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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. War What is it good for? These 4 things actually...
  2. Sister asked me to look after her dog over night. So had a worried german shepherd bouncing up and down and panting for most of it. Thus, I didn't actually get much sleep. So the joys of one of those days fuelled by caffeine alone I think.,..
  3. Underground Magazine - Man Ruines Game of Thrones tv series with novels full of spoilers
  4. The Explanation of WW2.... Still sore from the night before, Germany has had one too many pints. It is sucking up to Russia, deciding it doesn’t want to pay for the drinks that France insists it owes. They then drunkenly shout out that Austria is its brother, man, and Italy is their long time best friend. Sauced now and belligerent, Germany is glaring angrily about the bar. Italy is already marching around, challenging everyone to step outside. America had left the bar some time ago and no one was sure where it’d gone. With nothing better to do, Germany challenges Soviet Russia to an arm wrestling match at the Spanish table, while Japan was in the back room whacking China with a pool cue. Arm-wrestling over, Germany goes to the bar again and orders another pint and one for Austria. Glancing over to Czechoslovakia, Germany says, “Hey, nice shirt. I want it”. Before Czechoslovakia can jump from the bar stool and take a swing, Britain walks over and stands between the two, saying, “Can’t we just get along? Come on, now, Czechoslovakia, just the shirt, that’s all.” Humiliated, Czechoslovakia hands over the shirt and Britain walks back to the corner table with France saying, “See? Peace in our time.” At the other end of the pub, Italy has finally found someone to fight: it kicks Ethiopia in the goolies as they walk in. Germany, raises their pint glass in salute to Italy. Then they look at Russia who’s wandered back in after checking on Japan in the back room and both look over at Poland who’s been sitting by themselves at a small table….. right next to Germany. England and France stare at Germany and England wags their finger at Germany. Germany gives them an “aw shucks” grin and then turns and knocks Poland’s beer off the table. Poland stands up to confront Germany beckoning for England and France to come over and help. Russia then taps Poland on the shoulder and when they turn around Germany grabs the chair and smashes it over Poland’s head. Russia then rushes in and begins kicking Poland repeatedly as they lay writhing on the floor. Germany turns to England and France and makes a “come on then” gesture, but England and France slink back to their table and continue to utter threats in low voices. Denmark, Norway, Holland, and Belgium who popped in for a quick one after work all look worried and finish their drinks in a hurry and yell for the bill. Finland who’s been sitting in a corner quietly notices Russia is distracted going through the unconscious Poland’s pockets, and quickly sneaks up behind them and smashes a vodka bottle over their head. Russia gets up, shakes their head, grabs Finland by one arm and tosses them against the wall, knocking them completely out. Russia then goes back to their table in the far corner and sits down to sulk. Japan notices this and slinks out back to see if China has woken up yet. England grabs the phone and calls Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India and tells them to get down here right quick and oh could one of them pop around to the United States and tell them to grab their baseball bat and come over. Then England walks over and stands by France confronting Germany, Italy and their mates now standing in the middle of the room. Everyone else quickly pays their bill and heads for the door. Germany crosses the room, rolls up its sleeves and with four punches knocks Denmark, Norway, Holland and Belgium out cold. Germany then grabs all their wallets and tosses them on a table to sort through later. France is upset that its little cousin Belgium has been taken out and rushes to get at Germany. Italy has finally finished going through Ethiopia’s pockets sees France on the move, sticks out its leg and trips them. When France gets up Germany picks up an entire table and smashes it over their head. France is knocked out for several hours and when they finally wake up they’re slightly schizophrenic and crawl off into a corner to argue with themselves. Outnumbered and alone England barricades itself behind the bar and begins tossing empty pint glasses at Germany, hoping the kids show up soon. Germany and Italy begin sorting out the other tables and strut around the bar. In a corner booth Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania seeing what just happened, stand up and declare that Germany and Italy are their new best mates and buy them a round. Across the street the United States is getting concerned about all the noise and broken windows and wants to go over and take a look, but the missus tells them to sit down and finish their dinner. Shortly after dinner, United States hears a noise in the backyard and investigates just in time to see Japan smashing its tiki themed patio set in retaliation for suggesting they had too much to drink. United States is very upset at this and heads down to bar. Japan also eggs The Netherlands’ house and moons Australia as it heads back to pick on China some more. Italy, while the Germans have their backs turned, decides to pick a fight with the Balkans Football Club which has been sitting in the corner. The BFC is a lot tougher then they look and offers Italy a few good smacks to the face. Italy quickly runs behind Germany and peeks out from behind their legs. Germany turns around with a “WTF!” After sorting out the BFC with some help from its new bestest bud Romania and Hungary, Germany looks around the shambles of the room. England is yelling threats at them from behind the bar and Canada is behind them passing a fresh supply of empty bottles to toss. Then another cry for help from Italy – they’ve decided to rifle the pockets of Egypt who passed out earlier in the children’s sandbox in the corner, but England sicked Australia, New Zealand and South Africa on them and they’re all smacking Italy about the kneecaps. Germany sighs and wonders where it