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Everything posted by WDeranged

  1. Old World Blues is done and dusted, I left quite a lot of stuff for next time though, mixed feelings over the story but the characters made me laugh and the crater is a great location to explore, it's definitely the most dense DLC so far in terms of stuff to do.
  2. Five hours into Old World Blues and having fun, it's very tough but the new weapons and enemies make it interesting, dialogue is great though, laughed a lot and especially enjoyed Dr Dala
  3. If they can top all that off with performance improvements I'll be a happy man.
  4. I've had my share of bad chemical experiences but I've never snapped quite like that buuut then again I heard plenty of stories about people who did, anyway this guy is supposed to be Mr Johnny Cleancut, an all American Christian soldier, it's interesting.
  5. A rare bit of roleplay going on at Bethesda's lore forum, why can't they put weird **** like this in their games any more?
  6. Keep it up mate, this keyboard lifestyle can be a bugger for your health, all my favourite hobbies involve sitting down...
  7. I'm drinking but that's nothing special for a Saturday, St Patrick's or not
  8. I know, I apologise for my humour but it connected so well with the General Butt Naked thing that I couldn't help myself.
  9. I decided not to go to a St Paddy's night at my local as I don't want to feel rough on my birthday...in three days, partying never used to be this hard, um, something like that anyway
  10. I did ponder for a while that he may have been drugged and set up to discredit his cause, but then when I took into account the number of establishment types backing Kony 2012, I think he probably is just mentally ill, an egomaniac pushed over the edge by attention.
  11. I'll reserve judgement, in a way their games really are single player MMOs so it's not exactly a huge leap for them, it might even force them to innovate more...still, I fear for the single player universe that I've enjoyed for years. *edit* Oh, about that patch, someone uploaded some shots of the snow LOD fix, for some reason I couldn't ignore that while playing, more than the broken quests, glad it's gone. http://i.imgur.com/e3lxP.jpg http://i.imgur.com/dEJYW.jpg Also, the new effect is a big improvement.
  12. Vsync is a feature?..Jesus wept.
  13. Sooo, I thought this might deserve it's own thread... Linky and most likely NSFW video
  14. Just as a follow up to the Kony 2012 fiasco, and because I find this one bloody hilarious... Invisible Children co-founder detained for vandalising cars, public masturbation *update* Looks like Wals will get his General Butt Naked 2012 after all, here's a video
  15. I completed Honest Hearts last night and chose Joshua's path, call me bloody minded but I wanted to decimate those White Legs, Daniel's mercy speech didn't sway me either, Salt Upon Wounds' helmet now sits on a shelf in my Novac hotel room. Old World Blues here I come
  16. Considering the recent layoffs and cancellations Kickstart might be their saving grace, god knows though, I just hope they pull something together.
  17. Don't know how I missed this thread over the last few days but it's been a depressing read, especially the Metacritic part...just what the ****.
  18. Charlie Brooker talking about the Kony 2012 con.
  19. And some of us can give it a spin for the first time, like me Still, gotta wait and see what they're actually going to do I suppose.
  20. "Improved distance LOD transition for snowy landscapes" Just that one alone makes me want to give Bethesda a pat on the head
  21. Nep makes a good point, congress would probably do a fair job stopping Beelzebub Santorum from lynching all the gays, unfortunately they'd also put up a hell of a fight if St Paul tried to dismantle the war machinery, either way a president isn't supposed to be a dictator and regardless of whether you think Obama had good intentions or not they can't just do what they want, no matter what they promise on the campaign.
  22. Well that was quick
  23. I can guarantee that switching to Windows 7 x64 and an SSD would be something of a minor revelation, virus scans do indeed take a matter of minutes and the whole experience is really smooth.
  24. They can make as many tablet versions as they like as long as I don't feel like I'm playing an iPad port on my PC...
  25. I suspected it might have, I'd format the bugger and get XP on it, Microsoft are delusional about running W7 on netbooks. If I was setting up a full spec modern PC I'd definitely go with Windows 7, I find it genuinely pleasant to use and it takes better advantage of multi-core CPUs/GPUs and large amounts of RAM, not to mention SSD drives, my current PC "feels" so much quicker than my last XP machine simply because everything loads almost instantly. I resisted Windows 7 for quite a while but ended up slapping my forehead when I found that a load of weird quirky issues I'd had on XP since forever just vanished, also the CPU overhead for the new features is pretty insignificant on any processor made in the last two or three years. *edit* Windows 8 can go screw itself though
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