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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. I haven't seen the film yet..but this io9 review was too good not to share.. io9 - 300 Rise of an Empire is Zack Snyder's Greatest Intellectual Masterpiece...
  2. http://youtu.be/eFsx9dKLGlI
  3. Bus Pass Elvis Beats Lib Dems in Local Council by-election
  4. For some reason I seem to have been running on about 4-5 hours sleep a night for the past 6 or so weeks. I think I really need to try to break this habit.
  5. I've kind of lost half the week. Had a major migraine Monday, then Tuesday was that after haze of tired and bleh recovery. Wednesday's been a sort of catch at things that slipped by over the previous two days.
  6. It's the joys of the North American Tuesday release vs the European Friday release...
  7. The Keys to the Worldwide Internet
  8. On reflection as well, I don't think Eberron would have worked that well under pre-3rd edition ruleset.
  9. I will say the Smuggler falls apart in chapter 3. At least in my opinion. Not helped by the final class-quest mission which has you face the big bad.. and then gives you an annoying post-Boss fight series of grind fights against small mobs of easy kills before you can leave the map.
  10. I think it comes down to a story that you pretty much forget, but the individual missions are usually quite good (if you approach it in the pure sneaky style attempt). There are irritations about some of it, notably the context-sensitive button meaning that places you think you should be able to jump you can't. Or small piles of stuff you can't actually climb over where an asthmatic cripple probably could. The freedom of configuration is quite serious in the options available to turn on/off pretty much everything.
  11. Woke up from some mixture of weird dreams about a couple of ex's and some separate line about being stuck in an 80's style cartoon. Definitely has me in a discombobulated headspace as the day's moved along. Can't seem to quite find my balance or figure out what I'm really in the mood to deal with.
  12. io9 - Worlds Largest Aircraft Unveiled
  13. Well, may the best of news arrive, and you get to take him home shortly Enoch. Congratulations on that, I'm sure we'll start breaking out the cigars on general principle now..
  14. Been spending a few hours playing Thief. Hm, definitely a mixed bag I'd say. The general art style and the city tends to have the right feel, and when you focus on the individual missions and stalking through the darkness, avoiding guards (apart from picking their pockets) and trying to figure your way around sneakily.. it's pretty damn good. I can't really say much about the story so far, but there's nothing too memorable about it yet. The voice over is a bit flat, and it kind of suffers from the same as the old Thief games in the "I'm a master thief..but I'm more of a kleptomaniac who has to steal everything not nailed down that's only worth a gold piece or two" approach. The ability to turn off everything you don't want is quite good, so you won't be spoiled by focus or waypoint markers or pretty much anything HUD related you can think of. The fact you have a context sensitive button that handles climb and jump gets annoying. Especially as it means you can never, ever jump except those context related moments. The button mashing to open windows gets old fast - it might work on a console, but is just irritating on pc.
  15. Well, I've only got two characters at 55 now, and I've really only been doing endgame content with one of them. My SI has a mix of 66-72 gear now, and I've been getting his companions set up with 58-66 mostly.. I've got two characters at around 52-53 (my consular and juggernaut), and I don't really have any intentions of levelling my Jedi Knight past 50. I do keep thinking that now my Bounty Hunter is 50 and re-speced as a healer, I should start doing flashpoints to make sure I know how to heal and generally see what that's like.. I find I keep going back to my SI to earn money and just to idle around now and then, do the once weekly run through oricon and the czerka planet, the makeb weekly, and pick up extra cash to send out to my low-level toons as I might need it. Working my Agent through Hoth at the moment, and I've left my Trooper idling around before I take him to Nar Shaddaa. Still haven't done any operations.
  16. Hm. You got: Malta You’re endlessly curious and love nothing more than getting stuck in a good book. You like to take walks in order to figure out what you’re doing in life
  17. Trying to ponder how I've got the knack for helping friends and family sort out time management, project management, and general facing assorted tasks and split them up to deal with... But I'm somewhat hopeless at doing it for myself.
  18. Okay, how about I go on a quest and gather a fresh random assortment from the depths of the internet to keep things moving on track...
  19. Heh, I had to read that for prep when researching and writing up an analysis of the effect of Pablo's capture on certain other groups. It certainly throws up quite a few interesting tidbits around events of the time.
  20. I've got a whole bunch of work docs to read through that I'm idling around. I know I've got to make a push on some of it, but I'm having that "I'm sinking and I need to start swimming" feeling. Which invariably leads to procrastination and allowing distractions from other sources. Apparently they're switching out mom's gliclazide for insulin shots, so I've got to run through the "how to change needles and stab people" lessons. Hm, Amazon UK is doubling the cost of Amazon Prime membership, but then giving you access to streaming tv shows and movies. Huh, and family members only get the free-post benefits, they have to "upgrade" and pay the same about if they want streaming video. Yeah, I think I'll be dropping that in a few months before renewal. Ah well, time to cook some peshwari naan for lunch and enjoy a cup of tea. See if I can firm my mind up on a few things.
  21. Fears as Bitcoin Exchange Collapses
  22. Because it had to be done.. http://youtu.be/B3YbODo7ieQ
  23. “I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.”
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