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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Finished Fear the Walking Dead season 7. My god this was such a heap of garbage. I have no idea how they were able to write this crap. It's probably the worst writing in any of the Walking Dead franchise that I have yet to see. Just one thing about it ... the rules of the universe keeps changing all the time. Zombies are radiated and kill you if you touch them only if necessary for the story. One time they are so deadly, you can't go near them, and the next time you can just whatever them with a puny knife. Anyways, did they never heard about spears? Why do they keep knifing Zs? Humanity uses spears for as long as we can remember, but not in the Walking Dead, no sir, spears are an absolute no-go here. It's also funny how a group of like 10 Zs is a big problem in one scene and absolutely no big deal in another scene. They just keep making up whatever is necessary for the story. Granted, this issue is also in the normal Walking Dead since forever, so whatever I guess. Anyways. Need to find a new tv show now, preferably something that won't melt my brain.
  2. Never heard of them. Who are these people and does their word have any weight for anything?
  3. What exactly does that mean? Is that the HQ stuff that got announced already a couple days ago?
  4. Guess I just hope it won't be like that Sabrina show.
  5. Still not sure if I'm excited or not. Kinda have big hopes, but a part of me feels like I'll stop watching after 2 episodes tops. : x
  6. Funny how you are away for 3 years just to come back to only post in the Ukraine thread as a russian shill. Really makes you wonder.
  7. Suicide attacks are bad. Saw some comments on other sites that said the driver was a hero and bs like that, but no, if it was indeed a suicide attack, then the driver wasn't a hero, the driver was stupid as a bag of bread.
  8. This is just going to be garbage anyways. At this point it's impossible for them to not produce garbage.
  9. Picked up Fear the Walking Dead again, since I have absolutely nothing else to watch. I'm in the middle of season 7 now and I just want this pain to end. The writing is so stupid, I really can't anymore.
  10. There's a video of a burning oil (fuel?) train directly on the bridge. My wild guess is they rigged it to explode. /Edit: There's also another video where the first explosion happens.
  11. I watched maybe 3/4 of the original, then just stopped at some point because ... it was just kinda bleh. Never watched the new version either, though, so there's that. /Edit: Kinda funny how on the internet the whole show is pretty much just 2 memes. The rain thing and the dog.
  12. I'm a bit out of the loop with this one, but why does Turkey want those islands? Anything of value on them except for military bases?
  13. Is this a joke, lol. This is literally "anniversary" edition - every year they release the same game again.
  14. Apparently there is a covid outbreak in one of the mobilization centers and russia handles it as they usually handle things: Locking people into unventilated train cars without medical attention or anything else. Pretty hilarious levels of cope.
  15. With Rogue. Later I found out there is a suicide-option as well, but didn't really want to play with female V anymore. Started new game with male V and so far I think the voice is much more fitting.
  16. I just blew everything up. Didn't even do stealth. Just murdered my way to the bottom.
  17. Just to clarify: I never believed the US is behind this. Why do you think russia is winning here? They just had another huge frontline fold and there's no reason to assume this is going to stop anytime soon.
  18. Heh, while we were talking about Musk. https://archive.ph/jKnck "U.S. quietly paying millions to send Starlink terminals to Ukraine, contrary to SpaceX claims" So much to Musk donating this.
  19. Normally that should already be in the initial / early budget calculations. E.g. they are dedicating x amount of money for y amount of support time after release.
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