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Everything posted by Undecaf

  1. The difference is that those liberal celebrities that you speak of usually push for said things. It didn't seem like they were overtly doing anything like the stuff that conservatives don't like. I'm liberal/progressive/left-leaning myself, so, maybe someone else would see it differently. Sure. I just said that it is easy to spot these kinds of things whilst the agenda is pushed so prevalently and visibly around these industry. I suppose that's the gist of it. I haven't played it.
  2. Haven't played Tyranny, but can't really blame people for noticing **** like this and underlining it as appearing... unpleasant. The understones and occasional outbursts - that everyone knows - in the entertainment industry being what they are today.
  3. Burning time with Wizardry 7 at the moment and waiting for Grimoire's patching marathon to reach the second half and the game in GOG. Might be a long wait, but it doesn't matter.
  4. I wouldn't want them to do any "fantasy". I'm just about done with elves, dwarves, wizards broad swords snd chainmails; or their "science-fantasy" counterparts. I'd really like to see Obsidian doing something more grouded to current day, history not beyond the past 150 or so years, or - more preferably - near future low-scifi.
  5. Don't forget to put a pinball in the corner so idlers have something to do... https://static1.squarespace.com/static/56238e70e4b079b0ec755562/t/56aff09f3b0be3cc4e0ec157/1455460312293/
  6. Cyberpunk 2020. (CDPR isn't exactly doing that (a conversion of the tabletop game). They are not using the now-retro "80's scifi" theme, nor the PnP rules either in the way they were used in the tabletop game.) Other than that... I remember Paranoia was a good little bit of fun. Might work on computer too.
  7. No, it's... not (a bad thing). I just had it in mind that it wouldn't be quite this close a relative. No matter, though.
  8. Looks pretty interesting, but I can't shake it off how much it apparently apes from XCOM.
  9. Sure. Although, I do think there should always be a possibility to fail. Think about a chance for the opponent (and why not the player as well should there be need) to shove the players gun aside if he goes toting it too close. And obviously try to dodge.
  10. I'd have it the opposite way. With low skill I'd rather miss often and score high impact hits when I do, than dink those little bits off the enemy whilst always being pro with accuracy. I don't think low skill gameplay needs be particularly satisfying or "feel good", and accuracy penalties (leaving the damage values intact) underlines the need for and feel of progression better than damage (in my view).
  11. Hope they keep the romance stuff to a bare minimum (if applying it at all in the end). I can't recall a game where it would've worked and I'd hate to need to monitor the CNPC's in order to avoid some weird honeydrenched moments popping up. The companion relationship stuff otherwise is well and good.
  12. I'd like to know too. The premise of "hunt a god, save your soul (before he ****s **** up for everyone)" sounds trite and done to death in fantasy games. Not very exciting baseline; boring to be honest. What's the catch here? Is there any?
  13. The only one I can think of was in Divinity: Original Sin where, if you had the perk that allowed you to talk to animals, you could help a cat in a bar to get things going with another cat. It was stuff like straight from some children's book, but it was kinda cute, very brief, and it didn't resort to awkwardly written and offputting seduction minigame shoved at the players face.
  14. Deus Ex put on hiatus due to underwhelming sales. Too much lazy popamole, one of the creatures was too slick and the hammer struck a hole to the bottom of the boat and this is what happens. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017-01-30-dont-expect-another-deus-ex-game-anytime-soon
  15. I get frustrated by managing coins in my purse, so yes. Too bad there's no one unlimited penny there.
  16. People get frustrated by managing a stack of projectiles in the inventory? Oh boy...
  17. I don't really care if it's 5 or 6. 6 is just fine (and traditional), but all the loss of 1 really does is slightly increasing the load on the remaining 5 making each a bit more important part of the whole. I can live with that (provided the encounter design is well done).
  18. I'd add more comprehensive set of world/item/NPC interactions and reactions, and few more out-of-combat skills to spice up the characterprogression and move it away from that rather simple "create the bestestest murder-death-kill-squad possible" set of mind.
  19. Yeah, leave the romance stuff for Bioware and CD Project.
  20. Might the bird (in the ship image) count? It appears as if part of the party in that image.
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