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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. Oh, I forgot you were a moderator. **** off.
  2. Kudos to the excellent Grognardia blog...
  3. Apologies if I indulge in hyperbole, but the whole series was a triumph and the best thing that's happened to fantasy as a genre in a long time. High production standards, outstanding actors (both known and newer, I could watch Peter Dinklage paint a wall and not get bored), a great script. I loved the ending of the season and can't wait for the second. Kudos to HBO and all involved.
  4. Ideology trumped reality, the leitmotif of the European project. Greece should never have been let in the Euro, it was a fudged piece of creating accounting designed to propel the integrationist project forward. You reap as you sow.
  5. I suppose it's the cyber version of graffiti on tall buildings: they do it because they can.
  6. Walsingham is a lovely chap, but hails from a brutish place with no hot running water and horrible weather. Everybody is unemployed. They get their first tattoos at six. This has left him with a twisted perception of his betters from the capitol of the Imperium.
  7. German is a difficult language to learn, apparently Arabic is easier. Germany is important because of it's economy and size.
  8. +1. Vin Diesel rocks.
  9. The Argentinians are an ungrateful bunch. Thanks to our intervention in 1982 the military junta, y'know, a dictatorial abduct-folks-in-the-middle-of-the-night style bunch of tyrants, was toppled. Every tinpot Argie populist since, who ironically owes their job to Margaret Thatcher, bangs on about it. My advice to Frau Kirchner is to **** or get off the pot. The Falklands garrison is small but reasonably well-resourced. The Argentinians would be squandering mucho blood and treasure taking it militarily. Of course, that the islands sit on an oilfield doesn't really help.
  10. It has begun. At some point, every message board on the internet becomes a stew of nostalgic veterans complaining about how it used to be better and being nasty to newbies. It always starts with posts like this. Anyway, I'm fine with this theme. It's nice. Fair point but I've been around a while and I still like it. Some of the people who've joined in the past twelve months are very groovy forum members too.
  11. I completely agree. Like the second Riddick film, really. Vin Diesel has some interesting ideas but they struggle in the execution of the movies.
  12. Six Armies in Normandy by John Keegan. Read it twice before, but y'know. GD, Ernest Hemingway's adventures with Leclerc's brigade during the liberation of Paris deserves a book of it's own.
  13. This is exactly the type of spam-based lore that I hoped this thread would inspire so I take my hat off to you, sir.
  14. That's the sheer craziness of spam at work.
  15. You can also marinade it in tabasco and serve it in a bun with a fried egg, which is an awesome hangover cure. Good point.
  16. I like it. Although I always liked that Windows classic theme that was pumpkin and something, and the one that was maple and something. The colours made me happy and, temporarily, StOppEd ThE VoICes TellINg ME to dO BAd THingS. Ahem.
  17. You've done enough, man, for God's sake. Walk away from the Fisk. Just walk away. FFS the man has an internet trend based on de-bunking poorly-sourced arguments named after him.
  18. Monte Carlo


    Hello. This thread is about spam. Not the email trying to sell you fake viagra, but the tasty tinned meat product. Read the article and share your thoughts. Personally, I like to thinly slice it and fry it with garlic and chilli. Yum.
  19. I don't know if it was prolonged exposure to beer and red wine, but my very lovely Saitek keyboard died recently. My friend in the IT world swears by very cheap keyboards, so I have a
  20. Kudos to the actor who plays Joffrey because I want to retch every time the vile little **** appears on-screen. Have hots for his mum.
  21. I go Alienware, but then again I am agreeably well-off.
  22. It also alludes to the astonishing fact that there are a helluva lot of people in Asia.
  23. Remember, he's usually on mind-altering substances and posted during a big downer. Tomorrow it will look hot pink and acid green again.
  24. You could have edited the whole post, right?
  25. Srsly, they don't need our help.
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