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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. When I started doing some of the high level flashpoints with my Sith Inquisitor, we had a crappy tank and the rest of the group ended up talking me into tanking when they kicked him out. So even though I was spec'd for DPS and geared that way, I was tanking through several fp's and able to handle it fairly well. A couple of people had to leave, so ended up with some fresh random's coming into it and were doing the Illum flashpoints. At which point my basic tanking skills really stopped working, and the healer had absolutely no idea what he was doing, so we had a couple of party wipes. I actually said about what had happened and why I was tanking, I offered to quit out so they could get an actual tank but they wanted to try again so I went along with it. Then several minutes in, one of the guys stopped and was all "Hell, all your gear is Crit and Accuracy!" and then they kicked me out without any warning or words beyond that.
  2. Hm, don't think so. Although all I really know is it's a public company and the CEO is still one of the co-founders. And Google talked about acquiring them some months back. But it's something like £5.99 for a month for it, and I think it's pretty much the only way you can watch all of Breaking Bad in the UK unless you get all the dvd's. Or download it via other sources.
  3. "Crazy girls. Crazy girls are the best. They're wild as hell to hang out with. The sex is incredible. You never know what's going to happen. The problem is, there's no real good way of ending it with girls like that. I've changed jobs and moved. Faked my death. And they're there. At the funeral. They aren't even subtle about it. They show up and they're dressed like whores. God I love crazy girls."
  4. Ah, so you're saying you've gotten into the kidnap , rape and torture combo for the sheer sake of it because it's associated with everyone?
  5. Especially when he found out Walt was Heisenberg. It wasn't that he was a criminal, it was more that he'd hurt Hank's pride over being right there under his nose. Hell, Walt literally told him he was moving quarter of a million in cash at one point and Hank just thought it was a joke and ignored it. I don't know about you, but I could get the sense that Hank wouldn't have been that bothered by it if it wasn't for that hurt pride and the way it would look - the DEA agent who didn't know his own brother-in-law was a criminal mastermind.
  6. I have to say, the wives were pretty damn annoying and whiney and generally hypocritical messes throughout the series.
  7. Hm, have to stop eating and drinking in a couple of hours to fast for my doctor's appointment manana. That's not so much a problem in general, but I am not looking forward to starting the day without a cup of tea.. It's just not civilised.
  8. I keep doing bits and pieces at the moment rather then focusing. I've got a Sage at 46 who's about 1/3 of the way through Belsavis. My Smuggler and Inquisitor are both at 54, I've got my Trooper hovering at 19 and an Imperial Agent at 20. The rest I've left at 50 having completed their class stuff. I've been playing the game since it first came out and I still haven't actually done any of the operations. I should probably get around to trying the queue for one at some point....
  9. How about for general sanity we skip that gif and stop reposting it, and start putting in other pictures again?
  10. Hey, I like a lot of Bioware stuff, and I think when you get down to it most of the other forumites enjoy Bioware games to a point. They just happen to be more vocal about talking about the perceived flaws, and taking the piss out of the pre-ponderance of BW style romancing rather then discussing other aspects...
  11. Got back from the birthday bbq somewhat drunk. A random conversation ended up with the birthday boy blowing a pipe full of icing sugar across the bonfire to cause mini fire-bursts. He's a chemistry PhD and Researcher. Various wives / girlfriend / female cousins of the family were present and while they enjoyed the fire bursts were a bit disappointed in the effort it took to get it right. I gave him a good bottle of 10 year old tawny port, which we ended up drinking as we smoked cigars around the fire afterwards. Then he gave me a good bottle of Azul tequila as a present after some good natured threatening of me after I hugged his wife - he'd just been attending a chemistry conference in Mexico. I realised how long it's been since I last tango'd a pretty lady, and his wife poked me and asked why I didn't impress any of her friends and family at the wedding some months back with it. To which I replied salsa music is not a good intro to a tango, and holiday romances with the family of your best friends bride generally isn't a good idea.
  12. And for the other school related news.. Utah Football Coach Suspends the Entire Team
  13. Having a bout of flatness and lack of focus. Hm, also got that fasting blood test and ecg at the start of the week. That'll be fun. But mostly trying to psych myself up to go to a friends birthday bbq tonight. Although I have managed to pick up a card and a bottle of good tawny port to take along. But the autumn seems to have flashed back into grimly grey weather today which isn't helping.
  14. Heh, from an author's blog. On Being A Teenager in a Digital Age
  15. Oh, not sure if many of you knew this was out there.. but if you didn't I'm sure the Breaking Bad crowd will get a kick out of it.. http://youtu.be/OuoZqLyMMI4
  16. I definitely have noticed a change in those high level spaceship missions. I used to be able to spend 5 minutes running through one just for a break from everything else and having a bit of fun with the music blasting out and shooting up enemy fighters and completing the mission and usually getting most of the bonuses. The last week I've just given up in frustration because I keep getting smashed to a pulp by the halfway point on every one I've tried playing.
  17. Well it's more a thing with my dad. But parts of it is that I provide an amount of "house keeping" rent to my mother, so there's figuring out which goes which way. Plus family politics. Although it was kind of amusing to do my dad's old trick with the phone bill back on him. He used to drive us all insane every time the phone bill turned up and run around questioning everyone on all numbers called so he could figure out if there were any that shouldn't be there. So I went with the "Hm, so do you recognise this number from Fareham? This number from..." I actually have another phone line for my work at home which is on a separate bill, so I leave it up to them to sort out who handles the other house phone that's part of that package. The tv is mostly used by my mother, who when she's having a bad day with all the health issues tends to have that switched on in the background by her bed. It pretty much gets divided by her covering the tv, I cover the internet, and dad does the "but I don't really use them" while every other moment you find him on the computer or watching the tv. Family politics, always fun..
  18. Coulson turns out to be a LifeModelDecoy but doesn't know it? It was a nice brief appearance of Ron Glass as well. Be interesting to see whether he turns up in more, as well as if Agent Hill makes any other cameo's as time goes by. They do seem to be having Coulson be fairly whimsical with his humour. How effective that'll be as they develop it out, and compared to some of Whedon's other shows it felt aimed more at the juvenile crowd and not quite as dark as he can go.
  19. Sorting out some bills. Since for various reasons I now pay the direct debit for the phone lines, internet, tv package.. I got to chase the family for their share, and the joys of folks doing the "well I use x, but I don't really use y much so should I really be covering..."
  20. Or to return to a classically exotic style..
  21. It doesn't beat the original approach... http://youtu.be/aVZUVeMtYXc
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