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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. IT'S ALIVE!!! Alive I tell you! On the less enthusiastic note, now I have to install and setup windows and alll the rest of the gubbins...
  2. RIPD. It had it's amusing moments, although I wouldn't say it was anything special. It did seem a bit confused about exactly what it was trying to do. As they say, it was kind of MIB but with dead people instead of aliens, but they weren't pushing the wacky and making it a comedy all the way. It seemed to bounce between quite serious "action" film story styles and then comedy, not joining the two together. Felt very split-personality.
  3. Well I'm throwing an i5 4670k on a Gigabyte GA-Z87-D3HP board with 2 sticks of 4Gb Corsair DDR3 1600Mhz. I'm being able to salvage my GTX 560 Ti graphics card and a couple of harddrives from my old machine.. As soon as I go out manana and pick up a sata Optical drive, I'll be able to tidy up all my cabling, then install Windows 7 on a 128Gb SSD. I still can't believe I forgot that my old DVD drives were IDE and that most "modern" motherboards just don't bother with that these days.
  4. Well I finally got the news that the copy of WIndows 7 was in with the rest of the gubbins I needed, so I went and collected it. Started the fun of putting all the components together, then found out I'd made one wee booboo. My dvd drives are old enough that they actually need IDE cables.. new motherboards have generally moved past that. Now I need to head out manana morning and pick myself up a sata optical drive. I think this gets filed under #ThingsYouReallyShouldRememberToCheck. Also, since when did Intel stop putting in the thermal paste with chips and heatsink fans?
  5. Now I did see the film a couple of weeks ago, but for general film trivia.. Uproxx - As You Wish: 10 interesting facts we learnt about the Princess Bride from Rob Reiner I thought it might interest/entertain a few folks here
  6. Heh, one of the things I've noticed over the years is that if you have an old gym with more of the "classical" style of free weights, that tend to be a little grubby and worn, you tend to have guys who are more friendly and willing to offer advice or help spot you. But the more modern and trendier the gym, with the latest gear and electronics up the wazoo, tends to have some incredible asshats working out who get together in groups and lock up all the weights because "we'll be using them in a minute", spend half their time chatting with each other, talking on their phones and posing in the mirrors. On other matters, waiting to get that copy of WIndows 7 so I can grab bits and pieces and hopefully have a working pc by the end of the week. Having had a few discussions with people about why I'm not buying a copy "cheap" from ebay or various other retailers selling them for half-price via Amazon or the like. The amount of reviews and people talking about getting suckered by dodgy copies, copies that turned out to be business licenses and then 6 months down the road when they get grief from Microsoft over it the original supplier no longer exists... I'm like "Okay, yes it is half the price of a 'proper' copy. But I don't want to have to deal with the odds of getting a crappy copy. I'm using a 100% legit source rather then risking it." There's looking around to find the best source, and then there's just trying to be a total Dell-boy on the matter.
  7. Well, the numbers I heard was that the "main" storyline is about 10 hours long, but the additional side stuff and crazy moments adds about 30 hours. So yes, you could blitz through it fairly quickly but if you're wandering around and just having fun with it.. I think you'd be fairly happy., Frankly any game that gives you about an hour of fun for every $4 you spent on it, it's still more cost effective then seeing a few films at the cinema..
  8. heh. The lastest UK trailer for it includes the "the game australia doesn't want you to play!" as an additional selling feature.
  9. Yeah, amazon just told me they were cancelling my pre-order of the pc version and they'd let me know when they were actually getting stock.
  10. Try using the quote system froma smart phone. Now that takes effort..
  11. Hm, after watching that Threshold, the other thing that got me thinking was that there was a whole bunch of really quite good sci-fi, with some intelligent writing, that kept getting cancelled after one season back then. All around the same time. Threshold, Odyssey 5, John Doe... a few others. It's got me gnashing my teeth a bit even now, that was back in the first part of the 2000's, and when they started to replace good sci-fi with reality tv and ghost-hunter shows..
  12. Well, don't feel too bad LC, I also noticed that. Well, after noticing a few other things first.. but I did notice that..
  13. Well mine is based off the main bad guy from the old "The Young Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" film... Maybe that's telling psychologically. But the thing was the character used it both ways Raithe and Ehtiar depending on whether he was playing his "good person of society" or "evil villain mastermind". I liked the sound and the way it reversed and have pretty much used it for years. As to the avatar picture, that's a section of one of the Mutants and Masterminds RPG book covers.. Hm, again, possibly telling.
  14. Caught a rerun of Threshold. That was a good show, shame it got cancelled. Although it did get me thinking, treat the alien force as chaos and the warp,the DNA warping as corruption and mutation, the Threshold team as inquisition acolytes, it would make a good Dark Heresy campaign.
  15. "everyone has to believe in something. I believe I'll have another beer" You know, there's something about a batch of insomnia that really pushes the urge to not be social..
  16. So how long is the contracts thing running? I'm not likely to be up and running again for most of the next week... So do I have to grit my teeth and wait for it's next turn up ala the Gree? Or is it going to be running a lengthy time?
  17. Wondering if I'm going to start to develop the shakes without use of a properly working and active pc.. Of course, it's always the way. I've gone through a few weeks of just not having any serious gaming urges, then the moment I can't sit down and play them..I'm all "damn it, I need to shoot something / conquer the world on x game" and its bugging the hell out of me that I can't scratch that itch.. heh.
  18. My dear boy. In my opinion the original A-team, locked in a garage with an oxy-acetylene blowtorch couldn't do much for YOUR sanity. ~ Realised I've been having a migraine all day. Am now also suffering hypochondria. I resent that remark. I have a certificate PROVING my sanity. It's in very pretty crayon too. So there!
  19. Not exactly news per se.. but weirdly entertaining io9 - Creepy psychological technique
  20. If we get 'em early enough we can make sure they have manners, politeness, and general courtesy pounded into them....
  21. Should it be considered a sign of addiction that when my pc is borked I'll use my smart phone to surf the Obs boards and make comments? Edit: Also, I really don't know what to make of Hello Kitty. I've seen a girl with it tattooed on her, and I've seen a Darth Vader costume mixed with Hello Kitty. I don't think either really did much for my sanity.
  22. Heh, I nearly went with that one, but was keeping to the "russians" to follow on. Of course, if we're going to do the "women of RA" on this thread.. that runs to what, about 20 odd ladies? About 7 Allies, 7 Soviet, and 7 Rising Sun? If not more...
  23. If we're going to go that route... Let us at least be gamer geeks about it..
  24. Eh, I'm not sure the whole people-power thing should be taken as anything more then background character of what's happening in the city. It doesn't actually mean Garret's going to be directly linked to it... just taking advantage of all the opportunities such chaos might unleash.
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