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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Game of Thrones.. if it were a 70's sitcom.. http://youtu.be/KEursnYll7w
  2. Oh the initial Hunger Games isn't too bad. I find the concept of the districts and the way everything rolls along to be a bit dodgy, but I'm fine with suspension of disbelief for what you get. My issues are more when you go onto the next two books. Things start to just get very messy, and I found the finale pretty much a throwaway mess of character turns, dodgy reasoning, and clutch-it storytelling.
  3. Wrapped up Batman Origins. Well, the storyline, all the Case Files, all the Most Wanted. Let my ocd run wild with the Enigma datapacks and picked all those up. Got all the medals for the Combat Training..but I'm not bothering with the challenge maps and such. Kind of feel the whole Initiation dlc that came with it sucks. It's not really a story as it were, just a couple of snapshots around a series of Extended challenge maps, that annoy because you fail at any point and you have to restart from the beginning again.
  4. Saw Divergent. Yet another one of those YA book trilogies with a strong female protagonist that's being turned into a set of movies. I actually quite liked this one, think it makes a lot more sense and has more coherency then the Hunger Games. On movie related news.. Luc Besson is back with what looks like could be an entertaining one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcLERVsu1O8& Even if it does use that annoying "humans only use 10% of their brains" crap line.
  5. Having one of those evenings where a fairly pleasant day swung into lots of irritation, when what should have been several 5 minute tasks turned into 30-40 minute marathons because everything and it's maker decided to go wrong and screw up rather then let me get them done swiftly and efficiently.
  6. How I Met Your Mother - the series finale. I would say that was pretty well done. It ran the gamut of emotions , the comedy, the sadness, the bittersweet timing, then blending back to comedy without really missing a beat.
  7. Spent a chunk of the weekend playing Batman Origins. My partial ocd kicked in on a chunk of it. I ended up spending about 2 hours with the "Press Tab to level up" message flashing, because I'd already picked the abilities I had access to, and needed to stop getting distracted and do the main mission to unlock more. For some reason I really can't get the Blade dodge to work right.
  8. You should give the Nero Wolfe Mysteries a look see if you enjoy Timothy Hutton.
  9. Have you managed to watch The Philadelphia Story yet? I persuaded a friend to sit down and watch it the other week and she was amazed. Jimmy Stewart's drunk acting is still stand out even with Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant swanning around.
  10. Since Steam was doing the 75% off all Batman.. I decided to pick up Batman Origins and idle a few hours here and there on it...
  11. On a look back at the "war" on D&D by parental groups in the early 80's... "It was never a fair fight between fundamentalist Christianity and D&D. One was a dangerous system full of dark mysticism and threats to warp a young mind beyond repair, and the other was a tabletop RPG."
  12. Heh. Wired - Homeopathic Remedy Recalled Because it Contains Actual Medicine
  13. Okay.. let's see.. for the reading matter: Elizabeth Moon - Vatta's War (5 books) John Ringo - Troy Rising series (3 books so far) David Weber - In Fury Born (for the more space opera side) or Honor Harrington (if you want extensive series with a lot of technical detail and sort of doing French Revolution / Napoleonic War in Spaaaace) If you want a touch of humour with your sci-fi.. Robert Asprin's "Phule" series. If you like elegant language and banter, Steve Miller & Sharon Lee's Liaden Universe books (well-loved by Anne McCaffrey, and described as "Star Wars meets Pride & Prejudice") If you like the more philosophical and "deep" sci-fi types, look at L.E. Modesitt. Jr. He pretty much does as much fantasy as sci-fi, but can be quite engaging.
  14. The final season of Babylon 5 has it's ups and downs. Some bits are stretched out, some bits are crushed in , but it has some answers to questions that are hanging around, and frankly you have to watch the final episode. The cameo appearance of JMS as the mechanic literally turning the lights off on the station "20 years on" is a really nice touch.
  15. For the feel good piece.. USA Today - Flat Stanley home safe after a decade in a soldier's wallet
  16. Forbes - Google, DuckDuckGo, and the Regulation of Privacy
  17. Reign of Assassins. Wuxia film, co-directed by Chao-Bin Su and John Wu. Set in ancient China, Michelle Yeoh playing the deadly assassin who abandoned her old life in an attempt to live a normal life, live, love and just not be evil... Only to have her old "gang" turn up to disrupt things in a quest to find the remains of a mystical Buddhist monk. That nice mix of human story, romance, tragedy, a little mystery, wrapped up around some very nicely choreographed and styled fight sequences and some great music. Sure, it's a little predictable if you know the style of film, but it's still pretty darn engaging with its twists and turns before the conclusion.
  18. Heh. Here's one that Hurl might appreciate..
  19. http://youtu.be/jxtMPN0tkDc
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