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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. ViralNova - The World's Most Dangerous Trail...
  2. Milestones as the Temperature Drops (in Degrees Fahrenheit) 65 Hawaiians declare a two-blanket night 60 Californians put on sweaters (if they can find one) 50 Miami residents turn on the heat 45 Vermont residents go to outdoor concerts 40 You can see your breath Californians shiver uncontrollably Minnesotans go swimming 35 Italian cars don't start 32 Water freezes 30 You plan your vacation to Australia 25 Ohio water freezes Californians weep pitiably Minnesotans eat ice cream Canadians go swimming 20 Politicians begin to talk about the homeless New York City water freezes Miami residents plan vacation further South 15 French cars don't start Cat insists on sleeping in your bed with you 10 You need jumper cables to get the car going 5 American cars don't start 0 Alaskans put on T-shirts -10 German cars don't start Eyes freeze shut when you blink -15 You can cut your breath and use it to build an igloo Arkansans stick tongue on metal objects Miami residents cease to exist -20 Cat insists on sleeping in pajamas with you Politicians actually do something about the homeless Minnesotans shovel snow off roof Japanese cars don't start -25 Too cold to think You need jumper cables to get the driver going -30 You plan a two week hot bath Swedish cars don't start -40 Californians disappear Minnesotans button top button Canadians put on sweaters Your car helps you plan your trip South -50 Congressional hot air freezes Alaskans close the bathroom window -80 Hell freezes over Polar bears move South Green Bay Packer fans order hot cocoa at the game
  3. Still trying to reset my body clock, but it's not working well. Then someone decided to phone me this morning about 3 hours after I had managed to drop off to sleep. Of course, when I answered the phone they hung up. Also, I seem to be following Wals on a slightly lighter level, somehow I've slept in a way that my neck is all tight and annoying and achey spasms of pain. My typical answer to both these things.. more tea in the morning.
  4. And for more in the sense of fun.. Review Journal - Tactical Fast Draw Could Bring Gunfights to a Bar Near You
  5. NPR - Army takes on it's own Toxic Leaders
  6. Wait until you get to Enter the Dominatrix. While the missions are kind of fun and silly, it's amazing how many chuckles you get out of the "behind the scenes commentary" from the characters before, during and after each mission.
  7. I have to admit, it's interesting how it works out. The author wrote Reacher as this huge guy purely to give that sense of implacable, unstopping nature and he was initially against Cruise because he isn't a big guy. But Cruise manages to convey all of that just with the personality he infused into the character, which is kind of impressive by itself.
  8. Hm, somehow I've slipped into only 4-5 hours sleep for the past oh week, and I think it's catching up on me.
  9. To be fair, the 2nd episode is more a mishmash of "small cases", some of which are connected. It's a time jumpey one with lots of flashback sequences.
  10. I now know the secret of seeing it via the official BBC site while still in the US. So I have. I'll still watch it on PBS, too, tho. And buy the DVD's. Anything with Benedict, really. Yes I'm sad. Side note: he actually vaguely reminds me of my husband, only hubby doesn't have an accent. Could be why. Congratulations then. Apparently Benedict is an amazing mimic and can do an awful lot of accents and voices when he wants to. So did you enjoy that mix of humour that ran through most of the episode?
  11. Not strictly news, but kind of interesting for some of the points raised... io9 - Is Bitcoin evil or just dumb?
  12. "What happens in Vegas.. stays in Vegas. Well, at least until everyone started bringing smartphones...."
  13. Okay, here's a really weird thing.. Steam on my sister's laptop. If I login as me, it works fine. If she tries to login as her.. it keeps throwing up the "steam is having trouble connecting to steam servers" message. Anyone have any clue as to why? Edit: Never mind. She gave me the wrong bloody login details for it. And steam won't tell you they're wrong, it just gives you that bloody annoying message instead.
  14. Nope. It's because he doesn't do Christmas decorations. But there's still the standard of: "Can I have your help with something?" "Sure, right now or is it something later?" "Oh later. Let me know when you've finished whatever it is you're working on now." Which you would expect to mean let him know when you've finished what you're doing and can go help him, yes? No. What it means is that from that point on he's going to come by and poke at you every couple of minutes, not saying "I need help now" but that constant poke of "Are you done? Are you ready?" which interrupts your current task, and leaves you either having to spend twice as long on it because of the bloody interruptions or just dropping everything and helping him right that instant. Once again, if you call him on it, it turns into a wide-eyed "No, I was waiting for you to let me know when you could help" followed by "There's no need to raise your voice" and the stomp off.
  15. When you're actually in the middle of work, and it's a chore that you've mentally scheduled to be done at a later point in that day because you're, you know actually working... That's not stopping you procrastinating. It pretty much comes down to my father really not liking Christmas decorations and he wants to delay putting them out till the point he can say "well, there's no point in doing it now because we'll be taking them down tomorrow.". Once they go up, he's insistent on trying to get them all down. But he won't demand it. He'll just push and grouch in the background. Then when I've actually got them taken down and have a bunch of things to take care of, and I have the "I can finish packing them away in boxes and get them in the attic at this point in the day because I need to work on actual paying work during this point of the day..." Then he basically pulls that routine. He does it on a lot of stuff. If he decides that it must be taken care of this instant, he won't ask for it to be done now. He'll just start offering to help you do it when you plan to get it done. And keep asking if you need that help yet. And various other elements to just make it too much grief to do it when you actually plan to do it because you can't do any work. Then if you call him on it, it's that mix of "I'm just trying to help." followed by "There's no reason to raise your voice" when you're still talking in normal tones, before he basically stomps off to his room. Ah. The joys of family politics and relationships.
  16. Is this your sister? No that's my father. Between that and things like finding open scissors buried in the folds of my mothers bed sheets when I was tidying things up, there are times I really do feel like I'm the parent ...
  17. Don't you just love passive aggressive family members? - decided that now must be the time that something must be done so.. "Are you going to want help doing that today?" Sure, it'll need two people when I do it later, I'm working on something now and I'm planning on doing that this afternoon. - 15 minutes later "So when are you going to want help to do that?" "As I said, later this afternoon, not right now." - 10 minutes later "Do you need help with that thing now?" "No, as I said I'm working on something and I'm doing that later.." - repeat, on a 5-10 minute cycle until the hassle just isn't worth it and it gets taken care of now -
  18. To start the week on the random bunch... And just for the naughty eye glint..
  19. I'm never going to be able to take any group called ISIS seriously after watching Archer.
  20. Heh, I was once inside a gold-plated Land Rover that had a foldable back roof section and elevating gun seat in the rear. Of course, I was about 10 at the time so it made a different impression on me back then.
  21. I seem to be running on around 5 hours sleep a night for the past 4 or 6 days. It's starting to blur a bit. Also, my sister turned up a the weekend to have me look at some troubles on her laptop once more... has anyone mentioned how much Win8 should be loathed recently?
  22. Come on, anyone who watched the episode where Sherlock died saw Sherlock alive at the end of it
  23. To do another spate of "Nah-Nah-Naaah!" at the Americans.. Sat through episode 2 of this seasons Sherlock. Lots of good moments, as we see Sherlock attempt to be the best man at Watson's wedding.
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