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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. I swore never to comment on Dragon age again but when I saw that audience.... bwahahahhahaaaa!!!
  2. This is like watching Dali. It's beautiful.
  3. I play lots of CoH online with Americans but, yes, mainly at weekends. But let's face it, it's Diablo 3. Time zones will become immaterial. Wives will become fractious. Bosses will look at their watches and wonder where we are.
  4. ^ You know that it's going to be mind-blowing and that you will get through ten mice playing it.
  5. Yeah but I play wearing a Dennis-Hopper in 'Blue Velvet' style oxygen mask. Hold that thought.
  6. Hi Sorry I haven't been around for a while, had lots of R/L stuff to be getting on with. D3 is out 15th May. If anybody wants to co-op for hours on end while drinking beer and giggling lots then sign-up here with battle.net details etc. Cheers MC
  7. Please don't say that again. Not even in jest. It's not funny.
  8. I one-shotted the Tarresque with quivering palm, I've got a screenie of it. Honest.
  9. I have been one of Dave's biggest critics but his BG2 mods were great.
  10. Sorry if I haven't been paying attention, but is this going to be available on the PC as well as ipad?
  11. I'd buy a Dragon Age Real-Time Strategy game with a 'Hawke Barracks' where you could just Hawke-Rush the enemy base. You would of course have Romance Upgrades too.
  12. The Mister Gum series of books for kids by Andy Stanton. Reading them with my son, they are too good and too funny for sprogs.
  13. It would have been if it had been missing. It's not missing, so in a sense we are both arguing on an old assumption. Let's not forget that the inventory, shortcuts and UI, which are only just barely usable, ARE without a doubt the fault of console design though. I have a more nuanced view: for example the skills GUI is beautiful, the way the skill trees resemble constellations. It's also about as much use as a chocolate teapot from a user-friendly POV, I'd much rather have a more traditional skills / character screen (I'm sure the current set up looks great on a widescreen TV). The port to PC's controls are hideous. This isn't because console gamers are dumb or less sophisticated (although I guess some might be, what else explains the popularity of Zumba party etc) it's because the platforms are different and PC is way more marginal. PCs days ain't numbered, but we are niche and we are less important than the console version. Just the way it is.
  14. Here it is... I can't find the door to the Barrow to get the golden claw maguffin. Where is it? I know I'm dumb.
  15. The story is all about me creeping about snow-capped mountains, finding loot, fighting in tunnels and sniping people. Works for me.
  16. You could use the official Bethesda forums if you're stuck in a quest... Naaaaaah.
  17. Mods: is there any problem with opening a Skyrim spoilers / quest / mutual helping out type thread please?
  18. As a fan of the FO3 / FONV "sneak about the wasteland sniping people" technique, Skyrim caters for this in buckets. Creeping around sniping with a bow = good.
  19. Getting lost is half the fun. Am about to restart, mebbe an orc.
  20. Do it... doooooo iiiiiit.
  21. Cheers Tigs... am re-starting (sigh) made some really crap perk decisions.
  22. Yeah, I've got an unfinished game of BG2 / ToB on my laptop that I've been playing for six months on and off, am currently playing WK before the final BG2 battle. My NE half-orc fighter / thief is leading an eclectic band of NPCs. Do it, it's till very very good.
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