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Everything posted by WDeranged

  1. Yeah Psychonauts definitely gave me motion sickness, it's the reason I never completed it.
  2. I survive mostly on tea, I'm starting to suspect it's the reason for the kidney stones, I know I should drink more water but I'm really going to have to flavour it with something, can't do plain water.
  3. I genuinely wanted at least three of these games, Psychonauts is a nice bonus, it kinda makes up for when I pirated it back in my youth, kinda.
  4. I feel for you, good luck and the best of pain meds to you. I think I got away with it, must have been a tiny one but I think I felt it pass, I appreciate the sentiment though, a few years ago I had my first stone and it was the worst pain of my life.
  5. Today I realised I have a kidney stone again, I look forward to several days of pain and not being able to pee, bah, I blame the queen
  6. Looks pretty cool but I'll be judging all the DLC against Shivering Isles, I want some bloody huge dungeons and a new land mass in a crazy location, mostly I just want subsequent patches to not destabilise the main game like they did with Fallout 3
  7. Turns out Bethesda added a line in the ini to let you disable them, I'll have my 20fps back thank you
  8. Hm, mounted combat in the new patch but I'd rather they let us turn off the damn grass shadows
  9. Having nothing to do for a week has driven me to install Skyrim, I did briefly install Morrowind to check out MGE XE's realtime shadows (gorgeous) but I couldn't face the responsibility of installing the hundred or so mods it takes to make the game playable, I've tried the overhaul pack but it kinda goes too far for my tastes. Ah well, time to go and browse the billion or so Skyrim mods that have appeared since the CK came out
  10. Oh god I want a pizza...anyway, sounds like a nice day
  11. Steamrollered my way over the legion and got really amused when Lanius lost his **** and started running away from me in terror, I never had that happen before
  12. Thankfully the game doesn't have too many logic facepalms like that, it very well might be because of a resource limitation, the DLCs seem to suffer from it more than the main feature, which is understandable given the short production time. On another note, my 80 hour session of New Vegas feels longer than my last 150 hour session of Skyrim, I think it must be the sheer amount of moment to moment decisions I make compared to the drawn out pace of an Elder Scrolls game, which isn't a bad thing, I find TES games very enjoyable and relaxing but I worry about what Bethesda are going to do with Fallout 4...I prefer my Fallout crunchy
  13. I completed Lonesome Road last night, mostly enjoyed it, especially the environment and nuke hunting, not so much for the story but it had a nice vibe, the easter eggs and computer logs were good too. I've almost hit Sawyer's level cap now, it's probably the only thing I'd change in his mod, I feel like I've only half finished the main game and now I have to make a dash for the end...still it does feel like my courier has been on an epic journey this time around with all the DLC
  14. I'm very interested in Dishonoured, if only because I love the art direction, I just hope there's an actual game in there.
  15. Not sure if anyone has posted this but it's worth repeating. Avellone, Gaider and Levine talk at PAX
  16. I've got a vague hope that a truly world wide web with good translation algorithms might make illegitimate wars a bit less likely, it's much harder to demonise a far flung nation if your populace can feely communicate with them.
  17. Who was it that was wanting to do a setting described as Lord of the Rings if Sauron won? Was that Sawyer? I'm burnt out on elves but I could definitely go for some post-apocalypse fantasy, industrialisation could play a part too, similar to what happens in The Shire at the end of the novels.
  18. I watched the first season of Darker Than Black, I got some enjoyment but it suffered from the same problem that plagues most of the potentially great anime, it completely ****ing falls apart in the third act.
  19. Today I found out that I'm a Jew...kinda, we always knew we were of German descent but it turns out they were German Jews, my great grandfather apparently kept the faith and owned several jewellery shops in London, I got a chuckle from how stereotypical it sounds, makes me wish I knew more about my family history.
  20. I wonder if we're going to reach the visual peak of violence in games any time soon. Personally I find the throat cutting scene disgusting. How juvenile do people have to be to find that appealing? Skipping this superhero crap. After this mini-review I felt rather let down by the actual trailer
  21. People have been digging around the Construction Kit and noticed a few additions in the last patch, Crossbows are apparently in and there's a behaviour reference to a Snow Elf Prince.
  22. I'm juggling my money right now so this payment will virtually empty my account, the things we do for idealistic love...it's strange because I was originally more excited for Double Fine, Wasteland 2 feels more important now.
  23. I never read the manga but I prefer the first anime, it had more character and sense of adventure, I enjoyed Brotherhood though, if only for the fight scenes, Fuhrer Bradley finally gets a chance to shine.
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