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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Okay, I'm just looking into some quirky matters and the question was raised in what exactly "ownership" means when you don't have a physical item. Mostly concerning data , but also other non-physical things. So out of curiosity, just what does 'ownership' mean to the vast and lurid audience on these forums? Edit: One of the points raised in discussion is whether people truly mean 'ownership' or 'control'.
  2. The original Aliens vs Predator was a very good game. If you turned off the lights, put on the surround sound, and played it as a Marine, that was a game that could really make you twitchy.
  3. Well i'v woken up with a grinding, pounding headache, and a mouth that feels full of stuffed sandpaper. It's like I was drinking for Valhalla, but I certainly can't remember that. Trying to drink down a cup of tea and figure out what the day actually was for.
  4. Because it's not a filler, it's an important arc for the characters. Sure, it wasn't really about the crime or the murders. It was an episode that looked at the relationship between Holmes and Watson.
  5. Heh, I thought this was a nice article on some of the points it raised... (for those Doctor Who fans) Tor - The Problem with River Song
  6. I don't think I had that much grief on normal except a couple of occasions, most notably the end sequence with the grenade launcher in the hanger. I think what always felt odd to me was this was a guy that everyone knew had pretty much done several serious kill spree's against armed men trying to kill him, and he not only survived he tore through everything in his way on sheer determination. So why they still felt the need to act as if he was some goombah who wasn't a potential threat...
  7. So did anyone give Intelligence a try?
  8. Heh, I liked the comment about "this is like the first great ecumenical council. Will we end up with history remembering this date as the split between Orthodox Star Wars and..." Edit: Although I'm sure lots of fans would hope they'd pull most of what Karen Traviss wrote.
  9. "I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of characters suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened..."
  10. Oy Vey. io9 - Disney appoints Committee to Determine a new Official Star Wars
  11. Not so much chuckle-worthy.. as quirky. And that the whole point of the advert comes up at the end.. http://youtu.be/D-wxnID2q4A
  12. Is that how it works with the whole wood thing, I thought the floating was just a sign of a witch and not indicating witches are made of wood ? http://listverse.com/2012/07/27/10-tests-for-guilt-used-at-the-salem-witch-trials/ "If there was a way to get magic for free, do you really think I'd have spent so much time sacrificing children to my dark gods? For spells, I mean. Obviously there'd still be sacrifices. A hobby's a hobby."
  13. "Friends come and go, like the waves of the ocean, but the true one stay, like an octopus on your face..."
  14. That's okay, you knock around with Thor and the others in Valhalla, I'll go out drinking with Loki and have cunning plans..
  15. You might want to look up "The Shepherd's Tale" for the backstory of Shepherd Book's life if you're working through the Firefly universe. Also of note, they're soon to be releasing Firefly season 2 as a comic, ala Buffy season 8.
  16. I have no problem with drinking for Valhalla.. I just want to be able to remember drinking for Valhalla and the fun I had doing so..
  17. You right, that's more of an enigma. Unless the teahouse is more modern than what they are saying ? Well, there's certainly a long history of Temples and Monasteries being built on/in incredibly remote and awkward places. Especially in China..
  18. Okay, trying to read some papers for general learning, but I have to admit, the mixture of; horrible weather, lack of good sleep, neck aches, some fun flirty messages back and forth with an ex, and a few other things being juggled with tends to sap concentration and focus.
  19. It's wondering how the original Taoist temple was built.. Those monks carting up building supplies certainly didn't have airlift help..
  20. There are far worse places to be stuck.. and at least in this weather you still have internet access while stuck there.. Edit: Oh and congratulations KP. Remember to drink enough to make it memorable, not drink enough to have memory loss..
  21. I think it's that simple photoshop enhanced halo of light around her head that draws your attention away kirottu...
  22. Heh. On "Gamer's habits"
  23. While Wals is feeling under the weather, I'll balance out his 'Ew' reaction by..
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