can get some better allies. As Germany makes its way to the sandbox, it makes eye contact with a stretching, knuckle cracking Japan, who gives a knowing nod. Japan puffs its chest and makes its way through the ocean of spilled beer to the United States, who’s standing there flat-footed, laughing hysterically, one hand slapping its knee. But USA looks up just in time to see Japan midswing with a big section of broken table. USA reels backwards into Germany, which is not amused and promises to get USA once it’s taken care of the sandbox. Japan, in the meantime, turns around and wails on poor Netherlands, cowering on the floor. The Philippines meanwhile walks out the door, vowing to return. At the end of the bar, India, trying hard to mind its own business gets splashed with beer and starts to get up. After dealing with the sandbox, Germany walks over to Russia hand outstretched in greeting. Russia takes it and get rewarded with Germany’s boot to the nads, and Finland, Hungary, Italy and Romania all pile on. Bloodied and dazed Russia backs off into the storeroom. To distract Germany, England whispers something to Canada, who sneaks across the room and tries to smash a beer bottle on Germany’s head. The bottle fails to break and Germany turns around, grins and punches Canada in the nose. Holding their bloody nose Canada retreats, but keeps a supply of empty pint glasses flowing to Britain. Australia and New Zealand get an urgent call from their wives to come home because Japan is lurking in the garden, and they dash out. South Africa still pissed at England for making them take on both Italy and Germany and continues to sulk in the kid’s sandbox. Germany goes looking for Russia in the storeroom to punch it some more, and notices the attractive walk-in freezer with hanging loops of sausage and schnitzel, not realizing Russia is hiding inside waiting with a frozen haunch of ham….. Germany otherwise occupied, Britain kicks sand in Italy’s face. With things getting a bit too quiet in the main bar, Britain and Canada start throwing pickled eggs at Germany’s back. Germany and Russia, encouraged by their new buddies Romania, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Finland and Ukraine, have started a serious game of Russian Roulette in the freezer, so Germany fails to hear Italy’s pitiful screams for help. Italy, having decided that beating up on Ethiopia was training enough to punch at their own weight level, decided to take on Britain, but runs away after getting sodomized by their giant British boot. Meanwhile, our friendly bartender Switzerland is still sitting there, watching this all unfold, dishtowel in one hand, drink in the other, ducking the occasional flying bottle/chairleg/billiard ball. Our other friendly bartender Sweden is still sitting there, watching, order pad in one hand, weapons licenses for sale in the other and selling brass knuckles to both sides. USA, Canada and England now working together, piledrive Italy and knock them unconscious. Then, South Africa, New Zealand and Poland (who left to get a new set of trousers and just got back) all join together and rain blows and kicks and elbows on Germany until it can’t help but beg for mercy. Even Brazil from down the street jumps in as does France who appears to be fine again. Italy and Germany decide that enough’s enough and cry for surrender, with the bar now completely and utterly ruined. Japan is still poking USA in the back. With a little help from some engineers patronizing the bar, USA heaves the piano over the second floor railing and it lands with deafening noise squarely on Japans head. From underneath a tiny white flag rises from rubble.
  5. The Explanation of WW1... Germany, Austria and Italy are standing together in the middle of a pub when Serbia bumps into Austria and spills Austria’s pint. Austria demands Serbia buy it a whole new suit because of the new beer stains on its trouser leg. Germany expresses its support for Austria’s point of view. Britain recommends that everyone calm down a bit. ... Serbia points out that it can’t afford a whole suit, but offers to pay for the cleaning of Austria’s trousers. Russia and Serbia look at Austria. Austria asks Serbia who it’s looking at. Russia suggests that Austria should leave its little brother alone. Austria inquires as to whose army will assist Russia in doing so. Germany appeals to Britain that France has been looking at it, and that its sufficiently out of order that Britain not intervene. Britain replies that France can look at who it wants to, that Britain is looking at Germany too, and what is Germany going to do about it? Germany tells Russia to stop looking at Austria, or Germany will render Russia incapable of such action anymore. Britain and France ask Germany whether it’s looking at Belgium. Turkey and Germany go off into a corner and whisper. When they come back, Turkey makes a show of not looking at anyone. Germany rolls up its sleeves, looks at France, and punches Belgium. France and Britain punch Germany. Austria punches Russia. Germany punches Britain and France with one hand and Russia with the other. Russia throws a punch at Germany, but misses and nearly falls over. Japan calls over from the other side of the room that it’s on Britain’s side, but stays there. Italy surprises everyone by punching Austria. Australia punches Turkey, and gets punched back. There are no hard feelings because Britain made Australia do it. France gets thrown through a plate glass window, but gets back up and carries on fighting. Russia gets thrown through another one, gets knocked out, suffers brain damage, and wakes up with a complete personality change. Italy throws a punch at Austria and misses, but Austria falls over anyway. Italy raises both fists in the air and runs round the room chanting. America waits till Germany is about to fall over from sustained punching from Britain and France, then walks over and smashes it with a barstool, then pretends it won the fight all by itself. By now all the chairs are broken and the big mirror over the bar is shattered. Britain, France and America agree that Germany threw the first punch, so the whole thing is Germany’s fault . While Germany is still unconscious, they go through its pockets, steal its wallet, and buy drinks for all their friends. The End…. (or is it?)
