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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Almost Human. Some potential interest to the world, plus a show that manages to get in lines like "Don't scan my testicles. Ever." While the sci-fi tends to be interesting ideas but with chunks of implausibility and near-Fringe like science.. I'd say this show is really going to come down to the relationship back and forth of the two main leads, Urban and Ealy.
  2. I find myself procrastinating throughout the day. Ah well. At least I've sorted out a few house hold tasks and needed things, even if I haven't pushed proper work along much.
  3. Australia Meets Star Wars.. http://youtu.be/mhTn8cjm9ZM
  4. Well had a crappy night that took bloody hours to fall asleep, then kept half-waking up, before fully waking up too damn early for my comfort. Now I'm staring at the day with a general "ug" approach.
  5. hm, I have to admit, I haven't really been tempted by the new Batman game. Origins just seems to be the same old stuff recycled without anything actually new added to the mix to make it interesting.
  6. Hm, I'm not sure quite how to take this, but for any fans of David Weber's Honorverse stories out there.. as part and parcel of the potential movie plans, they're talking games as well. From the author's infodump the other month I'll be curious as to what sort of non iOS/Android game they might be poking around at to produce..
  7. It can be entertaining when authors post potential snippets from future books.
  8. Hm, as I recall, if you've unlocked him once via playthrough, you can use credits/cartel coins to unlock him for any other character on that legacy at any point. So you could potentially get access to him at earlier levels if you don't want to have the hassle of dealing with the somewhat annoying search and find hunt for parts. I think that's the biggest shame, the Heroic (2+) parts of that quest line are pretty damn good for story and atmosphere, but the locate parts is annoying as all get-out.
  9. "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Take his fish away and tell him he's lucky just to be alive, and he'll figure out how to catch another one for you to take tomorrow..."
  10. Heh, so they took a jokey internet thing, and made it the "Breaking Bad Alternate Ending..." http://youtu.be/9kZivVxB3vU
  11. Hm, this one looks like it might be interesting.. but I'm curious how well it'll handle or if it sounds like it has a lot more options then it actually will. Of course ubi have decided to delay it's release till late next year.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQJH7055MFQ http://youtu.be/oz8AAwDeopg
  12. Not quite as amusing as his Batman or Lopan takes.. but still some entertaining.. http://youtu.be/O2S0R0WIN40
  13. Is Thorium the safer way to exploit Nuclear Power?
  14. Well, Facebook also keeps track of pretty much all websites you visit as long as you're logged in to FB. So it might just be taking note of where you're wandering..
  15. For the artsy news.. Ships That Sail Through the Clouds: Meet Luigi Prina, the 83 Year Old Builder of Flying Model Ships
  16. Because most houses have rooms and corridors that are the perfect size to use a rifle without any problems... That's not exactly good for CQB is it?
  17. Well not dinner, but I had some rollmop herrings for a lunch snack. Very tasty , but with the slight case of burping I've had this afternoon I keep getting that bit of vinegar aftertaste hitting the back of my mouth which is a little offputting.
  18. Heh, someone talking about a better way to run a democratic system for establishing political leadership...
  19. To quote from The Cat... : "Hey, I want to settle down. And as soon as I find the right small group of girls, the seven or eight women who are right for me, my wandering days are over, buddy."
  20. Ender's Game. Eh, I'm not sure how to take it. It's got some good performances in it, and some interesting turns for the story but they've had to cut a whole lot out from the book. The training is really cut short and they don't really go into the full on psychological twisting of Ender through the events. So I guess it's more like the original short story then the full blown novel he re-did it as.
  21. Heh. Funny story, a couple of years back I was in the car with my dad driving home from visiting mom at the hospital, we were driving up one of the narrow roads in the city and passing another car and both stopped. The windows came down and Dad was all "Hey! Burkey! How are things? Still the mayor?" To which the driver in the opposite car was all "Keith! Hey! yeah, Got the chain right here, just coming back from a meeting." reached back and pulled the Mayor's Chain and waves it about. Very blingy gold. I later found out they'd both worked together for years down the docks as crane drivers and suchlike.. It was just a wee bit surreal at the time.
  22. Mothers will never see you as anything but the 10 year old boy with skinned knees, no matter how old you are. Even if you've been acting the parent half the time , they'll still insist on saying things like "Don't you dare ride on the back of your friends bike! It's not safe!" "What were you doing walking through that area at that time of night?! It's dangerous!"
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