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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Okay, since we have to start the New Year off... First, just for Woldan: Then for the general collection of mostly head shots..
  2. We always made it a group event, everyone gathers around doing the 4d6 drop one method, having the banter, the commiserations, the "you lucky bastard" when someone rolls incredibly good stats, all part of the GM talking through his ideas for a campaign and general themes, and folks discussing what characters they were thinking would fit or would be interesting to play in that sort of environment. Thus group discussion and the GM can have a more relaxed way to keep control on anyone going incredibly gamist/silly over what they try, rather then someone just turn up with a character and have to be stomped on hard because of it.
  3. Geek Thunderdome! Two Nerds Enter, Bad Slash/Fan Fiction Leaves.
  4. On a note that could be satire.. io9 - Why is Google building a Robot Army?
  5. Having one of those slow starts to the day, feeling a little tired and a touch disconnected right now. Friends out of the country, friends with new kids, friends engaged and pregnant, and some idle flirting with a couple of ex's. I think my mood is..
  6. Hm, for the New Years Eve, what shall we stumble upon today... As we gear up for the recovery from celebrations and return to work.
  7. Realised I never actually got around to finishing Half-Life 2. Pondering on whether to just pick up Half-Life 2 or go for the full on Orange Box...
  8. This might be of interest to a few folk: io9 - Classic Sci-Fi and Fantasy Films you can watch on Youtube
  9. I actually got a dvd of The Ice Pirates for Christmas. Now I have to sit down to re-watch it at some point in the near future... http://youtu.be/B-YZ8WOU1-w
  10. Quote for the day from an older lady: "Dear car commercials, You probably don't mean to scare me but "German engineering" is also why I don't have so many cousins today."
  11. Apparently, it took me about 6 and a half hours to do it, but I completed Mission 2 of Chapter 3 in the Anno 2070 campaign. Two more missions to go....
  12. Well Courier's Stash is basically a collection of all the "pre-order bonuses" giving you a major amount of gubbins in your inventory from the beginning of the game. Gunrunner's is, pretty much as it says, a bunch of new equipment and a handful of new in-game challenges to complete.
  13. Well I nearly went with the other gif.. but I thought even if it was quite funny.. the walk up to the pool table, removal of panties, and using them to tie back her hair , thus distracting her opponent.. might have potentially crossed a few forum boundaries.
  14. To be fair, if you are drinking certain teas, some of the more refined blends, milk and sugar don't work quite as well. Sometimes they do require a dash of honey, or the hint of cream. But not as a general rule of thumb.
  15. Hmm, usually the tanker that Strindberg attacks will leak oil, ruining production on your second island roughly at the same time that you get his useless base. And yes, the advise on the wikia is to sell everything in Strindberg's base. Heh. I've pretty much only used that 2nd island to place some food and drink producing stuff, after slapping down all of those eco-balancers. Then I just shift it to my primary island where I actually have everything fairly balanced out.
  16. Well, down here on the coast the weather is ****ing awful. Wind, rain, utter miserably grey bastardness of weather. The sort of weather that makes English Weather stereotypes around the world.
  17. Well Strindberg's island has a massive population, of which he produces almost none of the stuff to keep them happy on the island. So he "must" have been getting them shipped in from somewhere. So the moment you end up with the island it's all "damn it, we want drinks!" and then they rush off. And yup, I haven't had a black tide turn up in it yet. I was on a positive 100-200 income, the moment I got handed Strindberg's island it went to negative 1,500-2,000 odd.
  18. Okay, now that's annoying. I was working nicely through one of the campaign missions on Anno 2070, had a nice economy in the green, working on the campaign missions, had one story side turn up because an ally had turned traitor, so was asked to go remove him from his position which I did.. and then with no warning they handed me his crappy island which has a horrible ****ing economy and requires trade routes that I don't have contact with. Within 5 minutes my entire treasury was emptied, my income was in the negative thousands, and everyone on that little tospots island was pissed and leaving, which further made my income worse. So I'm suddenly stuck with no freaking way to get anything done, because I have no freaking way to get a positive income. Unless I pretty much trash that entire freaking island. That's my only potential thought right now.
  19. That was an old bug that got fixed, so I wonder what's changed to flick it back into occurrence.
  20. To inject a moment of light humour into an otherwise reaaaally serious thread..
  21. Nah, I got the steelworks island up and running pretty fast. I managed to get the positive economy and money coming in. All of the things I'd set up and running the previous mission were going well, although it was a surprise starting with hardly any "money", had to get my trade going before I could build up the Tycoon side of things. Didn't take much to get them working smoothly. Pumped out the container ships, just got the "that other guy screwed up, you now get his uranium plant working and build the war fleet!"
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