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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. Thanks Mac.
  2. I'm one of those people who want them to take their time. I could happily wait another six or eight months for this game. I'm not entitled (over-used internet word, right up there with immersion) or unreasonable. I've simply pointed out the sub-par level of developer engagement in the latter half of this project. It hasn't lived up to expectations. Right now I find the Beta especially un-fun, veering on un-playable. So a bit of a steer as to when I might be able to boot it up again would be nice. I won't hold them to it.
  3. I'm glad you're so easily pleased. Edit - the 'I'd rather they spent time on the game' line is especially specious. A ten second forum post saying, 'sorry guys, a few issues, patch looking like early next week now," takes about five seconds and is common courtesy. A big part of the KS pitch was a different level of developer / backer interaction. I've not really seen it, then again I'm not a poster at SA ($)
  4. I thought this 'developer feedback' concept involved them, like, telling us stuff. Oh well.
  5. Dragon Age's DLC strategy... Here is an artist's impression of the Bioware marketing and online team's meeting shortly before the game released:
  6. Call me old-fashioned but I like to see stuff for sale on my store-front, not just stuff some algorithm thinks I might like. Besides, my son plays stuff like Minecraft, Spelunky and Terraria on my account and I get spammed with all that type of thing.
  7. This thread need a picture of Kate Beckinsale. Please continue.
  8. This is where I work. My office is the big glowing eye-thing you can see on the left. Today we got loads done. I had eight thousand hobbits tossed into a mountain to see what would happen. Then I made an excel spreadsheet charting how long it took them to melt.
  9. I would pay extra for a special PATRIARCH edition EXPANSION PACK. This is a manly-man version that includes chainmail bikinis, killing-stuff XP, no emo NPCs or story-tyme and spiky armour for evil characters.
  10. They have a vested interest in this game being better, and in the forums giving feedback and new ideas, they're obviously using the time for a reason. Maybe because everyone expects a significant jump in quality per patch, and they want to deliver that. Nope, they just don't really see the BB as particularly important. I'm not being grumpy or facetious, I honestly think it was a stretch-goal gimmick that is now a pesky afterthought.
  11. My new 'personalised Steam Interface' sucks.
  12. I still think you could split the bestiary-xp-difference even further for a compromise between 'genocide' and simply unlocking a creature = xp. Say you talk to a creature and learn something about it you didn't know before? Ping, xp! Say you fight a creature and learn something about it's powaz? Ping, xp! Say you slay 25 lions and become a Big Hunter Dude. Ping, xp! But after you've killed 'x' amount of that creature there's no more xp unless it's (a) linked to a quest of (b) you stop killing that type of creature and instead study / communicate with it. Of course, if you're Ogre-Slayer extraordinary, it might lock you out of the talking-route by reputation... I dunno maybe it's too much work but it takes the sting out of no combat-xp for me personally. Edit - Josh wtf happened to ECL like in NWN2? That squared the circle didn't it?
  13. SJWs gonna SJW
  14. This. If I ever saw that woman in real life, i would instantly forget my surroundings and go and talk to her, get her number, ask her out and all that. Of course it would crash and burn, but i wouldn't care. It's Leanna Decker, I posted some other images of her a few pages back.
  15. Er, Bad Neighbours. Utter crap. When you type the words, "the best thing in it is Zac Efron" you know something has gone horribly, horribly wrong. Please don't waste two hours of your life on this. I've already done that for you. It's so far into the realms of fantasy, it asks you to consider for a moment that a woman as attractive as Rose Byrne would choose to procreate with Rogen's character. Byrne has been suckered into appearing in more and more crap rom-coms recently. The Apatow / Rogen / Generation 'Y' axis of evil seems to think that you can make a rom-com, add a few 'c' word swear-bombs and nobody will notice it's still a crap rom-com (q.v. I give it a year). Perhaps its because this film made me feel so archiac. Rogen's character feels old because Efron's 'first Batman' is Christian Bale while his is Mike Keaton. Dammit, mine was Adam-bloody-West. Avoid.
  16. An unintended but delicious consequence of this farrago is watching the execrable Ed Miliband try to justify why Scots in a devolved parliament should have votes on purely English matters. It might have something to do with the 40-plus MPs he has up there, and who he needs to win a UK election, but he's been led into an elephant trap of epic proportions.
  17. How anyone could have a problem with gay people after listening to queen is beyond me. Born in Zanzibar and raised in West London. A workmate of mine used to live near his dad's house.
  18. Forget Goethe, Martin Luther, excellently-engineered saloon cars and the development of armoured warfare tactics, Germany's greatest contribution to mankind is the Oktoberfest. Bravo Deutschland, bravo.
  19. Emo BS painted in thick, treacly dollops of cliché.
  20. Fair play to whoever designed it, the website is great. Especially the interactive map. Shame the lame, cringeworthy NPCs like Cole and the cookie-cutter backgrounds (Human noble? Sigh) are typical Bioware laziness, as some of the strategy / resource-management aspects look quite promising.
  21. I followed Marceror and Grom's advice. My characters are all slightly jack-of-all trades but with biases towards certain weapons. I've got a Faceman / gadget guy, a dedicated surgeon / field medic (pistols and melee, will develop him towards energy weapons), melee goddess / toaster repair / outdoorswoman and sniper / weaponsmith. This team is serving me well. Also, recruiting Ace's ex-girlfriend early on has made life much easier so far.
  22. Dandy Valarian paladin with afro hair and a groovy hat.
  23. This isn't a debating society. Fallacies. Meh. It's just my opinion as someone who works in a not-dissimilar field and finds praise as anything but a superficial metric for improvement. Take it or leave it.
  24. Pah. I move my rangers in two over-lapping fire-teams. ALL THE TIME. Tactics, baby. I'd like to hot-key my guys in different squads and move them separately, but apart from that it's no biggie.
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