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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. There's flat and there's flat. But it's partly about getting certain patterns you establish that you always perform and succeed at the basics to get something going. And frankly, it's just damn uncivilised to not start the day with a good cup of tea. A nice brew is a default action for all problems... But I'm trying some Two Steps From Hell as background noise.
  2. Hm. Wind and rain kept me awake through most of the night. Which is different, because normally I find it soothing. So fairly tired and trying to focus, but finding myself very.. flat, non-focused and somewhat apathetic as the morning progresses. Not sure why. Taking a good cup of tea and seeing if I can stir some motivation on the day and get my mojo in order.
  3. I can't say I've done anything special with mine.. Sith Assassin: Sith Warrior: Compared to my Jedi Sentinel: And Jedi Sage
  4. Hm. Not sure what to make of Dracula. The acting is fairly decent, but they've got the Order of the Dragon as some kind of inquisitorial illuminate corrupted by greed , and a Van Helsing and Dracula team up as both wish to pour vengeance on said Order... And they're throwing in elements of Tesla science to almost add a slight steam-punk Victorian feel to things. That, and Renfield is a rather large black butler/manservant type. Looks like he's going to have an interesting character and some entertaining lines. I think I might try a few more episodes out of curiousity.
  5. Feeling a little out of sorts today. Although do have some really nice wind and rain sounds on the trees in the garden in the background. Went with some rather nice fresh scones with clotted cream and blackcurrant with slow gin jam to perk myself up...
  6. It's not so much as he's a liar, as he's rather fond of selective editing to post his point of view. I think he's mostly sincere about his beliefs, but he doesn't let reality interfere with them, and prefers to edit his films in such a way that mis-use quotes and footage in general to support those beliefs.
  7. Hah. If you get drunk with axes and don't turn it into an axe-throwing competition, you're not doing it right.
  8. I've been working on a bottle of Taylor's First Estate Reserve Port...
  9. Enjoy the struggles back to good health, and don't let it put a damper on your weekend Ros.. Hm, I've got this nagging feeling that there was something I really meant to remember to do at some point.. But I have no bloody clue what, so it's just niggling away at the back of my mind.
  10. Hm. Just found out that after pretty much 30 years since the first season ended.. they've produced a 2nd season to the children's cartoon "The Mysterious Cities of Gold".... My mind is boggled.
  11. Just started up DEHR Director's Cut.. although I'm leaving the director's commentary running as I go through it.. Some interesting little bits and pieces from the design team as they talk about it and why things developed in specific ways.
  12. SkyNews - Police find first 3d Gun Printing Factory
  13. Yup. They've released the game to buy, but it looks like it's going to be a few hours before the servers are updated so you can actually download the sucker. Still, for £3 and change it's not bad. I'm not going to get any panties in a twist over it.
  14. Heh, is this going to become a fashion parade for our Tor characters now?
  15. To be fair, she did the original song in mandarin.. so English translation is rarely going to be up to par on lyrics..
  16. Doing a mix of research, reading some papers, and working my way through some Web Design/HTML/CSS online tutorials.. Took a small break for a cup of tea and to watch something; only to have family decide that was the time to settle in about five feet from me, brush the cat and give a running commentary. Every time I hit pause of what I was watching, they'd trail off their talking. I'd wait, see they were silent for a minute so I'd hit play again. Within 5 seconds the running commentary would start up again. I'd pause, they'd slowly trail off. Repeat. Since they couldn't see the screen and I was wearing headphones, it was just amazing how well those silences and talking fit in exactly to me hitting pause and play. And they were talking at just the right volume that it broke into the headphones.
  17. And so Arrow finally dropped the "Ra's Al Ghul" mention into an episode. That was pretty much recognised from Merlyn's backstory of "I met a man who showed me a way...", but now with another guy in that outfit it looks to be the formal uniform of the League of Assassins...
  18. Before she was Skye on Agents of Shields... http://youtu.be/S96Yqzg6JHU
  19. Forgetful Groom Who Made Hoax Bomb Threat at Register Office is Jailed for a Year
  20. So Enter the Dominatrix DLC came out for SR4 today. Just had a quick poke at it before I go back to bed and while the gameplay isn't anything special, it's pretty much just a lot of humour. The "cast" being interviewed by Jane Valderama on what the original Enter the Dominatrix would have been like, and exposure to "deleted scenes" and what was there before it got turned into Saint's Row IV and how they felt about it all. Valderama: "So how come Donnie was cut out of SRIV since he had such a major part in Enter the Dominatrix?" Kensie: "Oh well the producers realised that with Matt, Donnie and myself that there were three high-tech hacker mary-sues and they needed to cut one." Valderama: "Okay, so why was Donnie the one cut?" Kensie: "Matt and I blackmailed the **** out of everyone."
  21. Actually had a full blown bad head today rather then a background headache. Spent most of the day lurking in bed with the curtains drawn and as dark as possible. Somewhat better now, just more with a fuzzy head and that slightly burning sensation behind the eyeballs.. But up for some tea and making sure I actually eat something. Thought I'd check mail and wotnot while I was taking care of that and see if there was anything worthwhile or amusing on the forums today...
  22. For the sheer crazy shoes.. And then just because..
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