Tam Dalyell's West Lothian question writ large. The devolution project in the late 1990s was a gerrymandered Labour plan to keep Labour seats in Scotland and Wales safe in perpetuity. It has imploded spectacularly, Labour's destruction in Scotland is the best thing to happen in England for years. Talk about hoisted by their own petard.
De-couple the Scots from the teat of subsidy and let them cry FREEDOOOOOM as they surrender their last scintilla of sovereignty to Brussels. Hoo-bloody-rah. Deep fried Mars Bars all round. Except that I suspect they won't vote for it, the Scots know which side their bread is buttered.
If the Union was toast England would be Conservative forever, scary as that sounds it, but it's true until a more sensible centre-right, anti-European party that wasn't UKIP appeared on the scene.