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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. It's that Lex Luthor look. They're expecting you to be an Evvvvviiil Genius. Because that's sexy.
  2. Hopefully you can start reclaiming a bit of your life, now you won't be running around after her and her pets for a while. Well we've still got the cat and the mad spaniel. Apparently she was only allowed to have one pet in the new place. Which on a certain level I kind of worry about, because he's a big dog and she'll be working 9-5 most days so whether she'll get back on track for actually giving him daily runs or not...
  3. Helped my sister move a fridge/freezer combo into her new place. Now today is the official "she's out of the house and into the new one". She's taken the big dog with her, so here's to how it all turns out.
  4. I've known a few and they were generally quite pleasant. Some can get a bit focused on what their geek interest is in, but as long as you don't talk to them like they're freaky weirdo's or act condescending, they're usually okay.
  5. Well they got the voice actress to come back to spend a day just doing all of the "painful" moans and gasps. Maybe he just wanted an excuse to get her back in the studio making all those noises?
  6. If we're taking a spin on the celebrities again.. And frankly, we just have to wander Star Wars side for a moment:
  7. Of course nowadays, you hold up your phone and thank them for saying that on the record so you can put it on facebook, so if they want to try that..
  8. Heh, my parents will never let me forget a couple of the comments they got that first parent-teacher's evening after I started secondary school. "Normally by the time half-term arrives, if everyone in the staff room is aware of a new student's name that is either a very good sign or a very bad sign. In your son's case, we just don't know."
  9. http://uk.gamespot.com/news/bioware-details-save-import-options-for-dragon-age-inquisition-6413859 http://blog.bioware.com/2013/08/28/the-dragon-age-keep/
  10. "Newton's 1st Law.. A body at rest wants to stay at rest. Now piss off and let me die in peace."
  11. An entertaining moment via 21st Century Wire - John Cleese: Syria and Alert to Threats in Europe
  12. I'm half surprised no-one has gone with the "But.. I didn't know she was married.. or her sister..." frame of words..
  13. It's that "dancer / gymnast" fitness, as opposed to body-builder muscle fitness... Now I feel like applying the correct dose of motivationals to this thread..
  14. The Internet. Where the men are boys. The women are men. And the children are all FBI agents... Well, the internet has moved on somewhat since those days...
  15. Hm, and for a further Riddick element, a quote from Vin regarding how it went along...
  16. Between the lines of Employment Ads: Advancement Opportunity -s*** job Entry Level -Really a s*** job No Experience Necessary -The mother of all s*** jobs Administrative Assistant -s*** job with a title Ground Floor Opportunity -s*** job with a company that will file bankruptsy within a year Progressive Company -Employees get to wear jeans every other Friday Team Player -Must deal with dangerously territorial co-workers with rabid personalities Upbeat Personalities -Must neither threaten us with any kind of lawsuit nor use the drug/alcohol rehab benefit within the first year Word Processing Skills Essential -There is a crippling case of carpal tunnel syndrome in your future Public Relations Receptionist, Professional Appearance Important -$20K a year job that requires a $100K a year wardrobe Pleasant Telephone Manner -Be the voice of 1-900-SEX-SUCK Earn Up To $300/Hour -Be 1-900-SEX-SUCK Salary Range $24K to $32K -The Salary is $24K BA Required, MA Preferred -Must be a MA willing to work for a BA salary Civil Service -The job was filled from the inside 6 months ago Women/Minorities Encouraged -White males need not waste a stamp Outstanding Benefits Package -Health Insurance Tons of Variety -We took all the heinous tasks no one else would do and rolled them into one job Top Notch Communication Skills -Telemarketing Beautiful Offices in Attractive Locale -Brand new tacky windowless office where picture frames match the carpet Secretary -Women only job with the responsibilities of management and the wages of a migrant worker Executive Secretary -The most powerful person in any company Dedicated -You're looking at a minimum of 80 hours per week until we force you into early retirement Salary Commensurate -We'll pay you whatever the Hell we feel like Salary Negotiable -We'll take the lowest bidder Competitive Salary -We'll pay you up to 10% more than your last job... Period! Competitive Starting Salary -Ten cents above minimum wage Pleasant Atmosphere -A staff of pod people Professional Atmosphere -Zombie pod people Fun, Creative Atmosphere -Pod people from Hell Dynamic Atmosphere -Zombie pod people from Hell Gal Friday -Anyone who actually applies for this job deserves it Self Starter -Open to broad interpretation, since no one really knows what this means
  17. The three most common expressions (or famous last words) in aviation are: "Why is it doing that?", "Where are we?" And "Oh S...!"
  18. I think it was Oscar Wilde who did the curtains. Or rather something along the lines of "My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or other of us has got to go,"
  19. I rewatched Chronicles of Riddick. No matter what a lot of people can say about it, I still enjoy that film. It's a little bit bombastic, and Twohy has said that they had to tone down a lot of the ideas for the studio backing, but it's still a fairly fun romp even with the silliness. I enjoyed it enough to watch the dvd extras and behind the scenes stuff, which are also quite amusing. Although each time I see it, I do tend to think the Necromungers are a fusion of Necron and Chaos Space Marine from WH40k...
  20. So Saints Row IV has sold over a million units in the first week. Making it a fairly qualified commercial success. Now if only they'd get the goddamn physical game in the UK I'd give them my money for a copy.
  21. Guess what I read. I read 3 males in 3 days and I was little WTF for a moment. I guess that would play on the old joke "what's the ultimate in trust between cannibals? oral sex."
  22. You know, it's always weird when you wake up and for some bizarre reason you've had so much sleepydust form that your eyelids are glued shut. It's like. "okay, I'm awake.. wait.. I cant see!!!!" Edit: Hm, just realised I've had 3 meals in 3 days. I should probably make sure I sort out something for lunch today...
  23. I've always liked the rule "be careful if her brother's have knife scars..."
  24. nbc news - mini-human brains grown from stem cells
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