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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. You are clearly shirking, the lot of you! Crack the whip, Monahan, 'tis sadly essential.
  2. @ people who didn't like my post. I apologise. But Mkreku's reflex anti-Americanism grips my ****. I find it ironic he accuses me of being a sheep when his anti-Americanism is so bloody cookie-cutter Euro Groupthink. As for the pictures of cops. Call me old-fashioned, but I tend to get angsty when the cops are wearing camouflage. If they look like soldiers, in my experience they start to act like soldiers. Which is OK if you are in a war, but of questionable efficacy in downtown Boston MA.
  3. And as for John Stewart? Libtards are gonna Libtard.
  4. Baa baa, said the sheep. Awesome comeback. Awesome. I am completely pwned.
  5. ^ I just read Mr. Cohen's article, Bearing in mind that the Guardian is the UK's Number One Libtard newsheet, and I can't be arsed to fisk it, a few points: 1. The Washington snipers turned out to be, ahem, Islamist grudge-inspired 'terrorists.' So perhaps he has a point... 2. But then again, postal ex-LA cop gunman dude might have been a heavily armed nutcase, but he only had small arms and seemed to know who his target was... So on to point three... Terrorists, even homegrown, homebrewed ones like the Boston specimens, are especially terrifying and render Mr. Cohen's argument for what it is (libtard arse-effluent). These two guys made it patently clear that they would put down IEDs and to hell with the consequences. They might have well been wearing explosive vests. They were completely indiscriminate. So, Mkreku, living in your Scandie bubble, think about this. I live in London. I've had the IRA, animal rights nutters and now AQ-inspired murderers on my doorstep. I know what it's like to have loved ones on public transit systems when bombs go off. You don't. So, sweetie, you and your friend Mr. Cohen are useful idiots. STFU. Thanks MC
  6. I am not a conspiracy theorist, but isn't the FSB special warfare school located in Makhachkala?
  7. heh. I think I made this exact post about Bioshock relative to System Shock 2. Why must you steal my thunder, sir? Whoah, Slowtrain. Great to see you, sir. I hope you are keeping well.
  8. I have never seen so much pretentious hogwash written about a computer game (games journalists = contradiction in terms) as I have about Bioshock Infinite. According to the online hivemind it was like John Paul Satre meets The Seven Samurai. I watched a live feed and it looks like a very average steampunk-ish FPS. WTF?
  9. There should be a proper 'thug' class / build that relies on intimidation, persuasion and physical presence. Am a bit jaded when it comes to stealthy thieves all the time.
  10. ^ Funny thing is I've played the hell out of it but not really progressed much of the romance stuff. I had once character who was a half-orc and Jaz's script was a sort of platonic romance. I remember going to the Harpers and rescuing her, whereupon she described my character as a "magnificent bastard" and was more of a gung-ho buddy than a simpering wretch. So, ironically, non-romance Jaheira wasn't a bad NPC.
  11. Jaheira always wanted to talk about her grief at the strangest moments. My character would be making enquiries about whoring in the Copper Coronet and I'd hear that awful music that presaged some Jaheira wibbling on about her dead husband. So I stripped her of all her equipment and sent her running head first into a pack of mummies IIRC. And made my own NPCs and played it IWD style (which is awsome).
  12. * shrugs * I disagree with Sawyer on an even fifty per cent of stuff he comes out / up with. The other fifty per cent I find myself liking a great deal. It all balances out and his comments about BG2 are no exception --- the fifty per cent I agree with are totally on the money (the kidnap plot sucks donkey balls, 75% of the NPCs make my nose bleed). OTOH I like the crazy amount of quests and have pretty much the opposite view on his "dry dialogue" approach. But he's already said that he *knows* he has some pretty niche tastes. Oh, and Helm, BG2 is easily one of my top five PC games of all time. I think it squeaks into the top three, actually. And *drum roll* I'm allowed a nuanced view on it 11+ years after release.
  13. No 'Tep I got your point. It's just that the overly wordy cod-philosophy of PS:T is my own personal gaming version of Room 101. Heresy 'round these parts, I know, but I cannot tell a lie. At this point the usual disclaimer about appreciating the other cool bits of PS:T is entered in mitigation. I have form on this one - until New Vegas my favourite Fallout game was Tactics.
  14. Looks like an REM video from the mid-eighties.
  15. mkreku is that on maximum settings? I agree it has aged well.
  16. No, Nepenthe is correct, the Ostfront is a choice between intolerable totalitarian bastard or intolerable totalitarian bastard. It's basically Warhammer 40K. On earth. With no orks or space elves or **** like that. Although I'm sure somebody will persuade me that Hitler had a secret Space Elf program. Once you've wrapped your head around that, it's a superb squad-level tactical RTS. My only concession to righteousness is that the Russians were at least defending their own turf, plus I like their choirs. And the first time you ram a Panther with your shot-up T-34 and smash the gun off the enemy panzer is simply priceless.
  17. I do, that way my ruthless, yet beautifully-dressed army of gold-cod-pieced mercenaries can beat the snot out of the local hippies, then harvest their natural resources to make even more badass war galleons.
  18. But they don't look very aquatic to me. Why do they have hair, for example? And do they make for good sushi?
  19. As long as God-like races aren't immune from musket-fire, influenza and cold steel then I am not overly troubled either way. Although I might keep one to clean my armour.
  20. To be frank, I'm glad they simply posted a consolidated precis of what we have so far. I'd actually forgotten some of the awesomeness in store and this has reignited my enthusiasm. Sorry to sound like a gibbering fanboy, but huge chunks of this game sound like they were designed specifically for me to enjoy. I know I am not alone. Go Obsidian, GO!
  21. My character is going to be called Emmanuel de Reya ut Bastardo. He is going to decimate elves by spreading influenza. He will also have a golden codpiece.
  22. As an evil conquistador, will I be able to enslave the puny locals with Animancy???
  23. ^ LOL. Games like CoH aren't really about extreme top-end graphics. What they have is good, and the atmosphere feels right. Plus, the weapons effects feel crunchy and satisfying, especially the tank battles.
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