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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. I know Karl Marx wouldn't approve, but hey, "Taxation is Theft."
  2. FFS this thread is dull can somebody post some hot elf chick pictures plz. Tx.
  3. Apparently Snyder might lose his gig directing the new Superman franchise off the back of this disaster. I hope the whole comic-book / geek influnenced direction of big popcorn movies dies down for a bit, let the gene pool refresh.
  4. Tx Malcador, I think I scrape it.
  5. What are the recommended system specs for this? I'm running on a Intel Core 2 Quad CPU, 2.66 GHz with 4 GB of RAM and NVidia GeForce GTX 260 Anybody like to suggest what upgrades I need? This rig is now 3 years old.
  6. Fabulous. Bravo.
  7. We get it on Sky (Atlantic) the day after. I've not read the books but I like Sean Bean so I'll give it a go.
  8. I'm currently enjoying a Killers retrospective (Sam's Town), a genuine case of "I preferred their older stuff" (esp. Mr. Brightside, one of my favourite Killers tracks).
  9. See that just breaks the immersion for me since I know for a fact that medieval people didn't bathe. Hell I don't think the bathtub was even invented until the 1600's King Arthur had a hot-tub, so did the Romans.
  10. It's pretty easy to understand. Sadly, the east still stands for absolutism and the west the least-worst route of democracy. China / Russia et. al will always side with the dictator. Why? Look at their system of government. Defending Russia is hilarious, I'm not going to even entertain it. Were it not for it's nukes it'd be a pariah state. Is "West Best?" :: shrugs :: I'll go out on a limb and say I think so. Ask all the people from other places who choose to come and live here that question, we must be doing something right.
  11. So, I take it you've been to Russia? *sigh* You know, you could make an effort to expand your knowledge of other countries beyond BBC World News. This aryan supermacy thing where US+UK+western europe+liberal democrat ideologues are the sole proprietors of common sense, best form of government, Justice, Morality and Goodness is getting really really old. Please don't patronise me, and as for the Aryan BS... I'm Jewish. Or is that really scary too?
  12. Hmmm. Is it twitchy?
  13. Thanks for all the thoughts on The Witcher, how does the combat system work? I can live with simple if it's fun.
  14. I've seen The Witcher special edition silly-cheap. Is it any good?
  15. Russia is a gangster-state kleptocracy. It's a joke. Anything Putin's regime says or does is predicated on it's own utter self-interest, loss of Cold War hang-ups and defence of authoritarianism. I feel sorry for the average Russian.
  16. Seriously, Sucker Punch has been utterly savaged by the UK movie critics. Kicked to death. Compared to Showgirls in it's utter awfulness. Am wondering if it will now become kitsch so-bad-it's-good classic, win some razzies, etc.
  17. I find it difficult to sympathise with the French, they do their own thing, play the in-out-in-out-shake-it-all-about game with NATO and are adept at grand-standing. As Gen. "Stormin'" Norman Schwartzkopf once famously said, "going to war without the French is like going deer hunting without an accordion." Having said that, yes we can slag them off because they are cousins, the rest can wind their necks in.
  18. How many recent Bioware games have you played, again? Sorry dude, having too much fun to reply. After BG2 / ToB I took a break from Bio games, then got dry-shafted by the PoS that was NWN1. That was the beginning of the end for me personally. Anyhoo, I played and quite enjoyed DA:Origins and Awakenings (which was OK-ish) and thought, finally, Bio was trying to scramble back onto the path of righteousness. Boy, was I wrong.
  19. No, it would be more awesome than Mike Laidlaw's 'A' button dipped in win-juice, the dialogue wheel could turn into this massive, snarky, potty-mouthed beast until you played your +5 Vorpal Moderator.
  20. I feel myself drawn, inexorably, towards to The Codex, like a terminally diseased moth drawn to a dark flame ::sighs:: Yet my sentimental attachment to this place keeps me anchored here, in a sort of sublime Bio-loathing purgatory. So I must fight these urges, to take the Long Walk to The Codex, where I will disappear into a gaping psycho-chasm of hate, bile and hilarity.
  21. Nepenthe, Didn't you flounce off in a huff?
  22. ^ I'm hearing you brother, Bio now exists for me as an epic gaming development soap opera of hubristic awfulness, about to go supernova in a massive flaming inferno of their own smugness.
  23. If you hoover up a thousand people who've lived a life of unremitting tribal warfare in total anarchy, and who believe in the benefits of witch doctors and sacrifice, and deposit them in Surbiton they won't instantly adapt to our lifestyle and values just because they've seen a Gregg's the bakers. Surbiton is quite posh, I don't think there is a Gregg's but there is a nice deli and a decent French restaurant.
  24. DA3 will be an interactive FaNTaSY dating sim (a mash-up of Joss Wheedon and Twilight) you can flick between whilst fixing dinner and washing the kid's soccer kit, with a fast-forward button for anything icky like fighting or gameplay. EA will then sell Bioware. We will all nod sagely and say "I told you so." Embittered ex-Biowarians, who are currently in the re-education facility will then post candid recollections of how awful it was, and how "they were only following orders." Lulz
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