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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Heh, did you know Michael Biehn refuses to watch Alien 3, because he felt that Hicks deserved a much better death sequence? Something along the lines that for all the effort he put into shaping the character in Aliens, there shouldn't have been some glossed over "panning shot of Hicks with chest exploded" as the end of that character.
  2. Hm, I remember going through one of those Police talks a few years back where they showed off their gear and technology, at the time they wouldn't bother prosecuting you unless you were going around 10mph over the speed limit. So they recognised the legal limit, but tended to make it more of a judgement call if the driver was only going over the limit by a small amount or the situation they were driving in. Outside a school area, they'd jump on it hard, but most streets they'd let it be fuzzier. Edit: Struggling with procrastination today. Looking at work to make a start on, but can't seem to get my mind to engage. Then end up following some quirky non-work research contemplating great generals/military leaders in history.
  3. Heh, there was a case here a few years back where a guy got clocked speeding at about 110mph through the empty roads around the dockyards in the wee small hours of the night. He was getting slapped with speeding and assorted "dangerous driving" charges that he contested. He went into court and highlighted that his career actually involved precision driving, stunt driving, and racing automobiles of various sorts, and as such he actually had the skills to control a car at those speeds with minimal difficulty. His defence then included a study of the roads around the docks in that 2am-4am time zone and the barely existing traffic there at those times. He actually got all the "dangerous driving" charges dropped, but he did get stuck with the basic "speeding".
  4. I think the Jedi Knight, while it has an Epic series of stories, isn't quite as tied together coherently through all 3 acts as the other class stories. It kind of feels more like 3 separate short stories linked by having your character, rather then flowing from one to another.
  5. Indeed. I merged elements from Republic and Imperial Flight suits, then threw on one of those Imperial style cap with Cobra Commander faceplate.. Took an hour to try running a Hard [50] fp for the first time with my Consular Healer type. Definitely a learning experience.
  6. Hm, one of my friends is going to a "Charity Curry and Pub Quiz Night" event later this week, and apparently I'm to be dragged along to it.
  7. Heh. Not strictly on the idiot box.. but they're doing a follow on to Firefly / Serenity through the medium of comics. Zack Whedon, the writer of said comic, let this be known on where the crew of the Serenity will find themselves when Dark Horse releases the sequel comic, subtitled Leaves in the Wind, this January: the crew is on the run (of course), the Alliance is still in charge, Jayne is missing, and Zoe is pregnant.
  8. For the thoughts to spark.. Napoléon Bonaparte (he knew what conscription was for) Ulysses Simpson Grant (he invented the American way of war) Helmuth Karl Bernhard Graf von Moltke (he knew what railroads and telegraphs were for) Joseph Jacques Césaire Joffre (he prevented the enemy from winning what became what I call the Great War[1914-1945]) George Catlett Marshall, Jr. (the architect of eventual victory in the Great War) Võ Nguyên Giáp (he utterly defeated his enemy in the central theater of the Cold War[1946-1989])
  9. http://youtu.be/HMdsEij7S2Q And for the full short feature: Hm, although vimeo really doesn't like to show links for some reason. http://vim eo.com/thuristar/850meterseng
  10. So the state takes a relatively "independent" news service, shuts it down, merges stuff with another, and appoints an ultra-conservative government man in control... Kremlin shuts down RIA Novosti News agency
  11. Phone conversation today: "Okay, we need to set up the proper communication strategy to make this pitch and get a response." "Sure. You nag, I'll whine."
  12. Then we don't have much in common and it would be pointless to have any sort of discussion/dialogue regarding this matter. I really don't know how you argue otherwise. Living standards are immeasurably better now than they have been at any other point in human history by any yardstick that you care to name. Not that there isn't plenty of ****ty things you could point out, but to say that life isn't better now than it's ever been is pretty extraordinary. I'm not sure if this comes about due to the notion that democracy is great, or just that we have indoor plumbing now.
  13. Well, I'd say Dune was a great book. Dune Messiah and Children of Dune are mostly good books with a little weirdness. The rest just go all wibbly-wobbly.
  14. I ran my Agent through Act 1, and have partially sorted out Act 2. Finished off the class piece to Quesh, just trying to decide whether to jump on to Hoth, or actually do some of the Quesh planet missions. Did some of the weekly clear out stuff with my Sith Inquisitor, cobbled together an outfit for Andronicus (ranged dps companion) from the assorted "Starpilot" outfit sets, threw on a Dark Blue/Black dye on it and then mixed spending planetary commendations and my 450 Artifice skill to mod it out with suitable Armour/Mods/Enhancements.. Think I'll focus on my Agent for a little bit more, then take my Trooper to Nar Shaddaa at some point in this Christmas season....
  15. There are worse kinds of uncles to be....
  16. Hm, what was that quote from Putin.. "If minorities prefer Sharia Law, then we advise them to go to those places where that's the state law. Russia does not need minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell 'discrimination".
  17. Finding myself a little bit discombobulated and semi-anti-social this weekend for no particular reason that I can figure.
  18. See, I could see myself developing a bunch of those patch designs for a geeky joke and that no-one really pays that much attention to the NRO.. So I can quite easily understand some amused geek throwing these things together as an in-joke, without thinking that people are really going to take much notice.
  19. I've noticed the same thing. To paste anything in you have to switch the BBCode Mode. Which is a bit of a pain.
  20. Escape Plan Sylvester Stallone's structural security specialist makes a living being inserted into maximum security prisons and then escaping from them to find the flaws and how to deal with them. Then he gets hired to test a black site prison that turns out to have been built according to all of his notes and promptly gets deep sixed there when it turns out to be a setup by some people who don't want him around. He makes friends with Schwarzenegger's fixer character, and suffers the watchful eyes of Jim Caviezel's ruthless Warden and Vinny Jones sadistic guard, along with brief moments with the burnt out doctor played by Sam Neil. Basically an excuse to have Sly and Arnie do a partner up as they figure out how to escape and get payback. They don't push the action, trying to make it more tension and thriller style. It's got good chemistry between the cast, the plot holds together without too much silliness, and even the bad guys don't go over the top campy style like so many can.
  21. I'm not going to explain that one. Seriously. Hey, some news just should have a bit longer for the general taking a moment.. that's all.
  22. That quote would look better.. if it actually had a picture of Mandela.
  23. Actually, I think that's the only FF game I've ever actually played through from beginning to end.
  24. Well I'd really llike for this patch of non-health to cLear up. Spent the night with a stomachache, Awake, kind of haZed into sleep as dawn hit. Been half waking up and fading out with a headache and just realised it turned 2pm
  25. Yup. The first Fallout3 DLC retconned the ending of FE3 so you survived. It also changed it so if you re-played the game from the start, there were options so you wouldn't die.
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