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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Of course, with Malgus it's all about finding the timing right to hit him with the knockback that throws him off the edge...
  2. Babylon 5 started back up on UK tv tonight. Not the pilot-pilot, but the first episode of the first season, so Ivanova and the toned down Minbari makeup. "To my mind, a good leader should have a strong chin. He has none. And his vice-president has several. This, to me, is not a good combination."
  3. Annoyed at my mother and the nhs. She finally admitted to me that she hadn't been able to renew her prescription last week, and she was actually out of her meds last Thursday and hadn't told anyone. I have to admit, I tend to sort out her doses a week in advance, but rely on her saying "oh, can you set up the next week now", for some reason she didn't do that. Or admit that she hadn't managed to get them to sort out the prescription for this month. So I've pretty much been trying to find any short stashes of left over drugs and pretty much been standing over her to make sure she takes the morning, lunch, and evening ones we still have in the house. Of course, besides all of that, without the diabetic portion of her meds her blood sugar level is now up to 15.4 And she was bitching at me for not letting her have any of the dessert I made the other night. And the nhs prescription line has been locked solid today so can't get through. Bloody silly they shut it off at noon as well. Was using three separate phones pretty much on continuous redial over an hour and couldn't get through. Bloody nhs. Edit: Also, my ipod wasn't syncing properly, so I've had to reset it to factory settings in an attempt to get it to work. Now it's going to take bloody hours to resync my music collection back onto it. 25,831 tracks does just take a wee bit of time.
  4. And that, is the big difference between a solo RPG and an MMO. Any major world altering event, can't actually happen with a choice. It has to be something that every single player does or the MMO aspect starts to fall apart. Unless they had the ability to start splitting into complete difference "universe instances" depending on that choice. You get to make choices in your class story because that never actually has an effect on the world(s) outside, but it just wouldn't work otherwise.
  5. Yup. Illum's storyline is all about what Malgus is up to and sort of why. His wanting to create a version of the Empire that's not sith/humano-centric and is all equal to all the alien races within it. That and for his own personal power..
  6. To return to Amazon reviews.. Amazon - Haribo Gummi Candy, Sugarless Gummi Bears
  7. Did you see the short scene in the end credits as well?
  8. Hm, I lost most of my Saturday with a stinking headache, then woke up this morning with a snootful of semi-congealed blood. That's such a great start to a sunday.
  9. Had a pretty crappy week all in all, and now trying to work my way through a report and analysis while actually absorbing enough of it to truly understand what the blather in it is....
  10. Okay, I have to say, someone floating the possibility that Oby's oddities is something I might be behind? My mind has pretty much stuttered to a halt, choked, and done a triple pike into the waters of huuuuhh?? I think we can be safe in saying it's not Wals, he knows Russians better and has a level of disdain for pseudo-slavs.
  11. Oh dear god, I needed this. A proper laugh. Amazon Review - Veet for Men Hair Removal Gel Creme
  12. I think one of the things about Arrow that keeps a lot of the female crowd happy are the sheer amount of topless workout scenes with a certain main character...
  13. Don't blame us... the Brits started this one. We just commercialized the hell out of it. Hey, trick or treating is an American thing. It was pretty much non-existent here in the UK until the last couple of decades. Samhain was a general European thing, and we kept it as a night for ghosts and ghoulies and things that go bump in the night.
  14. Hm, someone I know was having a bad day, so I sent them this : Then promptly got yelled at because I was sending them a "rape joke" and did I think it was funny? When I replied that to my mind it wasn't so much a joke as a yardstick on dealing with crap and bad things happening in my life and that if it wasn't that bad it meant it was something you could survive, and thus a way to keep somewhat sane and moving forward through the bad things in life. So I was basically yelled at again and told that I should have been apologising for sending it it in the first place and was thus incredibly dense and insensitive to women. Woops.
  15. It's interesting how historical perspective can shift things. The church was actually a big backer of scientific advancement during that time frame, even the whole thing with Galileo wasn't as cut and dried as so many people like to think. But we have this big view of the church during the middle ages and renaissance period as firmly anti-science for some reason. Actually, for a fictional read that has a lot of good history of the early 1600's in it, have you followed any of Eric Flint's Ring of Fire?
  16. Heh, well you did know that a large grouping of the folks who went to America to start the early colonies did so because they didn't like the amount of religious freedom's that were being granted in England at the time? They thought it was wrong not to be able to persecute people with religious differences and as such, it was persecuting them to not allow them to do so...
  17. You just have to make sure that striking outwards is somewhat metaphorical and you don't try to use anger and a cricket bat to do so...
  18. Okay, when your married friends invite you along for a special screening of Chico & Rita - a film about the ups and downs of a Cuban pianist and his beautiful singing partner, as they battle to unite in music and love - that will end with a tango session after the film, is it me or is that going to be a really third-wheel type of situation? An evening of a love story inspired by the latin bolero, and ending with the passion of tango.. That really seems to me to be a couples thing.
  19. BBC News - Kenya: Call for AK-47s in every church
  20. If you want to find out who your friends are....Crowdfund your movie http://youtu.be/wTTCK3KA2ng http://youtu.be/vjUkphQJYAY
  21. Hm, as I recall you don't need to pick up any mission to get access to that room. But the final stage of a mission bonus leads you there, but you can access it at any time. The trick is that in the room with the queen there's an entrance on the left hand side (as you enter) that is pretty much a secret hideaway. Or it's a trick of perception so it's bloody hard to notice it there unless you're practically on top of it. It leads to a corridor that winds around, but it's annoying because unless you have stealth it's a gauntlet of strong colicoids ever few feet. Kind of like the Willpower datacron on Tattooine with it's series of strong Tusken Raiders along a narrow route.
  22. Wrapped up my Consular's class storyline, finished it at 51st level.. Not going to stress about pushing along to Ilum or Makeb or the like just yet. Although as a healer, could probably start up flashpoints and potentially ops on the group waiting list. I still haven't actually run in any operations yet on any toon. Think I might take some time to focus on my Imp Agent for a bit now, ready to hit Nar Shadda for that one. Although also have a Rep Trooper about to hit Taris I could work on.
  23. Woke up from a very weird mashup genre dream. Fey creatures in space suits invading a space station.. A little on the oddball side. Then with the crisp chill to the air it was definitely a struggle to push myself from a warm and comfortable bed... But , alas, I made it up for the day.
  24. Some new old Star Wars bloopers - not all of them have sound. http://youtu.be/OgLl0_mqLtc
  25. Not been the best of days. Lots of up and down the stairs, dogs barking, cat caterwauling, doorbell going, a bucket load of telemarketers on the phone, and family being passive aggressive to each other which I'm trying to just not get involved in. Nothing that I've been reading/researching has really stuck in my head today, I think I need to come up with a definite plan of action and proceed, stumbling along rather then get a good working knowledge first.
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