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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. The fun thing about Scrubs is that apparently most medical professionals consider it the closest of all medical tv shows to catching the actual mood and attitude of what it's like to work in a hospital.
  2. Gamespot - No One Lives Forever Trademark points to possible re-release
  3. Okay, this one just makes me smile.. pcgamer - The Large Pixel Collider https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gtXhFzOBRw
  4. Hm, well Vampire Bloodlines is as 75% off as part of the Activision sale.. I've got the physical copy stashed around somewhere.. but I think for about £3, I'll add it to my digital library to save on hassle.
  5. The really weird thing was the novelisations of the prequel films were a lot better then the films. They structured it out better, they provided more depth to the plots and why things were happening and showed the reasons characters made the choices and reactions they did. But when you have a series of films that can be entertainingly cheesy to a point, you shouldn't have to rely on the novelisations for it to really click.
  6. Well there was that delay in the new film because they were deciding to rework the script for 7. Apparently they've decided against using the original actors as more a cameo, and intend to make this first one more about them as the aging leading characters, and then use it as a platform to introduce the next generation (or however they're planning it). So Luke, Leia, and Han are going to be more significant then not. Or at least that's what the current trend of leaked rumours and statements tends to say.
  7. J.J. Abrams. A man who will spend 5 years showing us a box, doing close-ups of a box, circling the box, panning out around the box, then revealing that the box.. is Empty.
  8. Hamill has been keeping things going with the voice work everyone knows, a whole bunch of stage work, and the occasional foray into "interesting" films like Sushi Girl. So what do you call proper acting?
  9. Oh, apparently the guy who directed Stargate (the film) is pushing to do a reboot. Of course, that would also involve not having any connections to the tv show...
  10. Woke from weird dreams to a sharp headache and a dodgy stomach. Got up to make tea and take some meds, then crashed back and had more surreal dreams. Now laying in bed and preparing myself to get up and help move some furniture around this afternoon...
  11. Well, there was some whole thing about them being extra-galactic invaders, so they couldn't be directly affected by force powers. I think by the end of the New Jedi Order storyline, that was partially changed or something. To be fair, they'd always had a certain amount of aliens or creatures with various resistances to the Force. Hutts being basically immune to mind tricks and the like.
  12. Hm, thought it was in a storm or something. Never did finish that NJO series. The old Yuuzhan Vong had one of their gravity things pulling a moon out of orbit, and during the fun and games of evacuation of the starport, Chewie got stuck saving the kids or something and was left behind. So they pretty much painted the picture of him standing there, waving his fists at the sky as the moon crunched down atop him...
  13. He died because a moon fell on him.
  14. Since the wailing has reached the heavens... I shall spend a quick 10 minutes to dive into the depths of the internet and produce:
  15. Not so much funny as entertaining. (especially from the 1:23 mark onwards....) http://youtu.be/RqziQX7eEv0
  16. One of the sister's-in-law of my friend came over from Mexico for her first visit to Europe. She spent 5 days bouncing around France and then had five days here in the UK, so I got pulled into the general mix to help balance them out. Did the Avebury Stone Circle yesterday, and ended up down Brighton Pier today. The joys of English weather going from incredibly sunny and warm, to todays 9 to 5 hard rain. Now she's flying back tomorrow and is at work on Monday. It really hammers home some things to find out that the German firm she works for in Mexico City only allow her 6 days of holiday a year. Which is why she ended up doing this at Easter to get the "bonus" holiday time.
  17. Talked a friend into watching "How to Steal A Million" and they loved it. A classic whimsical heist movie with a young Peter O'Toole and Audrey Hepburn.
  18. On the movie trivia news.. Rumours confirmed:
  19. The Gods of the Internet...
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