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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. I think the "free zombies for Christmas" overloaded their system..
  2. Doctor Who. Strangely disappointing. Again, for all the massive build up of Trenzalore, and the previous images of this dark place full of millions of graves.. And we get this. It kind of felt like someone had pulled a random bunch of "Hey, this is cool in a cheesy Christmas way!" then thrown it all together without any actual sense, real coherency, or actual good thought behind it.
  3. Hm, in amongst the serious presents of the day... a gorilla onesie, a pack of party balloons, and a "clay make a perfect girlfriend kit"... Just what is my mother trying to say?
  4. I have made it awake for Christmas morning. Although I had some incredibly weird ass dreams. Nazis and Strippers, Gangsters and Trannies, Cats and thrilling oddities. That was a very bizarre dream and I have no idea what my mind was trying to tell me. Adapting to wakefulness, drinking tea, pondering on how the day will proceed. There will be the annoying visit from the neighbour who will talk for an hour or so, there will be mutterings from the Grinch, some point arrangements will be made for a flying visit from my sister, and the question of just when Christmas dinner will be cooked will turn up amidst opening of presents and sorting out mom's drugs. Which is not a sentence you ever expect to say when you're growing up.
  5. For those who might be interested, some behind the scenes of Gravity. Note - potential spoilers as well for those who haven't seen it yet. The technical side doesn't really start till around the 1:40 mark http://youtu.be/QxHc8Ns5g1c
  6. Heh. A screenwriter threw down a comment regarding all the "why are movies so similar these days?" discussions...
  7. http://youtu.be/PnHKv2G0wCw
  8. I did hear some mention they only decided to go ahead with all of the really nasty stuff in Tomb Raider at the last minute. So Camilla Luddington (the voice artist for Lara) had done all of her other lines, so they got her to come back and she just spent a full day doing the motion capture and pain cries, gasps, and moans they decided to put in for all the potential death sequences.
  9. Just back in from a night out with friends, ten pin bowling and mulled wine. Now going to enjoy some minor decadence with a continuation of Christmas Eve spirit in the vein of warm mince pies coated in lashings of brandy cream, followed by a hot mug of Cadbury flake melted into heated milk.
  10. Heh. Something I've noticed is that Amazon UK has been slowly increasing the price of AC: Black Flag over the past week or so. Every few days they've been adding another 50pence or so. Now it's up to £31.99. Wonder if there's any specific reason for that.
  11. The man got no respect... http://youtu.be/edflm7Hh3hs
  12. Also, can't quite decide if it makes me feel old and having lurked around these forums too long, or slightly warm-hearted that now Ros is actually talking gf and potentially serious relationships instead of crazy parties and hot models....
  13. I think I've only had pheasant once. And it was a rather large bird that technically.. had it's neck broken by the car in front of us right before we picked it up.... The joys of the New Forest.. ; Although plucking the pheasant was not a pleasant plucking.
  14. I just hope she has a MG42 with a thousand rounds and spare barrels mounted on her scooter to carve a path to the cash register. Otherwise its going to take her a looong time to get home if the stores there are as crowded as here. Indeed. The past few years it's been leaving it until a day or two before Christmas and hitting the big 24 hour Tesco at around 1-2am to get the food shopping done.. The midday shopping rush seems to be .. choosing poorly.
  15. Oy Vey. My mother has decided that with the rain having stopped, and the winds have cut back.. she's taken her mobility scooter and gone off to the supermarket to do some Christmas food shopping. Throwing in a "I've got my phone with me, I'll call you to come up and help if I need it". I know proving independence and all that is an important psychological thing to keeping people going, but Christmas eve supermarket shopping. Have to chase the cat down and wash his face, he's got one of those annoying reoccurring problems that a lot of Persian cat's suffer from. Gunky eyes, that cause scabby patched around the cheeks and nose. Trying to get into the Christmas spirit, which is helped by the family Grinch who is giving a continuous stream of muttered commentary to the day. "grumble this, oh whats this clutter, dog get out of the way, oh I was going to do that, moan, my back, groan, im putting this clock here while I'm doing x activity, mumble, got to put water in the cat's bowl, why isn't this tidied away, grumble, my cup of tea is downstairs, where did I put my glasses, moan, bloody hell why is this here? grumble." When asked if he's actually talking to anyone, you get a blank look and "No. I'm just talking to myself." then if it's pointed out just how continuous it is you get the "There's no need to get so emotional" as if you've raised your voice at him. "For 'lo, there is a land called Passive-Aggresiva, and it's King is named....."
  16. I am surprised no-one has mentioned.... Reality Television.
  17. Heh, an interesting bit from an author's review of the new Hobbit:
  18. Heh, and in a follow on to the UK's proposed "Anti-Porn" Legislation... "Go Away Cameron"Chrome Extension bypasses Porn Filter
  19. Isn't that more "Retro Kylie" then "Classic Kylie"? Retro is Neighbours, Classic is a bit further along when she was more pop star then ... hm, I'm wanting to say.."Charlie"? was that her character in Neighbours?
  20. Well I made Game Dev Tycoon, Halo, Half-Life, Wing Commander and Doom in Game Dev Tycoon
  21. There's a time and a place for subtle lighting..and not so subtle. You just don't confuse it with the everyday. And frankly, legs.
  22. Dabbling a little on Max Payne 3 now. Somewhat irritated by the "Rockstar Social Club" thing, it keeps hanging on log in, and the way it's set up you can't even get a proper "exit" to the game unless you log in. So when it sticks like that, you have to manually alt-tab out and force shut it down. Really, stunningly brilliant design there.
  23. So to counter the duckface, let us see... And there's always room for classic Kylie..
  24. It is bloody miserable weather outside, with some amazing winds. And the cat keeps stalking around in that manner of evil intent that cats do so well.
  25. Okay, now this counts as just a little weird, possibly on the edge, but also I found amusing.. Business Insider: Amazon Crackdown on Monster Porn I think what amuses me with this article the most is the "official" response from the publisher of Fifty Shades - "We know nothing about self publishing or erotica."
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