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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. OK, roaming around Borgovia with a foxy Russian ghost for company will not be everybody's cup of tea, and it has lots of vanilla ARPG features... but I like it. The character builds are cool (am making a sort of gun slinger), there are perks and special skills to unlock and you get a groovy hat. It has cheesy Eastern Euro balalika music, an agreeably odd Steam-punk setting and it doesn't take itself seriously. At all. My view is that for the money it's a no-brainer.
  2. ^ Been messing about with it, 'tis good fun. Looks nice, original setting etc.
  3. Sid creates games using the POWER OF HIS MIND. He doesn't need to do grind work.
  4. Alan I think the issue might be that more kids play on consoles than PC. TBH as an adult I couldn't care less about used games. It doesn't affect my gaming. But kids OTOH are managing allowances etc and its very important to them. And as a parent I don't want to spend more or less full-price for console games all the time.
  5. It will be interesting to see how Sony responds with PS4 to this.
  6. I don't think many of us are that surprised, but I think many will be dismayed. Access to digital entertainment content is becoming increasingly onerous and the balance is tilting in favour of the producer, not consumer. Why not tie the product to disc? Why kill the used games market? How will the value of a used title be determined? All of these things should be determined by the wider industry (retail, customers, the market) not one key player with a vested interest. I'm not buying this, so I'm relaxed about it. But people with kids who want a console (like mine does) will probably start voting with their feet once they work out that they cannot pick-up older, used titles at reasonable prices.
  7. M$ economics, where a used item is still worth 90% of its value. Pffft.
  8. I'm downloading Van Helsing now. It was UK 10.99 which seems extraordinarily good value. Am going to have a late night of claret and monster-slaying. http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/the-incredible-adventures-of-van-helsing
  9. The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing. It's cheap on Steam, was released last week.
  10. I think a better gauge of how well D3 has done / is doing will be console and XP sales. I'll probably end up getting both.
  11. I find myself strangely drawn to that gonzo Van Helsing Diablo-clone.
  12. 500 of us were lucky enough to get into the pre-open beta server stress test. The game has been polished a great deal. The graphics are crisper and there are lots of tweaks based on player feedback (especially maps). The GUI is still been hit by an ugly stick, but the tactical map is nice and clear. Along with the Theatre of War mode and customization, I would say that this is a good package if you like WW2 RTS games. I still think the art direction of the original was better, but that's a personal thing. The battles still feel visceral and violent, it's agreeably sweary and you get to drive big tanks around crushing enemy infantry. The SP campaign story, told in flashback from a Gulag in the fifties by a dissident veteran, also looks pretty neat. I am Monte Carlo, and I approve of CoH2.
  13. No, the hive-mind decided it bombed because it was popular. Once you get over the fact that it isn't D2, D3 is actually a good game. Bags of fun in multiplayer. I just don't buy into the whole AH BS and just stress-bust in a dungeon with it every now and then.
  14. I think it is safe to say that I will not be buying one of these contraptions. PS4 it is.
  15. If anybody on this forum catches me playing a CoD game, ever, they have my permission to beat me to death with a sock-full of loose change.
  16. ^ My friend Nonek is generous in his assessment of Bio's capabilities. Suffice it to say, Bio makes Buffy / Joss Wheedon-esque excretia for the emo / obsessive end of the gaming spectrum. There is a healthy market for this type of thing and good luck to them, in any case they will be tied in a burlap bag weighed down with bricks and tossed into the river by EA soon.
  17. Like this brutally murdered Joy Division classic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zm_GyTSHg0Q
  18. Any news about perma-online? This is the deal-breaker.
  19. Bioware making a Warhammer 40K game would be like Liberace having to record a Black Sabbath album.
  20. How can you call the third iteration Xbox 1? #baffled
  21. IIRC Diablo 3 is a PS4 exclusive, I will have to get it.
  22. Rolling across the Steppe, crushing the Fascist Horde!

  23. Nicely avoided. Not.
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