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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. ^ Wow, another sleepless night.
  2. My points are, variously - The folks who get a house made for them are thrilled because they don't have to do it themselves, hey I'd love it if some clueless student flew in from Australia and mowed my lawn for free. Aid turns people into dependants, not humans. On top of that, charity begins at home. Like Australia doesn't have deprived areas and a downtrodden indigenous people who might need a helping hand? I remember putting a tenner in the pot for Live Aid back in 1985. My money probably bought a box of 5.45 ammo for a Kalashnikov, or went towards a limousine. I think aid is part of the problem and free trade part of the solution.
  3. *shrugs* I think Sean Bean is fine. I see stubborness rather than stupidity in the character but mebbe that's because I've not read the books. As I said, hawt lesbian scenes are a gift from the Great Stallion so no problems there. Crazy blonde barbarian chick and Ghengis guy are growing on me, her story is very well done. I mentioned it before in the thread but it's worth reiterating, and that's how a lot of non-fantasy fans completely dig this series. Mrs. Monte, for example, loves it. All in all the cast are great, would love to see more of Peter Dinklage (sp?).
  4. Boo, at this juncture I feel compelled to invoke O'Hanlon's razor: Never attribute to Malice that which can be explained by stupidity Cut it out and put it above your desk, like I have. It makes understanding politics and history much easier. Also, subscribing to internet based tin-foil hattery eventually makes you look like an arse.
  5. Possibly, but we do so get yourself used to it.
  6. Well, I don't think the right-wing government that followed did much better to be honest. Duh. That's my point.
  7. I was raised by wolves yet appear to be completely normal. OK, I like raw meat but that's not overly unusual.
  8. The problem with FPS chess is of course RT versus turn-based.
  9. Weimar was social - democratic but broadly leftish for it's time.
  10. Find me a Green party politician who has run anything more demanding than a herbal tea stall at the local vegan fete. Please. The Germans are nuts. The last time they gave their clueless liberals the reigns was Weimar. Looked what happened then.
  11. Hello again. I have heard some good slang recently. On the tube the other day all these kids were going on about their "Beebies" which by a process of masterful deduction I worked out were 'B-Bs' i.e. Blackberry mobile devices. I also, originally, hail from East London (although obviousy I now live in some style in the Southwest of town, as befits a man of my luck). My father therefore inducted me into the rhyming slang hall of fame, my favourite of which is 'Aris' (for arse) because it's double-rhyming slang, i.e. aris-totle = bottle / bottle & glass = arse. So, given that many of you are from exotic, faraway lands (like Belgium) please share your favourite regional slang. Also, internet and gaming slang amuses me, please feel free to post examples of this too. Eventually we will develop our own bizarre off-topic forum slang language, like Droogs (the book, love, not the silly film) and nobody else will understand our argot. Cheers MC
  12. They really need to make FPS Chess, where every pawn has like a minigun and stuff. The Queen can be a sniper.
  13. It grips my **** that students go on vanity travelling projects and kid themselves they're making a difference. They ain't.
  14. Because of course they couldn't possibly do that for themselves.
  15. What, never? Why run the risk?
  16. Never eat yellow snow.
  17. For the love of God, why?
  18. The music in this thread makes me glad it's Saturday.
  19. I like Boo. I didn't enjoy pointing out the history, and hopefully we can all agree on enough points to move on. I am bitterly sorry that civilians were bombed in his country. The difference between the total war of the old days and the limited wars we fight now is that there is no agreed narrative of what happened. The Balkans, with a bitter history of its own notwithstanding any western involvement, is a case in point. The real villain of the piece is the USSR. It collapsed and **** happened. And still is.
  20. Good drills, GD. Shame I'm a continent away, it would've been a pleasure to join you!
  21. Rock, Paper, Shotgun: Amusing article about EA v Activision. Especially like the line
  22. What, like making it an RPG?
  23. For the record, I am a caveman who is happy to be led from scene-to-scene by t*ts and ass.
  24. Robbed of my manifest destiny. Again. *sigh*
  25. ::shrugs:: Boo is Serbia, we bombed his country, he's pissed off about it which is fair enough. Serbia's government at that time was complicit in genocide, this is a matter of fact. The Serbian regime brought the bombs on Belgrade.
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