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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. The weather has definitely turned past summer here. No sunlight, lots of greyness, and its pretty much been pissing it down with rain all day. Also noted I hadn't had anything to eat today. So I went in the kebab shop and picked up a super burger. Which is a rather delightful, if incredibly unhealthy, but tastey collection of just over 3/4 pounds of cooked meat, slathered in assorted sauces, slices of cheese and fresh salad between some oven-toasted baps..
  2. Hm, well the whole future-flash of "Walt buying the M60 and returning home" happens after he turns 52.. So since Hank found the book when Walt was turning 51, only a little time has gone by. There's going to be some gap of almost a year happening.
  3. A chemistry friend of mine always said he got best results with a piece of cheese and a box on a stick with string. Or using the line "does this cloth smell of chloroform to you?" He even says that's how he got the lady he ended up marrying. Hm. Realised I've gone through the day without actually checking my email. On the one hand, that's a good sign of not being net-addicted, on the other it could mean I missed anything related to serious work...
  4. Well, as I said, its a pretty faithful adaption of the style of the book.
  5. Well, not so much weird but still.. BBC News - Voyager Prove 'leaves the solar system'
  6. Had an early morning doctors appointment. The wheels of the NHS grind steadily..but slowly. It took three weeks from attempting to book it for there to be a slot open. Of course, then I had to set the alarm for earlier then normal and went to bed thinking to myself "you have to get up early" - so I found myself waking up on the hour, every hour from 3am onwards. Then after the GP listens and pokes, she decides she wants me to have an ecg and fasting blood test, so I go to the nurses station to book that..and get told it'll take two weeks before I can have that appointment.
  7. There was a reason I said "If you like those slightly kooky supernatural tinged thrillers." I've actually read the book it's based on this week, and I have to say they actually did use a lot of the dialogue from the book, not just the usual Hollywood adaptive screenplay. Sure, some of the lines were shifted in scenes to suit a movie rather then a book, but they were still pretty much as is. And that "character talking to the audience" is how the books are written.
  8. A Boy Makes Anti-Muslim Comments In Front Of An American Soldier. The Soldier's Reply: Priceless. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueT79ZPY9IM&feature=player_embedded#t=289
  9. Prince William to take Conservation role as he leaves the military
  10. I have to say, I think Benedict did Khan well as he was written. It's just that the character as written for ST Into Darkness is purely that solo "genius" figure, and not the sweepingly charismatic one that could persuade people to follow him and inspire loyalty. On one hand, it makes sense becase as LadyC says, it's the embittered Khan trying to get his crew back rather then the leader with a crew and casually capable of turning his enemies to his side. In Wrath of Khan, he was embittered, but he had a single focus (Kirk) and he still had crew and family that helped stabilise him a bit - at least until Kirk really started punching his buttons. In Into Darkness, he's alone, he's been alone for a long time, and he actually thought the Federation had killed his crew earlier.
  11. Indeed. Well, it's Odette Annable, and she did voice Amata.
  12. Hm, managed to carve out some time to run through my first Bounty mission. Spend a fair bit of time running around shady characters before I finally managed to get four of them to talk. I think I ended up interrogating about 27 shady characters to get those four successes.
  13. The annoying thing is that every game they've done (Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, Only War) all use ever so slightly different rules systems. Mostly similar but with tweaks and shifts. Same weapons have different stats and damage dice, Special Qualities that are treated every so slightly different... Things that they fixed in one game with Errata since it was first published.. they then put in one of the later games without that Errata. After all of this, they've started developing the 2nd Edition of Dark Heresy... and it completely dumps every single thing about the games system for something totally new and with absolutely no connections to any of the other games lines. Oh, and they've announced that they will no longer produce anything for the Calixis Sector and the new game is set somewhere else.
  14. Since we haven't had a serious update here inwhiles, this needs a grouping of fresh pictures:
  15. It's a key strategy even in the easiest ones for me It makes them all easier, but it only becomes something you really HAVE to do for those heroic high level space missions.
  16. Made it through the night with some weird ass dreams. Lots of important "trying to help with a friends wedding" but never actually knowing just which friend it was, throw in a house I knew, but had a totally different internal layout, and about a dozen and one girls from my past all there. Scurrying around juggling a bunch of groomsman duties to help out and all sorts of oddities kept happening. Then I woke up with a grinding headache. So now, on to a cup of tea and the cat being in some loud and noisy caterwauling mood for some damn reason.
  17. Remember, flipping power from shields to guns and back again at various moments really becomes a key strategy.
  18. I'd say it's more a matter of balance and situation. If you're stone cold sober and they're slurring their words, they're a bit too drunk to make informed decisions and it's not so gentlemanly to have your way with her. if you're both somewhat squiffy together, it's more of a mutual thing. If you're drunk and randy at a party and stumble on a girl who's near passed out drunk then it's definitely taking advantage and more rapey. - Isn't that a wonderful adjective?
  19. Heh. Ethics - A Letter to My Son About Consent
  20. Heh. I've had a woman find it incredibly offensive that I wouldn't say yes to sex because she was drunk. Even when she sobered up and I was "look, if you were sober and wanted to I'd say yes, but you were schloshed out of your skull so I was a gentleman". All she focused on was that I had said no at that point so I obviously thought she was unattractive and had therefor insulted her...
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