  6. BBC News - North Korean officials visit London Salon over their Kim Jong-un 'bad hair' advert
  7. ... And for some bizarre reason the cat decided to crap in the upstairs toilet. Okay, the carpet of the upstairs toilet. Which someone apparently stepped on. So there's been the taking it up, and replacing it with new carpet.... Maybe it was in preparation for his visit to the vets tonight.
  8. Gokusen. The live action version. There's always something entertaining about the culture shock value of watching Japanese drama-comedy, and some of the styles of acting, especially for anything that's an adaption from a story that started as manga. Basically, a first time teacher arrives at a school, only to find she's been handed the class full of hard-core delinquents and troublemakers. Of course, what no-one knows is that she actually grew up as the 4th generation member of a Yakuza family, and that her grandfather is the family head who raised her after her parents died. Queue Japanese comic relief moments, along with over abundance of sincere "facing the students properly" and not automatically assuming they're all lawbreaking hooligans and a waste of space..
  9. Having a real day of not focusing. Decided to have a small break from the work I was attempting and started up some Civ. Got caught in the "just one more turn" and seem to have lost the day...
  10. It's that weird thing with digital goods. In a lot of ways they seem to use it as an excuse to give you the worst worlds of it being a product you're buying or a service they're providing.
  11. Hm, pondering on the question of graphics cards. My current one is an MSI GTX560 Ti Frozr II, the sole remnant of the pc which blew up last year. But the fan's been making rather dodgy noises off and on the last 5 months or so... Novatech has a rather nice deal going at the moment for the MSI GTX 750 Ti, so I'm dealing with temptation and whether to break into some of my savings now.. or to wait a touch longer until what's in my machine properly self-destructs...
  12. Gamespot - Watch Dogs : The terrifying power of smart phones Some interesting bits and pieces about Watch Dogs, the development and goals. It'll be curious to see how well some of it actually turns out in game.
  13. Heh. Just for the point it makes.. If your friends ever say they have ADHD...
  14. http://youtu.be/UyRph58PSWQ
  15. Not so much weird as.. BBC News - Scramble over 'heartbleed' bug exploit
  16. The city or Orje in Norway has installed "official" crosswalk signs encouraging the style of the Ministry of Silly Walks... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By95MlAGTjE&
  17. Of course, I did mean to say I half expect that to be an April Fool's joke.. but just that it was being reported in the British newspaper's today rather then last week... Although that could just mean they picked up the story by accident...
  18. Hm, after a bit over 15 hours of gameplay, I finished off Arkham Asylum, with my completionist pushing me to finish off the Riddles as well (but not bother with the challenge maps). I think I might make it the full trifecta and re-install Arkham City and have a run through of that....
  19. Ouch. At least it was recognised and things halted there. Now you can put it past you and move on for fresh horizons... while pondering on which sharp sticks to prepare in case you meet the buggers in a dark alley somewhere...
  20. I have to admit I'm mixed. The soundtrack was pretty damn good, and it was..interesting to see a Hollywood interpretation of the classic story. It's a shame they decided to go back and shoot some more /re-edit it to make it more 'Keannu" based. Although the bit that did make me snicker was the synchronised seppuku at the end.
  21. Since I wrapped up all the story and case files stuff on Batman Origins.. I decided to have a minor bout of semi-nostalgia and re-play Arkham Asylum to see how that feels nowadays.
  22. Just to wrap up the Frozen Overload... http://youtu.be/GEZKeD_-IWY
  23. Hm, a little concerned over a friend. Her 15 year old daughter got approached in the mall by a modelling agency. Apparently, it is one of the more legit agencies in the US and they were doing a mall recruitment process - target rich environment of pretty girls I gather. She got a call back, and they wanted to sign her. And apparently her mother's ex who had taken her to the call back appointment lost the ability to say "no" and signed the contract for her. Of course, because she has no experience in the business, they want her to take classes (at least 10 weeks of) before they'll get her work. They're paying "half" of the costs, but expect her to come up with the other half. Something about that just flares up some of my paranoia. Her mother's a bit concerned, but it is a legit and recognised modelling agency, but she's also pissed off at the ex for not saying they should take a day or two to think it over first. Anyone know if that's a standard practice of modelling agencies? What are the big danger signs to look out for, or the positive signs? I don't want to push the paranoia since the kid is practically walking on air at the moment... But I do want to help make sure I can give some helpful advice to them.
  24. Well, it kind of naturally flows into the next two movies of the Hunger Games which are going to have all the same damn problems...
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