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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. It ain't gone off yet :: looks at watch ::
  2. For someone like me I suspect the controls of a 747 might make more sense. Although any game that uses the term 'Trollify' can't be all bad
  3. Conspiracy theorists add to the fun of the internet. OBL-as-seafood is a great ending for the PoS in my opinion.
  4. The UK gave Pakistan
  5. Calax, I'm not used to MMOs but that gui looks v complicated. Is it?
  6. And there was me planning on not having a drink today.
  7. Look, it's really simple. Gaddafi and his sons have the following options: 1. Predator drone strike 2. Immediate Romanian-style execution once the rebels roll into Tripoli 3. Suicide in the bunker 4. Escape to Venezuala with Hugo as their host, with no assets because they'll be frozen 5. ICC at the Hague followed by a comfy cell with satellite TV for thirty years, hey they'll do more than the Lockerbie bomber. I couldn't care less personally, as long as it's quick and the fighting stops.
  8. Is this the son who was a footballer perchance?
  9. Yes, but only because Chuck created the world.
  10. To be fair, I'm sure Mass Effect 3 will be a full game with content and everything and not a SLaM DuNK! Will there be a DA3, d'you think? Or will they go back to making RPGs?
  11. Putin is the Chuck Norris of autocratic politics.
  12. Got up very early, before the rest of the house stirred. 'twas a lovely spring day so I took my pedigree Monte-Hund bitch for a long walk by the Thames (the Thames is very near the Schloss Monte). Das hund was intrigued by some swans, which quite properly scared the living daylights out of her. I came back and watched the news, laughing evilly at the discomfort of the bien pensant British Left after the Royal Wedding and the imminent destruction of the 'Yes' camp in the AV referendum. My son then thrashed me on the Wii (one day he will be old enough to play RTS games whereupon the serve will be well and truly returned). Having had an actioned-packed Sunday I turned my hand to making interesting sandwiches and drinking beer. I have consumed a wrap made of peri-peri chicken, Spanish omelette, manchego cheese, olives, lettuce, salsa and sour cream with garlic and chives. With a nice cold beer. I am considering pottering about in the garden for a bit with junior before taking the tribe down the pub mit das hund. Later tonight I will get stuck into my Sons of Anarchy boxed set and go to bed late as tomorrow is a Bank Holiday for May Day. Life, all things being equal, is good.
  13. Oby, can you post some pictures of tanksnmissiles and semi-vegetable members of the politburo dribbling on balconies? Pleeeease.
  14. Another thread laced with pure, distilled Win. Cthulu was a Communist. Makes complete sense.
  15. Haven't read the books so the WTF comments (altho understandable) pass me by. I still like it. Sean Bean is great, yes dwarf bloke is great too and the vile, horrible blonde queen incest chick reminds me of Keira Knightley's hot older sister. Which is good. The spoilt prince-kid is well cast and a good actor because I already hate him. Mark Addy (fat king) is quite well-known in the UK for his supermarket TV ads so it's lovely to see him acting and doing something decent for a change. The only fly in the ointment is Ghengis-Rapist with the comedy facial hair and his ridiculous blonde wifelet. Hopefully they die. Am tempted to buy the book, bearing in mind I don't really read much modern fantasy, if I feel the need I reach for some old Eternal Champion type stuff. Still hovering a 7.5/10 and rising. Monte approves as, crucially, does Mrs. Monte.
  16. I still haven't bought this game, when it's a couple of quid I will buy it and use it as a fire-lighter, drinks coaster or bird-scaring device.
  17. Bwahahahhahahahaaaaa (deep breath) Bwaahahaahahhahaaaaaa!!!
  18. Oby, could you update us on Tractor Production stats at Farm 54 too plz?
  19. Maybe it's a plot by the other MMOs to attract the most annoying gamers ever all into one place and keep them there?
  20. Sarah Palin can, like, see Russia from her bedroom. Russia is a decaying, fascistic kleptocracy with cool gangsters and hot women. Basically, it's a cool setting for a crime movie but not somewhere I'd choose to live.
  21. What are Apple getting out of this, some kind of geo-marketing data or are they simply as evil as I always suspected they were? I've never bought an Apple product, never will. My next phone will be a Blackberry thankyouverymuch.
  22. Field Grey by Philip Kerr, part of the ongoing Bernie Gunther series. Utterly, utterly brilliant.
  23. Why ruin an otherwise awesome thread by using the 'B' word?
  24. Buffy and Angel were fantasy. I honestly can't begin to articulate my response to this. I was too busy spitting tea and laughing. Joss Wheedon.... FFS? As for the criticism, I understand, but the low-fantasy vibe is good and more likely to draw in new fans. People with names made up of consonents and apostrophes, silly spells, haircuts and CGI monstarz are lame.
  25. Having thought about it today, the basic point is that there aren't really any mainstream fantasy series. Sci-Fi? Yup. Fantasy Nawww. Yet this one is really good, my wife is utterly indifferent about fantasy as a genre but liked this. Am looking forward to an episode with some butt-kicking swordplay and (dare I dream?) some fighting in tunnelz.
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