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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. Company of Heroes 2 is out in May, I think. Therefore I will be happy until PE is released.
  2. Badgers are evil. Wild animal attacks should feature more badgers. Never trust one, or lend it money.
  3. QFT: One of the *many* reasons why romances gargle donkey sick.
  4. But... but... what would Bioware do if this trope got busted?
  5. I'm not technically minded but it was very easy for me to default all my existing Steam stuff to my 4TB SSD (mwuahahahahahaha). Apparently this is only a recent thing with Steam, but it was pretty easy. Edit: T'was a new computer mind you, and not all of my games were installed.
  6. Why, Bio? WHY?
  7. I know it's an old game but it *is* the best RTS EVAR. Got a free copy with my CoH2 pre-order on Steam, any of the usual suspects want it? Then you can play me. And die.
  8. Even I, Dungeoneer Extraordinary and tunnel warrior par excellence, am satisfied with fifteen levels. Your idea, although not without some merit, would involve using assets that could be used for making more loot, monsters and animating elf chicks in chainmail bikinis.
  9. ^ Yes. Point 4 especially as it worked so well in the IE games. I always used it for 'trap spotted' and 'enemy spotted' for example.
  10. The idea of rationing pauses is bonkers. Really appalling. It flies completely in the face of the original games. Just sayin'.
  11. ^ OTOH the Promancers have been contained in this thread, and some of the less crazy ones seem to have wandered off (now that it is clear that romances aren't pinging on the dev's design radar). Except for the dude who quoted a mod where you could intervene in an existing NPC relationship, and said mod turned out to be virtual pr0n. LOL. Promancers: Promancers never change.
  12. If t he system Josh describes is done right there will be negligible need for multi-classing, although I take your point about spell-casting. But if you want a warrior-mage type character it looks like you will be able to build one, using mage as the base class. Josh, in percentage terms how much can you "bend" your core class away from it's archetype? For example if I want a very aggressive melee rogue who isn't a light-fighter warrior do I need to take rogue and go 60/40 (sixty roguish / 40 skills and talents towards fighting) ? Sorry if my question doesn't make much sense, but I'm sure you'll figure it out.
  13. Can we talk about spells or something instead? Or maybe weapons? Huh? Please.
  14. ^ Doesn't Dragon Age have something very loosely similar to this. I remember Mauls had modest damage but were great against armour. Personally I think it's too abstract. The kinetic energy of getting whacked with a big lump of metal on a pole is going to hurt you whether it's a mace, hammer or halberd. A nice simple consistent damage reduction system across weapon types would make me happy, but then again I like less 'gamey' systems.
  15. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this? Matthew, If it's like a 4E spell it means that you can cast that spell once per encounter (i.e. battle). Once that encounter is finished (i.e. all those foes are dead, subdued or have run away) you don't need to memorize it again or rest. It just comes back. It's a compromise mechanic between Vancian (memorisation) spell systems and cool-down (MMO like) mana systems. As I see this design process develop it strikes me that a lot of 4E stuff that suck donkey balls in a PnP game actually makes sense in a CRPG. Which, as I've said before is the entire point given the clear computer game influences behind 4E.
  16. Hmmm. I don't see why. A resistance-monkey class who dumps powers into simply being tough whilst dishing out melee damage is a perfectly viable build. Personally I like a 70/30 (ish) split between passive and modal, favouring passive. Mainly because I like being able to choose a few potent powers over lots of so-so ones. But that's just for fighters, for example, spell-casters and rogues this ratio moves back to a 50/50 (again for me personally). So when you look at the variables I'd argue that your reasoning is questionable.
  17. The *only* thing I didn't like about the IWD2 interface was the lack of a paper doll. Even worse was the *teeny* avatar sitting in a snow globe. If you are going down that route may I suggest that the avatar is bigger?
  18. Excellent question. I think the gist of it is that thrusting weapons like daggers and misericords are great at getting into gaps in armour and causing damage. In fact, some small stabbing weapons were designed specifically for this purpose. However, for me too much realism can be a bad thing. 'Heroic logic' might be a better term: as my character gets more skilful and awesome his use of weapons and experience more than makes up for less optimal weapon types. Conan doesn't make carefully graded decisions using a spreadsheet, he picks up the nearest pointy object and kills ****. Ditto your classic Aramis / Porthos musketeer, a swordsman so skilled that his use of a rapier and parrying dagger allows him to best opponents whether they are wearing mail, plate or fricking power armour.
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