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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Okay, now I know that's a good reason not to post really late at night..but I have no idea why i ended up putting Crossing Lines in this thread rather then "what's on the idiot box"....
  2. Switched on the pc and was puzzled. All my windows theme/desktop settings have shifted overnight. It can't seem to make up it's mind if it's got a graphics card installed. And any right click I make leaves it chundering for about 30-50 seconds before I get a whiff of a menu appearing..
  3. Well we've had about a week's break from this, so let's return with a theme..
  4. That and the whole Spanish Inquisition was slightly different from the standard Catholic Church Inquisition if I recall, it was actually established by the Spanish King.. of course, the Roman Catholic Church didn't actually disband the Office of the Inquisition until the last century, well, when I say "disband" I mean re-named and re-branded as the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith (or some such)... But we're wandering into history and away from fun game related trivia.. Hm, did we cover the http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/07/25/fear-not-your-dragon-age-choices-will-carry-over-into-inquisition/ from a few weeks back or did I miss it?
  5. Well, wasn't the description basically that they pretty much record every email (or such) and save it away on big server farms? Then if your name crops up in relation to anything (or some bureaucrat is annoyed with you) they can pretty much run a search query on you, pull it from storage, then they can analyse it to look for whatever they want or if there's something interesting. Of course, that might just have been the journalists getting it a wee bit wrong, which like, never ever happens.
  6. Crossing Lines. It's being somewhat interesting but nothing special procedural crime show. Definitely being a good showcase for William Fichtner. Although it's a..curious concept: A special crime unit set up by the ICC to look at serious crimes that cross borders within the EU. So of course it's a mixed unit of nationalities and specialities: Led by a French detective whose son was killed by a russian mobster (lines of conspiracy hidden away for an arc) The Irish cop (who happens to have a criminal brother) ; the firearm expert. The German cop (with an internet gambling addiction) ; technical wiz and hacker. The Italian cop (daughter of a killed mob boss) ; who happens to be the anti-mafia covert specialist. The French cop (the young and somewhat naive) ; who specialises in smuggling and border crossing crimes. The American cop (one crippled hand and a struggling drug issue) ; who happens to be a disgraced former NY detective and expert profiler. Nice European settings to it all, shifts in tone due to using the train to cross borders and the like, oh and Donald Sutherland as the ICC representative. It does kind of gloriously misrepresent what the ICC actually does, but ah well. It's all an excuse.
  7. Hm, I remember seeing something about the Spanish Inquisition actually killed far fewer "witches" then other places in Europe. They were more geared around "heresy" in more Christian related sense then worrying about "demonic influences" and "hex-ing crones"... Of course, if we're going to be Inquisitors.. do we get to surprise anyone? Because you know our main weapon will have to be suprise and fear....
  8. Heh, wait until you have to drop out of your final year of university to look after a disabled mother. a decade on and you really look at your cv and go "oh crap." It's all about pulling yourself up and throwing yourself forward... As long as you don't give up and fall into a small heap in the floor to cry.. I tried the military before i was too old. Bastard medical board caught me because my left eye was too short sighted. My right eye made the grade, but my left eye let me down... But I did pick up a whole bunch of amusing stories from those potential officer visits they do with the British Army regiments here..
  9. Hm. Okay, see the thing I really liked about DA2 was the concept of you becoming this major city "lord & hero" and seeing how your choices would effect the city over time. Then the execution of those aspects kind of sucked. Now I'm pondering if I should get excited about the possibilites behind the whole "character building up an organisation" and the choices and consequences that will evolve from that. Of course, that's somewhat dampened by wondering if they'll let it meander the weird way they did in DA2. Heh, actually thinking about it, maybe that's the nostalgia of all those old AD&D campaigns of finally going from low to mid/high level where you suddenly got a keep and followers and that whole shift from purely "wandering adventurer" to actual responsibility and power and effecting the campaign world on a larger stage....
  10. As a follow-on to my day, got a nice external harddrive delivered so I could do some serious backup of my PC. Now have just spent an hour and a half making attempts at backups that keep failing in the last 5 minutes due to "i/o errors"..
  11. "Using this Doll, can you show me where the bad NSA touched you?"
  12. I still haven't actually started any of the seeker droid stuff. Heh, actually I still haven't completed Markab with any character yet. I've just been dabbling here and there with getting my Consular, Trooper and Agent a bit further along on their story arcs. Not really focusing on anything in particular.
  13. The cat has to go to the vet today. His good eye is all swollen and he can't seem to open it.. which means he's basically blind at the moment.
  14. Well, as they say, may he rest in peace in that great obs board in the sky...
  15. Also, since you have so many of the opposing team pretty much said "our job for the next few years is to stop Obama from achieving anything" rather then "okay, let's get on with serving the country until we can try again at the next election". Presidents have a certain fuzzy amount of power, it gets a wee bit crippled when he doesn't have a good lock on Congress and the Senate..
  16. Okay, if someone asks you to go get something from the shops and then say "remember, the shops shut at x", that generally sits in my mind as "you have until x to go pick it up". It does not mean "I absolutely need this within the next hour." If someone needs something in an hour I expect them to actually say "I need this within the hour." If they just keep saying "remember the shop shuts at x" it's going to bug the crap out of me because I'll be thinking "I freaking know this already, that means I have 5 odd hours to get it" and won't actually get me rushing out of the door. Is that just me?
  17. Had a short fiddle around with the Saints Row Inaugeration Station to see if there's anything new to it. Hm, really need to sit down and do the last couple of hours of Shadowrun Returns, I just haven't been in the right mood this last week to return to it....
  18. There are two kinds of bald men in this world : Uncle Fester and the Patrick Stewart.
  19. Hm, woke up early from some mixed dreams where I was battling through some half-submerged tunnel system bouncing between hunting / being hunted by a many toothed krakenesque creature. Couldn't get comfortable to have a saturday lay-in, so now actually up and about. The cat's decided to meander around and make loud, plainative meowing noises. Hm, and realised that my principle harddrive is actually about 6-7 years old. I think I should get an extra external drive and make sure it's totally backed up soon.
  20. Of course, to balance that out, I'll throw in something of more exposed flesh..
  21. Heh, if we're going to start digging into the past as well, I'm half tempted to go find a picture of the queen on her coronation day..
  22. Hm, somewhat tired and crotchety, having an evening in, listening to a mix of Jace Everett and Two Steps From Hell music while idly reading through various Black Crusade, Deathwatch, Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader rpg sourcebooks and doodling around. Got invited to a bbq on sunday. Mapping out my sister's room and figuring out a budget for turning it into an office / computer room / extension of my library.... For some reason the cat is being incredibly lonesome and whiney...
  23. Fun night with lots of disturbances and wakeups. So the morning arrived and I was all "bloody hell, I don't want to get up". Got up, and ended up spending an hour getting the computer to work right before I could even start looking at anything. I get the feeling it's going to be one of those days, rather then a good friday..
  24. I think he ment to say that discriminating poeple because they are discriminating people is still discriminating. Only the values/variables change. Eh, I have no problem with certain types of discrimination. If someone is a moronic wanker, then I'm going to discriminate against them because they're annoying little ****s.
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