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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Duffelblog - Former Marines start a Kickstarter to retake Fallujah
  2. Hm, stuffy head and a nose bleed, plus my sister dropped off her big dog here for us to "babysit" for the day & night because she's got some mix of work event she won't be able to get home from, and a big evening out thing.
  3. I do kind of wish they'd been able to do more with both Spelljammer and Birthright. The whole magicked up version of pulpy space opera seemed like an interesting idea, even if they got caught up trying to wedge connections into every campaign setting they had. Birthright was another interesting experiment in trying to push AD&D into that closer connection with grand fantasy, and almost linking to old school war gaming.
  4. Gracias Nep. Taking it slow at the moment, an American friend decided to call and wish me happy birthday but got time zones a little out, which meant the phone call came through at about 4am. Got up to another phone call this morning, which required me to switch on the PC and do some work, but then I kind of zoned out for another two hours after I got that done. Mostly I take it slow on my birthday. I have to admit, I always feel a bit odd because yesterday was the anniversary/birthday of an older sister I never met because she died in birth. So there's no real emotional slam on just, just a general feeling of oddness from going from that date to my birthday.
  5. Random nosebleeds can certainly throw off your train of thought...
  6. I still say I expected Watson to do it, not Sherlock. Out of curiosity I picked up Veronica Mars and am currently doing a marathon.
  7. Groovy. I'll give that a try and see how it shakes out.
  8. Okay, for that Monday start.. what mysterious wonders shall we pluck from the depths of the internet..
  9. It can wildly depend on your taste and willingness to put up with lack of proper editing. There are a lot of interesting indie sci-fi , pulpy adventure stuff. Sure, some of it isn't as elegant or deep as you might find otherwise... but there can still be some gems hidden away even in a serious mary sue story.
  10. Spent the weekend trying to get my body clock back onto a better schedule... then I end up with a ticklish throat that keeps me coughing through most of Sunday night. Not a happy bunny over that.
  11. I have to say, I was expected Watson to do that, not Sherlock.
  12. So how about to divert from that subject and end Sunday with a general assortment of this instead:
  13. For that random tv trivia.. and those Dr Who fans who watched the Christmas Episode, how many realised that Aunt Linda was the voice of Atris in Kotor 2?
  14. Well, that's odd. And random. Dantooine? Yup. Dantooine. You have that talk with Onasi about Revan, the Exile walks off, Bastila comes along has that short talk with Onasi. The screen goes to the movie sequence of the Ebon Hawk flying off and into hyperspace... And then you're in the Ebon Hawk, on Dantooine. The only quests showing are the unfinished bit about the Pazaak Players from Nar Shaddaa, and the "Finding Droid Factory" for HK. Although I've run into about 5 or 6 of the HK-50 droid packs and it's never progressed beyond the "you have met two teams, you need to encounter one more". I'm wondering if I need to dig out the Editor and figure out how to manually flip that counter before heading to Telos.
  15. Hm, was running my Kotor2 play through with the Restored Mod, but there seems to be a bit of game break. Just went through the Ravager, defeated Nihil, get the ship blowup, the talk with Onasi... and then the ship flies to Dantooine, there's no quest updates, and the party select screen keeps Mandalore as unavailable..
  16. Okay, then to add in to the question, what about Personal Data? Who has ownership of that? Do you cede your ownership the moment you put something up on Facebook or what're social media you happen to use? Google with it's tracking of your searches, does that fall under personal data or something else? When they flog that data off to advertisers, does that interfere with your rights and perceptions of ownership?
  17. I hear you but I would still prefer a weapon ( those pig men need to die), it can still be very scary and tense with a weapon. For example what about striking a balance between a FPS and a game like Amnesia where you have a weapon but only 12 bullets? You should play first Alien vs. Predator game on hardest difficulty... That's the game you are craving for... Just don't play as Predator. Always go with Marine.
  18. Okay, this worked for a few chuckles.. http://youtu.be/zhAnillHeWw
  19. Heh, and from an article about the new Hercules film.. I think we'll have to wait for LC to give us the review on this one...
  20. I quite liked the way the 3.5 adaptions to Al-Quadim were thrown up in Dragon Magazine. I think the mesh of Prestige Classes and the differences of Wizards/Sorcerers etc worked quite well for that blend of Arabian nights mix.
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