want consumables, crafting, durability? I don't even know what to say, my English skills are failing me.
  8. "You must gather your party before venturing forth" Not this again, FFFFUUUUUUUUUUU...
  9. Weird number for the level cup? Really? In Baldur's Gate (vanilla) you couldn't get past 7-8 level.
  10. Looks very nice. It seems that we will get some new 'exclusive' info on PE soon.
  11. Don't make wolves always hostile to the player please) I am really tired of this cliche.
  12. They didn't show anything new, except for some concept art.
  13. They are showing the new world map, damn I want one as a wallpaper!
  14. True. Vailian probably runs the biggest risk of this, especially since it's a cased language (most contemporary Romance languages are not). I already had a native Italian speaker call me out on the Darcozzi Paladini (an ancient order of palace guards from the Grand Empire of Vailia). "Hey buddy, who named that, some backwater farmer?!" Hopefully there will be no Russian inspired languages and I will be able to avoid any WTF moments like in Alpha Protocol (where I couldn't even read what was written in supposedly Cyrillic script).
  15. Let's think about it: Star Wars: The Knights of the old Republic 2: The Sith Lords - great game (not without flaws, of course); Neverwinter Nights 2 - a good game, whatever the others say; Neverwinter Nights 2: The Mask of Betrayer - some people call it the best RPG since Planescape: Torment; Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir - not so great, but a good expansion pack; Alpha Protocol - well, honestly, not so good, but with some great ideas; Fallout: New Vegas - the best Fallout game since Fallout 2; Dungeon Siege 3 - not so good, but an enjoyable game nonetheless; That's all, I think I didn't forget anything. Overall, they have a good record. It's a good thing that Obsidian is still around - we have Project: Eternity, and the future seems bright.
  16. I didn't like both of them. I've played Skyrim and I don't really want to play it again (all right, I know that Witcher 3 won't be a Skyrim clone, but still, this trailer looked exactly like Skyrim). And DA trailer... I don't even want to talk about it, it was so generic and just ugly.
  17. The more I look at the mockups, the more I like the original design (though I didn't like it at first). No offense, but it looks like a lesser evil now.
  18. They don't really look like cats http://hydra-images.cursecdn.com/eternity.gamepedia.com/2/27/Orlan.jpg
  19. I am not sure why you compare this with Irenicus's dungeon. It reminds me more of IWD tombs. Remove the mechanical stuff in the big chamber, and it will look even more like it. And that electrical thingie, it doesn't look like BG at all, it would fit better in Arcanum universe. Imagine the surprise of an adventurer, who came through all this ancient looking chambers fighting undead monsters and, suddenly, he sees before him this technological wonder. Yes, Irenicus dungeon had stuff like that, but it looked more magical, I think...
  20. The dungeon reminds me more of IWD (Valley of Shadows tombs) than BG or especially PST. I think it was already confirmed, no?
  21. To break away from the heated UI discussion, did I mention how awesome this is? I wonder if dialogue will be handled this way? Probably not though.
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