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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Heh, that reminds me of that old quote "real sex is like real violence. It's messy and the results usually end up smelling quite badly." Urf, but its being a seriously grey and depressing day here so I'm trying to establish some get up and go to get things done.
  2. Heh. io9 - DC Won't Allow Batwoman's Gay Marriage to be Depicted.
  3. The internet can be a very weird place. On the other hand, I do know a few people who first "met" each other via some chat sites, and over time ended up getting married. Heh, one couple who started talking on the old WB Buffy chat site back in '98 or so, and they were on opposite sides of the Atlantic. I got invited to their wedding about 6 years ago.
  4. Had a rather terrible night. Lots of weird dreams I kept waking up from. So I'm staggering through the morning like a zombie in need of tea... I actually kind of enjoyed Chronicles of Riddick. It was interesting that they approached it in a "we're doing a sequel, but we want to make it a sequel about the characters not just re-doing what we did for the first film and adding more gore." Apparently Twohy and Deisel had a vision of three parts when they pitched Chronicles to the studios, but because it was being financed by a studio that had to tone down a lot of the R rated aspects. Now that Riddick is being independently financed, they've been able to push it back to R, but have to scale back some of the ideas they had for the budget.
  5. And condolences LC. Tis never fun to go through that. Nelson here pretty much refuses most forms of cat food especially any of the jellied kind. He pretty much only eats the kibble.
  6. Roaming around in Saints Row IV and having a few giggles as I throw aliens into the air with super-strength kicks to the groin....
  7. Hm, have to admit I lost track of a few hours and misplaced the afternoon.. My copy of Saints Row IV turned up so I installed it as I was working on other things, then made the mistake of going "I'll just have a break and seeing what it's like...."
  8. I actually consider it a little scary. I've known a few people who are into it and they pretty much say the same thing. To quote from a blog piece: The fact that it started off as crappy Twilight fanfiction erotica just flares my distaste even more Although I do think this was inspired marketing:
  9. Yeesh. A whole bunch of girls I know are INCREDIBLY excited because they've announced some guy they all consider mega-hot to be cast in the primary role for the film adaption of 50 Shades of Grey. I've been stuck doing the "But..But..the books are bad?! They're badly written. Badly edited?! Bad bdsm?!" and their various responses boil down to "We don't care. He's hot." The spaniel here is still getting used to the fact that my sister and the big dog are gone. Definitely playing the pathetic card a lot. Managed to get out of the house, walked to the middle of the road and then lay down flat on the ground....
  10. Are you ready to face the power of the dark side that is.. Darth Cater?
  11. In reading related news.. Frederik Pohl died this weekend. http://www.frederikpohl.com/ http://io9.com/rip-frederik-pohl-the-man-who-transformed-science-fict-1241405614 And his daughter tweeted it to confirm it.
  12. And thus.. we know he's a a Lawyer.. Yeah, if I clung to preconceptions contrary to evidence in the contrary I'd be lawyer's client... Or an engineer :D Well I was referring to the whole " I didn't have any actual experience with it, so I'm just going by what other people said" - Next thing you know, you'll be asked by Fox to talk about the porntastic release that Dragon Age Romances are of course going to be on their next special news report...
  13. And thus.. we know he's a a Lawyer..
  14. Only if you buy me drinks first. I don't put out on the first date...
  15. Oh, you mean the perspective that we have the better machines for "proper" gaming, but still have to put up with those annoying console people? I was thinking of the "cheaper games, fewer buyers, yet still expect special treatment" perspective, but that works, too :D I always thought console people needed a slapping to get them to pick up on that. You have a machine that doesn't work as well as a pc, and you still pay silly money for games to play on it that are usually not quite as capable as pc games..
  16. Oh, you mean the perspective that we have the better machines for "proper" gaming, but still have to put up with those annoying console people? I have to admit, the more I hear about DA:I, the more tempting it gets. I'm interested in just how much actual choice & consequence there will be and how much you can actually shape/effect the development of the Inquisition through the game. It's making me feel like they're trying to make a crpg that actually covers that old style of D&D when you hit 9th level and got a Keep and followers Having that shift from "ye low-level adventurer hacking kobolds" to "stately world affecting character and his minions". It's an interesting idea, let's just see how the execution of it actually holds up this time around.
  17. Kiwi Parody of Blurred Lines Shut Down by Youtube
  18. Hm, Facebook is asking its users to give feedback on the new Terms and Conditions: Also
  19. The Philadelphia Story. There are reasons some films are just absolute classics. Cary Grant, Katherine Hepburn, and James Stewart are just a great mix with the dialogue. Dang, now I feel in the mood to chase down some more of the 40's screwball comedies and light rom-coms.
  20. Heh, who would have thought this thread would last this long? Hm, I'm tempted to add something that's potentially on the balance of nsfw.. what the hell, I find it amusing and suitable for this thread. http://youtu.be/YHood00sNJU
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