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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Sky News - Scottish Independence Blue Print Okay, maybe I'm being a bit biased, but with the amount of Scots in the past few government cabinets for the UK, and the mount of tax money that gets spent to provide all sorts of benefits and University tuition up north... If they go independent as they plan will they really be better off? Will it mean we stop having them interfering with our government down south?
  2. It's also an interesting thing, that the "professional" actor (whether voice, screen or stage) has changed a lot over the years. It used to be that you HAD to overact for the audience to "get" what was going on, the wide gestures to make sure that the people in the back row would pick up the details.. It's grown more subtle as time and media has moved on. With animation, the voice has to carry more effect then when you can see a human face and get the body language and expressions to help gauge the subtleties. During the 80's, animation just wasn't up to snuff so voice actors tended to be a bit more.. bombastic shall we say? The better the animation gets, the more subtle the performance of the voice actors can become.
  3. Realised how old my 'Complete HTML Reference' book is when it starts mentioning Netscape Navigator....
  4. On my mother's side, we have a blind albino basketweaver who was invited onto the national chess team - but refused because it would take too much time away from the family, and who had a basket he made actually given to the Queen as a birthday present. So likely tucked away in some nook in the Palace...
  5. Hm, woke up from some odd dreams where I was deconstructing the Hunger Games trilogy (the books) and tallying good and bad aspects. Then had the haze into consciousness mixing the "wtf hunger games?!!" and trying to decide if it was Sunday or Monday...
  6. Hm, where do you find the force ghost on Ilum? and the magenta crystal recipes these days? I've been working on my post 50 artifice recipes with my SI now that I've got it up to 450 skill, have a bunch of blue and purple enhancements now, even a few hilt recipes like that, but I've noticed there don't seem to be any crystal recipes for that.. Just the +41 Critical/Power that have been around for aaaages. Tried out the group finder for a bit over the weekend, and kept getting sent to the Czerka Labs and Meltdown. Seem's the [Hard] 50 flashpoints just don't turn up, although I did find out what [Hard] 55 Hammer Station is like....
  7. So for 400 years the Doctor tortures himself over the fact that he believes he committed a mass act of genocide, when in actual fact it came down to a big sleight of hand that sealed Gallifrey away in a slice of time, hidden pocket dimension that's locked in that moment.. It's a classic "Moffat Special". There's a terrible thing that generally appears inevitable, the Doctor embraces doing something incredibly dark to save the day only to suddenly figure out a slight of hand to get around that, but leave everyone thinking it happened. With chunks of wordplay that you think meant one thing, but turn out to be something else. And the companion makes some offhand comment that inspires the Doctor's grasp at deviousness. I think what partially seemed to disconnect it for me was how they hyped the aspect of the Time War being in it, but then....skipped it. We got a chaotic ruined city, a few Daleks going pew-pew and general innocents running around. We got no real feel for the Timelords being as bad as the Daleks, or the dangers to the rest of the universe. What about the Skaro Degradations? The Nightmare Child? The Army of Ne'erweres? Or the Could've-Been-King? But John Hurt was pretty damn good in that role of war-weary Doctor deciding to embrace a horrible choice. And it was interesting to have him react to the "infantile" style of his future regenerations, "Timey-Wimey?!?". The whole play on them refusing to act like adults because they were horrified of how they acted when they were the 'adult' War Doctor. http://youtu.be/yI5Py96KJ54
  8. Day of the Doctor. To that last spoiler of AGX-17, that's.. not technically true. Hidden and lost. Not completely sure what to make of it actually. It's got lots of good bits to it, but something didn't quite gel completely to the overall thing, I just can't place my finger on what exactly it was. And some fez jokes.
  9. Hm, I have to admit, at the moment I'm more tempted by what I've heard of the swashbuckling open worldness of Black Flag then GTAV at the moment. Ah well, either way it'll be a wait before I both picking up either, if at all.
  10. Filch, Frey, and most recently.. Doctor Who/William Hartnell
  11. I need to get back to experimenting with Blood Bowl. Haven't in a couple of months.
  12. An Adventure in Space and Time. The dramatization of Doctor Who's beginnings, the first female producer and the first indian director in the BBC, along with William Hartnell's journey as the first doctor. Some interesting bits and pieces, they made the initial scripts and stuff very fast, background things, but focused on the characters of the people involved.
  13. Just having a late night nibble of a mini stollen slice. Trying to decide why they're so more-ish.
  14. Punting along on web design stuff. Trying to create the css scaffolding to have 5 divs : header, footer, left, right and center, but of course the moment I try to put in the center everything goes weird. Tried to use % for all the height and width stuff rather then firm px, but that's bouncing oddly as it goes. Someone advised me to learn how to use bootstrap to help me get into this, but that's a major info-dump of stuff I have no real knowledge about, so I'd be guestimating with it rather then learning anything. Of coruse, getting interrupted on that to sort out mom's drugs, and errands needed to be done around the village and shopping to be picked up.. Edit: Hm, and my sister's boiler has apparently gone wrong, and the repairmen can't get out till the 5th of December.. Throw in her hob has blown, and she hasn't got an electric kettle.. I don't think she's quite set up for the chill of winter that's frosting the days here.
  15. For the parents in the audience.. http://youtu.be/uFQfylQ2Jgg
  16. Working my way through various lessons on html and css web fundamentals and wotnot on Codeacademy. Seeing just how much will stick.
  17. Feeling a little out of time at the moment. I was stuck in that loop of half wake up, half doze off during the early hours of the morning, hit that point where I started going "Yeesh, how long till my alarm goes off and I have to get up?" and then as the dozing in and out continued I struggled to check the time... and found it was actually about two hours passed when my alarm would have been going off.
  18. Goldieblox commercial Rewrites the Beastie Boys: How to get Young Girls to become Engineers
  19. Spanish Ambassador Summoned to the British Foreign Office
  20. The thing with Ender's Game is that it started life as a short story, got turned into a novella, then some years later a full novel.. So it was fairly easy to trim it back to being a screenplay suitable for a film. There's what, three books as such that make up Ender's trilogy, and then the rest of the books focus on the other characters don't they? Bean's perspective and what happened on Earth after the war and such like.
  21. Because I'm ruggedly handsome and childishly exuberant?
  22. With the 2nd episode you have a lot more banter. Dorian making fun of his partner, Dorian setting up an online dating profile for his partner, Dorian scanning his partners testicles and offering advice because "you're backed up and you need to get laid."
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